The light and slightly chaotic footsteps echoed in front of the quiet Huayang Palace. The gate of Huayang Palace was majestic. Under the rising crescent moon, it was covered with a layer of silver. A night breeze blew. Compared with the southwest of Handan, Xianyang should have a cool autumn breeze in September, but at this moment, the three people in front of the gate felt a deep winter chill for no reason.

Ying Zheng subconsciously touched the belt and touched a few round objects. He calmed down a little and let out a long breath. This was given to him by Bai Xiaosheng. Whenever he was upset, he would touch it a few times to calm his mind. But Bai Xiaosheng had hoped a long time ago that he could get rid of these external objects and control himself.

Da Da Da~

At some point, the originally chaotic footsteps gradually became unified, landing at the same time and lifting their feet at the same time. As Bai Xiaosheng in front of him lifted his feet and landed, the two young men, Ying Zheng and Zhao Gao, followed carefully, fearing that they would step on a wrong syllable.

Bai Xiaosheng turned back speechlessly and glanced at Zhao Gao. He didn't know the way. Fortunately, the Queen Mother in Huayang Palace seemed to have been prepared. Yellow lanterns were hung all the way to guide the three people to the bedroom. Ying Zheng felt uncomfortable and forced himself to move forward a few steps. The footsteps were chaotic again. He gently pulled the teacher's sleeve and whispered,"Teacher, I'm still a little nervous."

Zhao Gao, who was standing next to him, also looked pale and felt very strange. He came to Huayang Palace almost every day. Why did he feel so panic today? Seeing that Bai Xiaosheng wanted to say something to comfort Ying Zheng, the future master he had determined to be, he frowned and warned in a very low voice,"The palace is not like other places. You two, be careful with your words."

After saying this, a cold light flashed on the rockery in the courtyard not far away, flashing across Zhao Gao's eyebrows. He quickly closed his mouth and walked forward hunched over.

Bai Xiaosheng could see clearly that it was the reflection of arrows and hidden weapons. It was the secret sentries distributed in Huayang Palace who were warning them intentionally or unintentionally.

The three of them had no trouble along the way. They walked on the bluestone road and came to the Huayang Palace. The cold light similar to that in the rockery never appeared again, just like the moon in the water, visible but not real.

Bai Xiaosheng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He thought that coming to Huayang Palace today was just a simple test, but he didn't know that the other party had shown his power before he even met him. Although the Queen Mother Huayang lived in the inner palace and was a woman, she was definitely a tough character. Think about it, An Guojun had countless wives and concubines, and many children, but he only doted on the childless Lady Huayang. His means were not insignificant.

Finally, finally, after a"long journey", the three finally arrived in front of the Huayang Palace. Zhao Gao, who had followed all the way, retreated cautiously to the back at this time, not daring to make a sound. In front of the palace gate, a beardless eunuch with long eyebrows and white hair was very eye-catching. When he walked in, who else could it be but the eunuch Gao Gonggong?

Eunuch Gao smiled and said to Bai Xiaosheng,"Your Highness, Sir, you are here. The Queen Mother has ordered that you go to the side hall to rest for a while. She wants to meet Prince Zheng alone."

Bai Xiaosheng raised his eyebrows and wondered if what he said on the road was heard by the secret sentry and reported to Huayang, which led to such a scene of a private meeting. I am afraid that I can't accompany Ying Zheng. This time it depends on him. This is the first test for Prince Zheng to become Crown Prince Zheng.

As for Ying Zheng, at this time, he looked at Huayang's bedroom, which was like a giant beast in the night. For some reason, he didn't feel a bit panic in his heart, as if he had been scared enough. For him, Huayang has only two identities: one is his biological grandmother, and the other is one of the murderers who wanted to kill him. However, this is Xianyang Palace, and no matter how stupid Huayang is, he will not choose to do it here.

After thinking this through, Ying Zheng straightened his clothes and followed a pretty palace maid into the door of the bedroom. Bai Xiaosheng was pulled by Eunuch Gao to the side hall.

Three or two plates of peanuts, four or five luminous cups, and only two bottles of full wine can relieve worries.

Eunuch Gao chewed peanuts, his demeanor was very friendly, just like an old man next door. Bai Xiaosheng was in a trance, and almost forgot that the person sitting opposite him was the notorious"Lord of the Sky Net".

Bai Xiaosheng habitually held the cup in his left hand, and secretly put his right hand on the writing tool in his sleeve. He had to stay calm and be alert. Eunuch Gao smiled and glanced at him, and said in a friendly manner:"The gentleman's remarks in the corridor are indeed brilliant, 'the lower ones work physically, the middle ones work intellectually, and the upper ones are old', wonderful, really wonderful." Bai

Xiaosheng's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, sure enough, the walls have ears, and he made up his mind to control his mouth in the future when he is on someone else's territory. So he chuckled and said:"These three sentences are the words of the Confucian sage Master Meng, and we young people are just parrots."

"I am not a Confucian scholar, I don't read those sour and smelly things."Eunuch Gao said,"Although your words are the experience of the predecessors, aren't they also my own understanding?"

As a businessman, Bai Xiaosheng has the deepest understanding of the three, six, and nine levels of people. Although it is true that Mencius first proposed the three-level division, Bai Xiaosheng realized it himself in his youth, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is his own opinion. Originally a proud person, Bai Xiaosheng gladly accepted the other party's praise.

There is a saying that only drinking friends can make friends when drunk. When they raised their glasses and drank, three or two glasses had passed, and the two of them talked a lot.

Eunuch Gao slowly narrowed his eyes and tried to make himself smile more friendly, but how friendly could a eunuch's smile be?

"I didn't give the order to send someone to assassinate Prince Zheng."

Bai Xiaosheng was slightly stunned. Is this... a gesture of goodwill?

"Who is it?" Bai Xiaosheng asked as a matter of course. He already had the answer in his mind. He asked this question to confirm the attitude of Eunuch Gao or Queen Mother Huayang. If the other party gave the correct answer, then the other party at least did not reject Ying Zheng. Otherwise,……

"Didn't you guess it?"Eunuch Gao smiled and asked back, then he slipped away.

His plan failed, and Bai Xiaosheng laughed secretly.���An old dog indeed.

Suddenly, the old dog opposite him looked serious and said,"I can guarantee that until the crown prince is established, there will be no more assassinations of princes by Luowang."

Impartial? Bai Xiaosheng nodded to show that he understood. The old dog's words have already shown the attitude of Queen Mother Huayang. You can fight for the position of the crown prince. If you fight, I will lose.

With a creak, the door of the side hall opened. The two people in the hall looked and saw a young man walking in.

When they approached, it was Ying Zheng with a sweaty face and a pale face. He only heard him tremblingly say,"Teacher, Zheng'er is dead~"

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