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"Just send a palace maid?" A deep voice came from behind the deputy general, with a hint of anger,"I didn't expect that the prince's brother is so arrogant and doesn't take our soldiers seriously at all!"

Who else is qualified to call Cheng Jiao the second brother except Ying Zheng?

Li Wu smiled slightly and said very respectfully:"Your Highness Zheng misunderstood. Your Highness Cheng Jiao caught a cold and it is inconvenient for him to get off the car to meet you, so he sent me to apologize."

The other party is so good-tempered. Although I don't know whether Cheng Jiao caught the cold accidentally or deliberately, since he said so, I can't climb into the car to check it out.

Ying Zheng, Wang Jian and their personal soldiers looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

The ministers at the gate of Xianyang City glanced at the delegation and then at the triumphant army. They saw that this was a typical"Wang family conflict" and wisely decided not to get involved and let them make trouble.

Prince Cheng Jiao was on a diplomatic mission to Han for several months and gained a hundred miles of land in Han without fighting. This contribution was not big, but it was not small either. However, in front of the triumphant army that repelled the five countries, it was very obvious.

As the prince of Cheng Jiao, he brought with him more than 500 guards, and of course, there were another seven Ba Linglongs who were hiding somewhere unknown.

Although those guards were not as brave as the warriors on the battlefield, they were also brave.

When more than 500 of them stood together, there was a cold murderous aura in the air.

This was not the murderous aura from fighting on the battlefield, but the murderous aura honed in the endless darkness.

Most of these 500 guards were in Luo Wang.

At this time, they were almost unable to suppress their murderous aura when competing with the army.

Everyone had a cold and strange look on their faces.

People in the dark have an instinctive rejection and dislike for people in the sun.

Li Wu just waved his hand lightly, and there was a The neighing sounded suddenly, and the five hundred guards separated like flowing water. Each of the two hundred and fifty horses was accurately controlled by the riders, clearing a large space on the not-so-wide official road.

Cai Ze was the most experienced and the highest-ranking official present at the moment.

He felt very uncomfortable in the awkward silence of the officials, and stood up.

He didn't want Cheng Jiao to have a falling out with Wang Zizheng under such circumstances.

First, today was the day when the army returned in triumph, and no matter who lost face, the military must not lose face.

Second, Cheng Jiao might not be able to win over Wang Zizheng.

He was about to say something to smooth things over, but amid the neighing of the horses, he was Few people could hear clearly.

Ying Zheng was riding his horse and standing at the front of the army column at this time, frowning slightly, unwilling to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, the horses of the delegation's personal guards took advantage of the power of clearing the road and rushed over.

These cold-blooded killers who had lived in the dark for many years would never take Ying Zheng seriously.

Seeing him talking arrogantly just now, they were full of coldness.

At this time, they even wanted to deliberately scare him to the ground and humiliate him.

So the several tall horses in front of him passed by Ying Zheng's body directly, which looked extremely dangerous.

Ying Zheng's face turned cold, his brows were furrowed, and he jumped on the neighing horse, whipped it and shouted in the direction of the delegation:"Second brother, watch your dog!"

When the Luowang killers heard this, their eyes lit up immediately, and they rode their horses even faster to gallop beside Zheng, some of them even pushed their horses' faces forward intentionally.

Until now, Gongzi Cheng has not shown up to see people, it seems that he really caught a cold as Li Wu said.

Li Wu raised the corner of her mouth and smiled charmingly. She did not expect that the legendary Prince Zheng would be fearless in the face of danger. She was slightly startled and suddenly said:"Prince Zheng had better be careful. Horses are beasts and have no human nature. If these dogs accidentally ride their horses and hit Your Highness, it will be our fault."

This was originally Li Wu's kind reminder, but she didn't want to fall into the ears of the Luowang killers, who thought it was a signal from their master. Ba Linglong and the other Luowang killers hiding in the dark showed up one after another, and walked out like green smoke, some standing on the carriage, some standing on the commanding heights, with a cold murderous aura, locking on Ying Zheng.

"You can't do that!" Cai Ze was horrified. The two princes of Qin actually fought outside the capital? If this gets out to the world, how can Qin keep its reputation?

The ministers who came to greet them also reacted at this time. Looking at the cold killers, they realized that these people were a group of cold-blooded weapons and shouted,"Stop! Stop!"

Li Wu also came back to his senses, raised his hand and made a gesture of holding. When the Luowang killer saw this, his face was expressionless, just like when he appeared, he disappeared like smoke.

The horses surrounding Ying Zheng were also ready to pull back, but unexpectedly, a stone splashed from somewhere hit the eye of a big horse. The horse felt pain, kicked its hooves in the air, twisted its long neck, and immediately made the horses around it chaotic at the same time.

The two horses rushed towards Ying Zheng at the same time!

This was purely an accident. Li Wu was ten feet away and could do nothing when she saw it. If Wang Zizheng was really injured, I am afraid that she and Wang Zichengjiao behind her would be punished.

Hiss! The horse rushed straight past, burying Ying Zheng in the rising dust. Only the masters could faintly see two bright lights in the dust.

Bang Bang~ Two crashing sounds, the smoke and dust gradually settled, and people saw Ying Zheng sitting still on his horse, with a look of effort and anger on his face. The two frightened horses collapsed beside him, and the riders seemed to have fainted. The two horses were not so lucky. Two fresh horse heads flew far away with two pools of blood mist. The headless horse corpses frightened the horse under Ying Zheng and made it neigh non-stop. Behind

Ying Zheng, a swordsman in a brown shirt, holding a sword in one hand, with a cold face and cold eyes, looked at Li Wu and other Luowang killers not far away. With one sword and two flashes, he cut off the heads of the two horses. What a fast sword, what a fast man!

At this time, Cheng Jiao finally couldn't sit still. He lifted the curtain of the car, bowed to Ying Zheng from a distance, and said:"My brother did not control me strictly, and I made you laugh. Cheng Jiao apologizes here."

Ying Zheng snorted coldly and said,"My brother, the soldiers fought hard in the battle, but they didn't expect that as soon as they returned to Xianyang, they would be cut off by you! It's really disheartening for the soldiers."

Looking at the swordsman behind Ying Zheng, Cheng Jiao's pupils shrank slightly, his face became colder, and he was guessing the identity of this person. The personal guard beside him came forward and said a few words. After hearing these words, Cheng Jiao's eyes widened, and he looked at the swordsman again, frowned and said,"It turns out to be the descendant of Guiguzi!"_

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