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"The one behind Prince Cheng Jiao should be one of the Eight Linglongs." Gai Nie looked at Li Wu and said,"So is this palace maid."

Ying Zheng frowned and asked,"Do you know her?"

"Gai Nie didn't know them."Gai Nie responded in a deep voice, shaking his hand and shaking off the blood from the sword, and then replied,"The teacher once mentioned the Eight Linglong. The Eight Linglong are eight in one, including men, women, young and old. Two or three of them are highly skilled in martial arts, and three or four are not strong in martial arts but have all kinds of strange skills... driving bees, Western Shu poison, very strange. Those who have seen it are all dead."

Gai Nie's voice was light and solemn. A trace of confusion lingered between Ying Zheng's brows, thinking about how to deal with Cheng Jiao.

Gai Nie clearly read out the names of the Eight Linglong:"Kun Po, Li Wu, Dui Li, Gen Shi, Kan Shu, Zhen Hou, Xun Feng."Every time he recited a word, he glanced in a certain direction, as if the place where he looked was the hiding place of Ba Linglong.

Ba Linglong was Luowang's most powerful weapon, but because Queen Mother Huayang favored Cheng Jiao, Ba Linglong was almost becoming Cheng Jiao's private soldier. Ying Zheng felt that the road ahead was bleak. Suddenly, he found that Gai Nie had only said seven names, and the first one of the seven trigrams was missing,"Qian". Qian was the first of the innate Bagua, and in Ba Linglong, it meant leader and commander.

"What about Qian position?"

"I don't know."Gai Nie shook his head,"The teacher didn't tell me, so I don't know." Ying

Zheng didn't ask any more questions, thinking, even the teacher couldn't find out, who exactly is this leader Qian?

At this time, the Luowang killers under Cheng Jiao had already carried the two unconscious people back. Now these cold-blooded killers have learned their lesson and are just waiting for their master. But at this moment, Cheng Jiao suddenly smiled, got off the carriage, and walked in front of Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng dismounted to greet him to show his attitude.

This pair of half-brothers who have never met each other since they were young, met for the first time in a real sense at this moment and here.

Cheng Jiao smiled and stepped forward and said,"My brother is so majestic. I heard that my brother fought Li Mu at Hangu Pass. Cheng Jiao is so envious. I hope you can...……"He suddenly leaned over and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear,"I hope that my brother will show mercy in front of the position of the crown prince." He asked for mercy, but Cheng Jiao's words were tantamount to a declaration of war.

Ying Zheng sighed secretly. He had known for a long time that after returning to Xianyang this time, the issue of establishing a crown prince would be put on the agenda. The rift between the brothers was imminent, and he had been mentally prepared. But when he heard the declaration of war from his brother Cheng Jiao himself, he still felt sad.

At this time, he really wanted to ask his teacher if there was a possibility of coexistence between them... How he hoped that someone could answer this question.

Ying Zheng, who asked himself in vain, suddenly looked up and looked directly into his brother Cheng Jiao's eyes and said,"We are brothers, why do we have to do this? My brother is waiting for my move!"

The person who could answer this question was at the gate of Xianyang City, watching the first confrontation between Ying Zheng and Cheng Jiao under the city.

"Why don't you go down and take care of it?" Bai Xiaosheng looked at the city with a smile, his hands behind his back, obviously not intending to take action.

The man next to him had a calm expression. When he saw Ying Zheng coming out, a few emotions flashed in his eyes, pity, love, regret and hesitation... It was very complicated to sum it up in one word. After that, Cheng Jiao got off the car and met with Ying Zheng and his brother. He seemed respectful but implied contempt and disdain. He couldn't help but sigh, and seemed very disappointed.

"Cheng Jiao is still a little bit behind……"The man retracted his gaze, turned around and walked down the stone steps of the city gate. Eunuch Gao, who was waiting not far away, hurriedly followed him down.

Bai Xiaosheng shrugged his shoulders, chased after him and asked,"Brother Yiren, what's wrong with Cheng Jiao?"

Yiren was the former name of Qin Wang Zichu.

This middle-aged Qin King who had no signs of longevity said slowly,"He is too dark.

The so-called king is the most dazzling person standing under the sun.

Zheng'er does a good job in this aspect.

" Speaking of this, he sighed and said with some regret,"Queen Mother Huayang loves Cheng Jiao, but in the end, she failed to love him and hurt him.

Luowang is a killing weapon, a killer in the dark.

If you stay with Luowang for a long time, even the most sunny people will become dark.


Bai Xiaosheng nodded in agreement. A king can be incompetent and occasionally confused, but he must never be treacherous, especially in front of others.

The two walked to the foot of the city. At this time, there was a noise outside the city gate, and the momentum was getting louder and louder. Amid the neighing of war horses, Bai Xiaosheng heard the curses and injustices of the soldiers.

Inside the city, the King of Qin's imperial carriage was quietly waiting. When the Dragon and Tiger Cavalrymen who were guarding the carriage saw the two people coming down, they skillfully made way and greeted them respectfully. A servant had already bowed and crouched beside the carriage.

Seeing this, Zichu was not going to care about the two kids outside the city. Bai Xiaosheng laughed and scolded,"Children are fighting, and you, as a father, don't care?"

"Didn't you notice that one person is missing?"After saying this, Prince Chu of Qin got into the car and left without looking back.

Bai Xiaosheng was stunned, remembering that the mysterious eunuch Gao disappeared halfway down the city. When did this old dog slip away? Like a ghost, silently... Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a sharp voice outside the city:"Pass on the king's oral order, the envoys and the army will enter the city together. The curfew in Xianyang City will be lifted for three days, and the whole world will celebrate!"

"Thank you, King……"

Amid the shouts of the subjects, no one noticed that Prince Chu of Qin had come, and no one saw the King of Qin leave.

Bai Xiaosheng touched a parchment book in his hand, thinking of the situation at the city gate just now, he couldn't help but smile, and said admiringly:"Who would have thought that Prince Chu of Qin, who listens to Prime Minister Lu in everything, is the real wise fool. In this world, ordinary people are nothing but ignorant people."

He looked up at the majestic and magnificent dark palace in the center of Xianyang City, turned his face and said with regret:"It's a pity, God is jealous." Suddenly, he remembered that the Qin State had no incompetent rulers for six consecutive generations, so he chuckled and said,"Maybe God is jealous of this country of Qin."

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