【"The people of the world may be content, but the princes and nobles of the six kingdoms are not."】

【"The people of the six states were under the rule of the princes and nobles of the six states, and they obeyed the orders of the princes and nobles of the six states."】

【"If it were you, how would you be able to bypass the princes and nobles of the six countries and win the hearts of the people of the six countries and make them support the Qin Dynasty?"】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at Fusu and further tested him.】

【Fusu did not answer immediately, but lowered his head to think carefully.】

【In this regard, King Qin Ying Zheng did not urge】

【When he heard Fusu talk about the gains of"people's minds being settled", he already had a lot of ideas in his mind.】

【As for the rest, I will wait until the court meeting later to gather ideas with other ministers and refine it in detail.】

【The reason why I asked Fusu now was just to"exploit" Fusu a little more, to see where the limit of his intelligence was, and whether there were any more surprises for me.】

【Even if Fusu's answer was the same as what he thought, it would be enough to surprise him.】

【Even if Fusu couldn't answer, based on these two gains today, Ying Zheng dared to say that among the six countries, no prince of any vassal state could be smarter than his eldest son Fusu!】

【With the eldest son Fusu like this, the next generation of the Great Qin can be safe! 】

Seeing this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng could not help but nodded in agreement.

Indeed, in terms of the intelligence shown by Fusu on the sky curtain, no prince of any of the six vassal states could compare to him.

The next generation of the Great Qin can indeed be safe.

However, that is another Great Qin that can be safe.

What about his Great Qin?

Thinking of this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng shifted his gaze to Prince Fusu and said in a calm tone:

"Fusu, if you were the one who had the power, how would you win the hearts of the people of the six kingdoms and make them support the Qin?"

Although the Qin had destroyed the six kingdoms, it had only destroyed the six kingdoms and had not really won the hearts of the people of the six kingdoms, let alone turned them from the people of the six kingdoms into the people of the Qin.

So Ying Zheng also wanted to see what Fusu thought about this question.

Upon hearing this, Fusu answered without thinking:

"Implement benevolent policies, lighten taxes and levies, and allow the people to rest and recuperate, so that the people of the six countries can be won over."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng did not say whether Fusu's answer was right or wrong, but turned to look at the other princes and princesses and said:

"What about you? Do you have your own ideas?"

The princes and princesses did not expect that their father would actually ask them, and they had never thought about similar questions before.

Even though a few princes wanted to answer, they did not know what to say for a moment.

In the end, they either stammered,"Brother is right," or were speechless.

Seeing this scene, a hint of disappointment flashed across Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's eyes.

Whether it was Fusu or other princes and princesses, from the current point of view, none of them really met the standard requirements of the heir in his mind.

To be honest, the current Fusu and the princes and princesses are not as satisfactory as the five-year-old Fusu on the sky.

Then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was too lazy to pay attention to Fusu and the other princes and princesses, and continued to look up at the sky, wanting to see how the other Fusu would answer.

【After thinking for a long time, Fusu looked up at his father and replied:"Propaganda, build momentum!"】

【"Although Qin wanted to unify the six kingdoms in the past, it may have done so in order to avoid the six kingdoms uniting to resist Qin."】

【"So even if Qin really wanted to unify the six kingdoms, it never really publicized this idea to the world!"】

【"Therefore, even though the princes and nobles of the six states may all know that Qin has the intention to unify the world, the common people of the six states do not know."】

【"They didn't know what kind of great country Qin wanted to create, nor did they know what their lives would be like under this great country Qin created."】

【"Everything about Daqin was strange to the people of the six kingdoms."】

【"And unfamiliarity often means fear!"】

【"And fear will lead to resistance and opposition!"】

【"So I think that from now on we should promote the Great Qin to the six kingdoms and even to the people of the world."】

【"Let the people of the six kingdoms, and even the people of the world, know that the Qin Dynasty is not only a fierce army, but also a righteous army! A righteous army!"】

【"We must let the people of the six states, and even the people of the world, know that Qin conquered the six states not to kill their relatives, take away their land, or plunder their wealth."】

【"But it was to end the chaos that had lasted for hundreds of years since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!"】

【"It is to create a great country without national boundaries, without language misunderstandings, without the threat of war, where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, and the seven countries of Guizhou can live together in harmony!"】

【"It is to unify the world and make it governed by Qin!"】

【"It is to bring peace to the world forever!"】

【After Fusu finished speaking, Qin King Ying Zheng could no longer hold back his excitement. He slammed the table, stood up, and shouted,"Cheers!"】

【Then, King Qin Ying Zheng couldn't help but hold the little Fusu opposite him in the air, laughing and saying,"I have a unicorn son Fusu, who will surely open the gate of the Qin Dynasty!" King

Qin Ying Zheng on the sky curtain was excited, and Emperor Qin Ying Zheng and a group of civil and military officials under the sky curtain were also overwhelmed.

Why did they destroy the six countries?

Unify the world?

If it was before, the monarchs and ministers of the Qin Dynasty would definitely say that it was naturally to unify the world, otherwise why would they waste their minds to destroy the six countries. But now, under the narration of Fusu on the sky curtain, they suddenly felt that it was not only"superficial" to destroy the six countries and unify the world, but also had a greater goal.

That is to end the chaos that has lasted for hundreds of years since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

Create a great country without national boundaries, without language misunderstandings, without the threat of war, where everyone can live and work in peace, and the seven countries of Qiandu can live harmoniously together!

Let the world return to one, and settle in Qin!

Open peace for all ages!

It is precisely because they have such a lofty and great goal that the ancestors of the Qin State, the civil officials and generals, and the old Qin people were so determined to reform and strengthen the Qin State, to go east through the Hangu Pass, to destroy the six kingdoms and unify the world!

Compared with the princes and nobles of the six kingdoms who only cared about eating, drinking, playing, living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, or only wanted to secede and survive, and never really thought about unifying the whole world.

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, their Great Qin is simply as brilliant as the sun, while the princes and nobles of the other six kingdoms are as small as fireflies, and they are not worthy of being compared with the Great Qin at all. They deserved to be destroyed by them.

Going back, this matter will be further publicized to reduce the reputation left by the princes and nobles of the six kingdoms and reduce the original resistance of the people of the six kingdoms to the rule of the Great Qin.

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