【Fusu looked at his father and continued,"As for destiny?"】

【"Does your father believe in destiny?"】

【"Or does my father think that the Qin State can be unified today because of the destiny?"】

【"With just one sentence"Mandate of Heaven", you are erasing the hard work and efforts that countless emperors, ministers, soldiers and people of Qin throughout the ages have made in order to expand eastward, strengthen the country and unify the country. Do you think this is justified, father?"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng was silent for a while, then nodded:"You are right!"】

【"The Qin State never believed in destiny!"】

【"Every inch of the Qin State was won by our Qin ancestors, soldiers and people through swords and guns, and through fighting!"】

【"If we believed in destiny, if we accepted fate, our Qin State would have perished long ago!"】


Under the sky, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng couldn't help cheering for himself in another world.

Just as his other self said, Qin never believed in destiny, let alone recognized destiny!

So even if the Qin Dynasty was going to perish, he would definitely reverse this destiny, let the Qin Dynasty prosper forever, and let the Qin Dynasty last for ten thousand years!

The eunuch Zhao Gao, who was standing not far away, saw this scene and immediately bowed loudly:

"Long live your majesty! Long live the Qin Dynasty!"

Seeing this, the other civil and military officials also bowed and said:

"Long live your majesty! Long live the Great Qin!" The ruler and his subjects of the Great Qin were all of one mind at this moment.

【"Apart from 'power comes from the common people', what else have you gained from history books?"】

【After hearing the first point, King Qin Ying Zheng knocked on the table and continued to ask】

【He was very curious about how much more surprise his eldest son could give him.】

【Fusu nodded and continued,"The second thing I learned from history books is that people's minds are stable."】

【"Since King Ping of Zhou moved the capital eastward to Luoyi, the princes of the world have been fighting each other for five hundred years."】

【"For the past five hundred years, the people of the world have lived in insecurity and their lives have been worthless."】

【"Days like this have almost pushed the people of the world to their limit of patience."】

【"Now what the people of the six countries in the world desire most is stability, what they hope for most is peace, and what they want most is to recuperate!"】

【"Whoever can satisfy their wish will receive their warmest support!"】

【Hearing this, King Ying Zheng of Qin suddenly said:"As you said, the princes of the world have been fighting for five hundred years."】

【"Over the past five hundred years, the people of the six kingdoms have all had relatives killed by Qin. It is no exaggeration to say that there is deep hatred among the seven kingdoms."】

【"Under such circumstances, can Qin still get their support?"】

【Fusu nodded and said affirmatively:"Yes!"】

【"People always have to look forward!"】

【"The fathers and ancestors of the people of the six kingdoms may have died at the hands of Qin."】

【"But didn’t the Qin people’s fathers and ancestors die at the hands of the people of the six kingdoms?"】

【"Didn’t the fathers and ancestors of the people of the six countries die at the hands of the people of the six countries?"】

【"If we really want to settle this blood debt, it will never be settled."】

【"The only way to settle the score is for the people of one country to completely massacre the people of the other six countries. Only when the people of the other six countries are completely wiped out, can this bloody debt be truly put to an end."】

【"But is this really possible?"】

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng shook his head. It was impossible.

Even though the Qin State has unified the six states, it cannot do such a brutal thing as slaughtering all the people of the six states.

Once it really does this, the people of the six states who fight back desperately will be enough to drag Qin State to destruction.

In the past, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng did not care about the power of the people, because he could not see the people.

But after listening to Tianmu Fusu's story just now, he also realized that even those people who had never been taken seriously by him before, once united, would be enough to burst out with shocking power.

【"Whether the ancestors and fathers of the old Qin people died at the hands of the people of the six kingdoms, or the ancestors and fathers of the people of the six kingdoms died at the hands of the old Qin people, the blood debt between the people of the seven kingdoms should end here."】

【"If there are still some people who cannot let go of the blood debt of their ancestors and fathers, then please let them take a look at their descendants."】

【"Then ask them whether they want their descendants to continue to live a precarious life, continue to go to the battlefield, and finally die on the battlefield without even their bodies being found?"】

【"Or do they want the war to end in their generation, leaving a stable and peaceful world for their descendants, so that their descendants will no longer have to worry about war, and can enjoy the happiness of family life with the whole family, and grow up healthy and happy?"】

【"I think the vast majority of people in Guizhou will choose the latter."】

【"Because people live not only for the hatred of their ancestors and parents, but also for themselves and their descendants."】

【Fusu said in a calm tone.

The common people in Qin, as well as the former Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Han all looked up at Fusu on the sky curtain and fell into a long silence. For hundreds of years during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the common people of the world have fought for hundreds of years. Under the propaganda and guidance of the monarchs and nobles of various countries, they have hated each other for hundreds of years. Will they continue to fight and hate each other?

Will they continue to let their descendants live a precarious life like them?

Will they continue to let their descendants go to the battlefield like their fathers and grandfathers in the past, and never come back?

The common people from all over the world thought about the blood feuds accumulated by their ancestors and fathers, and at the same time thought about the war described by Fusu on the sky curtain ending in their generation. Future generations will no longer have to worry about war and will enjoy a peaceful and healthy future.

In the end, the common people of the former Han land pouted:

"Bah, the Qin people killed my father, but my grandfather also killed the Qin people, so I am even with the Qin people!"

The people of Chu laughed:

"Hahaha, the Qin people killed eight of my ancestors, fathers, and brothers, and my ancestors, fathers, and brothers killed eleven Qin people. So, I am still the one who got the upper hand. I can't let the Qin people get the upper hand again."

The people of the former Qi land suddenly knelt down in the direction of the graves of their ancestors and fathers, kowtowed several times, and said in a deep voice:

"I'm sorry, Dad. I'm an unfilial son. I may not be able to avenge you."

"I want Gou'er and his family to live well, and not have to live the precarious life you and I had before."

The people of the former Zhao land sighed:

"Just trust the Qin people once, trust the Prince Fusu in heaven once"


I hope the war will end in our generation, and that our descendants can live a peaceful and healthy life.

"Now that Qin has conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, can we live in peace and stability in the future?"

The people of Wei looked up to the sky and shouted:

"We want to rest and recuperate!"

"We want to live a peaceful and stable life!"

"We can stop hating the Qin people!"......

Xiang Liang, Wei Ju, Tian Dan and other nobles of the six countries all changed their faces when they heard the reactions of the common people around them.

Although they thought they were very noble and looked down on the common people, they also knew that if they wanted to overthrow the tyranny of Qin, they had to rely on the common people.

And if the common people of the six countries no longer hated Qin and no longer resisted the rule of Ying Zheng, then it would be impossible for them to overthrow the tyranny of Qin.

Thinking of this, Xiang Liang, Wei Ju, Tian Dan and other nobles of the six countries could not help but curse:

""Damn Fusu!"

First, he shook the correctness and naturalness of their aristocratic power, then overturned their noble bloodline theory, and now he is asking the people of the six countries to start letting go of their hatred for Qin.

This is simply to cut off their hope of restoring their country and force them into a dead end!

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