"When will the day come when both you and I will die?"

"" King Li fled to Zhui, and the people expelled the king."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng silently repeated these two sentences.

Although Qin Emperor Ying Zheng did not know much about the history of Xia, Shang and Zhou, he still knew the two very famous historical allusions,"When the time comes, you and I will both perish" and"King Li fled to Zhui, and the people expelled the king."

It's just that in the past, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng understood these two stories from the perspective of Xia Jie's tyranny and King Li's absurdity.

But now, under the explanation of Tianmu Fusu, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng understood these two stories from another perspective for the first time, and saw those hidden in these two stories. The power possessed by the common people.

Thinking of what Tianmu Fusu said,"Only those who are supported and recognized by millions of old Qin people are the real kings", the eyes of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also became deep.

If someone can really get the support and recognition of millions of old Qin people, then is he, the Qin Emperor, really the Qin Emperor?

Obviously not!

Even if he is still the Qin Emperor in name, he is just a puppet who can be easily abolished by others.

At this moment, the high and mighty Qin Emperor Ying Zheng finally lowered his eyes and looked at the common people who he could not see at all in the past.

【King Qin Ying Zheng pondered for a long time before looking up at his eldest son with complicated eyes and said,"Don't you really think that your bloodline is more noble than other people and that you have a destiny?"】

【Fusu shook his head and said,"I am proud of my bloodline, but I don't think my bloodline is more noble than the bloodlines of other people."】

【"Just as we traced back to the source of power before, as time passed, it was not easy for ordinary people to survive."】

【"Although there is no record of the common people who have survived to this day in the past, if we trace back our ancestors, which one of them did not have outstanding ancestors?"】

【"What's more, we have a common ancestor and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. We and the common people are all descendants of the Xia and Miao people!"】

【"Since we are all descendants of the Xia and Miao people, why should there be any distinction between high and low bloodlines?"】

【"Or does my father think that the nobles of the seven countries are not descendants of the Xia and Miao people?"】

【"Or maybe, the common people in the world are not considered descendants of the Xia people?"】

【Fusu looked at his father and asked】

【However, did King Ying Zheng of Qin dare to say that the nobles of the seven countries, including himself, were not descendants of the Xia and Miao people, or that all the people in the world were not descendants of the Xia and Miao people?】

【Dare not!】

【If King Qin Ying Zheng really said this, it would be equivalent to refuting his Yanhuang origin and refuting the orthodoxy of the Xia Dynasty.】

【By then, even the King of Qin, Ying Zheng, will cut himself off from the world! 】

Tingwei Li Si looked at Fusu on the sky curtain and suddenly stopped writing and praised:

"The theory of aristocratic bloodline is over today!"

In this era when emperors, princes, generals and ministers have"breeds", the nobility of the blood of princes and nobles of vassal states can be said to be recognized by all people in the world.

Even if some people privately disdain the so-called princes and noble bloodlines of vassal states, they still need to pretend to agree with it on the surface.

Otherwise, they will be jointly attacked by the princes and nobles of other vassal states!

Because anyone who denies this set of logical theories is equivalent to damaging the vested interests of all princes and nobles of vassal states.

So like the chaotic times at the end of the Qin Dynasty, even if the heroes of the time had their own thoughts, they still had to use the banner of restoring the six countries. Just like Xiang Yu, who relied on his own strength to kill the heroes and princes of the world, he had to pinch his nose and support King Huai of Chu. , rebuilding the State of Chu.

It is conceivable how prevalent the theory of noble aristocratic bloodline was in this era.

It was not until the sentence shouted by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in Daze Township Uprising:"Are kings, princes, generals, and ministers of the same species?" that the theory of noble aristocratic bloodline that had existed for 800 years in the Zhou Dynasty was shattered.

And now Tianmu Fusu's sentence"We have a common ancestor and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. We and the common people are all descendants of the Xia people" has completely wiped out the past nobility and inferiority. If any country's nobles bring up bloodline again, they can use this sentence to fight back.

As long as they dare to refute this sentence, they are refuting their Yanhuang origin and the orthodoxy of the Xia people. Then there will be no place for them on this piece of land called the Xia people under their feet!

For such a result, As a Legalist, Li Si was actually very happy to see this.

After all, firstly, he, Li Si, was not a noble. Perhaps his ancestors had been rich, but by the time of his generation, they had already fallen into decline.

Otherwise, when he was young, he would not have been just an ordinary clerk in charge of documents.

Secondly, he is a Legalist!

What do the Legalists advocate?

"Princes who break the law are subject to the same punishment as common people"!

For example, when Prince Qian of Qin broke the law in the past, his Legalist predecessor Shang Yang wanted to punish Prince Qian of Qin.

Although in the end, Prince Qian of Qin was punished by his teacher Gongsun Jia, this is enough to show that the Legalists could not stand those noble aristocrats.

After all, those who are most likely to ignore the law and break the law are those who feel that their blood is noble. Noble nobles who can ignore the law.

Compared with the delighted Li Si, the nobles of the six countries were even more angry, and all kinds of curses came out of their mouths.

At this moment, the resentment of the nobles of the six countries towards Tianmu Fusu even briefly exceeded that of the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng who destroyed their homeland.

After all, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng only destroyed their country at most, but Tianmu Fusu first shook the correctness and naturalness of their power as nobles, and then overturned their theory of the nobility of their aristocratic blood.

In the future, if they want to rely on their own blood and the glory of their ancestors to rule the people legally, legally and naturally, and surpass others, it can be said to be extremely difficult.

Not to mention the nobles of the six countries, even the Qin’s own relatives are in���He cursed Fusu on the sky.

Because Fusu's words were an indiscriminate attack.

Not only did they wipe out the noble blood of the six countries, but they also wiped out the noble blood of the Qin country!

"Is Tianmu saying that we, the common people, have the same bloodline as those nobles?"

"We are not humble, maybe some of our ancestors were nobles?"

"We and the nobles are all descendants of the Xia people. We have the same ancestors and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The blood of the nobles is not much nobler than ours!"

"The blood of us common people is no worse than those nobles!"...

The common people from all over the world were in disbelief at first, then murmured to themselves, and finally looked at each other, as if a spark had ignited in each other's eyes.

At the same time, the nobles who they had not dared to look up at before, at this moment, also boldly looked up.


""Who allowed you to look at me like that!"

A noble scholar from the six countries shouted loudly.

However, even though the people were scolded by the nobles, they did not lower their heads.

Instead, more and more people raised their heads and stared at the noble scholar who had just scolded.

That silent gaze, like an invisible pressure, covered the noble scholar's heart, making him more and more flustered.

In the end, the noble scholar cursed fiercely and fled in a panic.

When all the people in the world raised their heads, it would be the turn of the nobles to lower their heads.

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