【"Father, put me down. I haven't finished talking yet."】

【The little Fusu, who was lifted high up, kicked his feet twice in the air. When he found that he had nowhere to lean on, he lowered his head and looked at his excited father helplessly.】

【Upon hearing this, King Ying Zheng of Qin put little Fusu down.】

【Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't be so excited.】

【From the time he succeeded to the throne to the time he actually ruled the country, he had already learned to be patient and suppress his emotions.】

【However, what Fusu said just now really touched his heart.】

【Why did the Qin Dynasty always want to destroy the six kingdoms and unify the world?】

【Because this has always been the wish of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty and countless old Qin people.】

【Is this reason enough?】


【At least it's enough to convince everyone in Daqin.】

【But if this reason is put into the macro level of the world, it is a bit too"shallow".】

【The reasons were enough to support the unification of the Qin Dynasty, but not enough to support the unification of the world.】

【However, the reason Fusu just gave for unifying the world was so grand and magnificent that it was truly capable of supporting the unification of the world!】

【Qin conquered the six kingdoms in order to end the chaos that had lasted for hundreds of years since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!】

【Qin unified the world in order to create a great country without national boundaries, language misunderstandings, and threats of war, where everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, and the seven kingdoms of Guizhou can live together in harmony!】

【He, the King of Qin, Ying Zheng, wanted to unite the world and make it a kingdom of Qin! He wanted to bring peace to the world forever!】

【With such a righteous reason, who will have reason to say that the Qin army is not a just army in the future?】

【Little Fusu was put down again, his face was a little red.】

【After taking a few deep breaths, Xiao Fusu continued,"If the Qin Dynasty directly puts forward such a unification slogan, it will easily lead to the six countries forming alliances."】

【"With the current strength of the Qin State, it would be inadequate to fight one against six."】

【"Even if Qin eventually wins, it will most likely be a tragic victory."】

【"So I suggest that such a unification slogan can be truly promoted after Qin has destroyed two or three of the six states."】

【"In this way, even if the remaining three or four vassal states united after hearing this, they would not be able to stop the true unification of Qin."】

【"Before that, my father could first order people to form a caravan and enter the hinterland of the six countries under the pretext of business."】

【"Then, under the guise of traveling merchants, he would occasionally provide relief to the people of the six kingdoms."】

【"At the same time, when providing relief, we should also publicize the living conditions of the people of Qin to the people of the six countries, and why Qin has always been committed to unification."】

【"In this way, when the people of the six kingdoms face the rule of the Qin Dynasty, their resistance will be reduced a lot."】

【"However, when promoting Qin to the people of the six kingdoms, one thing must be noted, that is, the propaganda for them now must also be done after Qin conquers the six kingdoms and unifies the world."】

【"For example, after the Qin State conquered the six states, it guaranteed that they would no longer have to suffer from war."】

【"After Qin unified the world, it would never allow the people of the six states to suffer from war again because of Qin."】

【"At least, not in the short term."】

【"Otherwise, it would mean that Qin had broken its promise to the people of the six states, which would inevitably lead to the people of the six states retaliating against Qin, making them even more resistant to Qin."】

【"Therefore, when promoting the friendship of Qin to the people of the six states, we must pay attention to distinguishing what can be promised to the people of the six states and what cannot be promised to the people of the six states."】

【"In short, if Qin is not certain to give the people of the six states something after unification, then don't advertise or promise it to them."】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin patted Little Fusu's head and said with satisfaction,"Okay, I will discuss this matter with the ministers in the court later, and I will also inform you of the results."】

Under the sky, Li Si, the court judge, could not help but exclaimed:"This plan is very good."

Although the specific situation of Qin's sweep of the six directions in another world is not known for the time being, just from the strategy given by Fusu in the sky.

First, this strategy is feasible.

Second, if this strategy can be implemented, I dare not say anything about other aspects.

But at least the resistance of the six countries in another world to the rule of Qin will definitely not be as strong as that of the Qin in this world.

In other words, the Qin in another world should have less difficulty than them in governing the six countries.

In addition, although they have now unified the six countries, it does not mean that they can no longer use this strategy.

They can also use this idea to go to the original six countries under their rule and vigorously publicize the benefits of Qin to them after unification.

Not to mention other aspects, at least the original six countries no longer have to worry about whether other vassal states will suddenly attack them one day.

Use the precarious life of the six countries to compare with the stable life they can live after the unification of the Qin.

It should also be able to reduce some of the resistance of the people of the six states to the rule of Qin.

Regardless of how much resistance is reduced, it will be beneficial for Qin to quickly transform the original people of the six states into the people of Qin.

Thinking of this, Li Si looked at the First Emperor and bowed, saying,"Your Majesty, this plan will work for us too."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng naturally saw the benefits behind such propaganda, so he nodded slightly and ordered:

"This matter was recorded, and after the curtain fell, a detailed set of regulations was also taken out."

After saying that, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked up at the little Fusu on the sky, with even more satisfaction in his eyes.

Although the little Fusu on the sky was only five years old, the strategy he proposed now not only benefited the Qin State in another world, but also began to benefit the Qin State in their world.

What is"the unicorn son of the gate of the Great Qin"?

This is called"the unicorn son of the gate of the Great Qin"!

Although this"unicorn son of the gate of the Great Qin" is the unicorn son of another"King Qin Ying Zheng".

But the other"King Qin Ying Zheng" is"Ying Zheng", and he, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, is also"Ying Zheng". Rounding off, the little Fusu on the sky is also his unicorn son.

As a"father", he took the opportunity to take advantage of the light of his"unicorn son", who can say anything about him!

Thinking of this, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was more interested in and looking forward to the future development of the little Fusu on the sky.

He wanted to see what other state governance strategies the little Fusu on the sky would have in the future, which they in this world could learn from and adopt.

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