"It turns out that the Qin people are barbarians who have no knowledge of etiquette and are full of conspiracies and tricks!"

"If Qin has the ability, it can challenge the other six countries in a fair fight!"

"With such despicable behavior, what would it matter even if Qin could destroy the six countries like us?"

"We still won’t be convinced!"

"The six countries in another world must be vigilant and must not allow Qin merchants to enter the land of the six countries and deceive the people!"

"We united too late back then. If the six nations in another world could unite now, then it would be the turn of Qin to fall."......

The nobles of the six kingdoms cursed and mocked Fusu, who proposed the business plan on the sky curtain.

Although the six kingdoms in this world had been destroyed by Qin, the six kingdoms in the other world had not perished.

If the six kingdoms in the other world could unite at this time, they might be able to reverse the situation and destroy Qin.

It was a pity that the sky curtain could not convey their words to the other world.

Therefore, the nobles of the six kingdoms could only hope that the nobles of the six kingdoms in the other world could wake up in time and realize the sinister intentions of Qin.

【King Ying Zheng of Qin sat down again, looking delighted, but still unsatisfied as he looked at his eldest son and asked,"Did you gain anything else?"】

【Little Fusu was silent for a while, and then replied:"Yes, Your Majesty, the one with the strongest army and the most powerful horses will do it!"

After these words came out, the Confucian scholar Chunyu Yue under the sky could no longer hold back his dissatisfaction, and coldly rebuked:


"Your Majesty, only a virtuous person can do this!"

"How can the virtue of a man with strong soldiers and powerful horses be worthy of the emperor?"

"Even if one has strong soldiers and horses for a while, if the people are not virtuous, it will not last long!"

What Confucianism advocates most is that only a virtuous person can be the Son of Heaven.

And what is a"virtuous person"?

It is naturally to cultivate one's own morality, restrain one's own selfish desires with morality, and set a moral example for the people; at the same time, use morality to educate the people, treat the people with benevolence and good governance, and so on.

To put it simply, those who use their Confucian ideas of governing the country to govern the country are called"virtuous people", and they are worthy of being the Son of Heaven!

On the contrary, they are"people without virtue", and they are even less worthy of being the Son of Heaven!

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who was standing in front, heard this, his eyes turned cold, and the aura around him suddenly dropped.

Is Chunyu Yue talking about the little Fusu on the sky?

Yes and no.

Chunyu Yue is not only talking about the little Fusu on the sky, but also about him, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

After all, it is well known that the Qin State is a"country of tigers and wolves".


What is that?

Qin ruled the country by law, not by Confucian virtues.

So when Chunyu Yue was talking about the little Fusu on the sky, It was also secretly saying that he was"immoral" and even saying that the Qin Dynasty would not last long.

If it was before, then Qin Emperor Ying Zheng would not be touched by Chunyu Yue's words.

After all, what Chunyu Yue said was not true.

Just like when humans hear ants say they want to overthrow humans, will humans take what ants say to heart?

No, it will only lead to human ridicule and indifference to ants.

But before, by peeping into the sky of another"eldest son Fusu", we know that the future of the Qin Dynasty will really end.

Then Chunyu Yue's current words are simply jumping on the minefield of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

As the saying goes,"lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharp knife", this is the truth.

Just when Qin Emperor Ying Zheng was wondering if he had been too good-tempered in the past, so he gave the Confucian Chunyu Yue and others the courage to secretly curse him. The

"King of Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky also raised his own questions about the words of little Fusu.

【"The emperor is the one with the strongest soldiers and horses."】

【King Qin Ying Zheng muttered it silently, and after thinking for a while, he asked,"Why do you have such a thought?"】

【"Shouldn’t it be: The Son of Heaven can only be occupied by a virtuous person?"】

【At this time, there is no such saying as"The emperor is the one with the strongest army and the most powerful horses". The more mainstream saying is"The emperor is the one with the strongest moral character"."】

【Because the Zhou emperor used"ritual" and"virtue" as the basis of his rule.】

【Little Fusu shook his head and asked,"The Zhou emperor is the emperor, so he should be virtuous, but can his virtue now command the princes of the world?"】

【"Can all the princes in the world respect the Zhou emperor?"】

【"If the Zhou emperor had the power of Qin, who among the princes of the world would dare not respect the Zhou emperor?"】

【"It is said that Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and other Confucian scholars were all people of high moral character. However, if they are very virtuous, can they become emperors?"】

【"In addition, could the princes of each country during the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period achieve their own hegemony through virtue?"】

【To put it bluntly, the Zhou emperor is the emperor. According to etiquette, he should be virtuous. After all, one cannot be the emperor without virtue.】

【But can the current Emperor of Zhou command the seven countries of Qin, Zhao, Yan, and Han by relying on his so-called virtue as the Son of Heaven?】

【Unable to command】

【Among the vassal states today, who would take the Zhou emperor seriously?】

【But if the Emperor of Zhou had the national strength of the current Qin, then who among the princes of the world would dare not respect and obey the orders of the Emperor of Zhou!】

【Moreover, if the emperor can only be a virtuous person, then Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and other Confucian scholars can almost be said to be the most virtuous people during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.】

【Then shouldn't Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and others become emperors?】

【Why did Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and others not become emperors?】

【Don’t you want to be the emperor?】

【Still can’t become the emperor?】

【But whether they did not want to become the emperor or could not become the emperor, in the end, Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and others, who were almost the most virtuous people during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, did not become the emperor.】

【This in itself is the biggest refutation of the saying"Only a virtuous person can be the Son of Heaven"!】

【As for the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, which of them achieved hegemony through so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality?】


【not a single one!】

【If they achieved their hegemony through so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality, then their name should not be called the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, but the Five Virtues of the Spring and Autumn Period.】

【The reason why they were known as the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period was that during their respective periods of dominance, they relied on their powerful military force to make other disobedient vassal states call them"daddy"!】

【This forced the other vassal states to recognize their lofty status as elder brothers and fathers, so they were named the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.】

【From another perspective, the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period can also be referred to as the Five Fathers of the Spring and Autumn Period.】

【It can be said that their own names have already told everyone very clearly that they have achieved their dominance through tyranny and strength!】

【And there is also a little-known fact, that is, there are not only five Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period】

【According to different standards of judgment in various historical records, there were about thirteen vassal states that completed the princes' alliance, a major symbol of hegemony.】

【In other words, there were actually thirteen of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period. 】

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