"Haha, Dr. Chunyu, haven’t you Confucians always been advocating that Confucius, Mencius, and Yan Zi are the most virtuous people in the world?"

"With such great virtue, why didn’t you Confucians Confucius, Mencius, and Yan Zi replace the Zhou emperor and become the new emperors?"

"Is it true that"Only a virtuous person can be the emperor"?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot, the saying"The Son of Heaven can only be held by a virtuous person" is also said by you Confucians."

"So the question is, is the Confucian saying"Only the virtuous can be the emperor" false?"

"Or is it that what you Confucians have been advocating, that Confucius, Mencius, Yan Zi and others are the most virtuous people in the world, is false?"

A doctor from Xiangli's Mohist school looked at Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors with red faces and said mockingly

"Tsk tsk tsk, I used to wonder what you Confucians mean when you promote Confucius, Mencius, and Yan Zi as the most virtuous people in the world, and at the same time you advocate that"the emperor should only be a virtuous person"."

"I never expected that your Confucian ancestors actually wanted to become the Emperor of Zhou!"

"I really don't know what's going on. We, the other schools of thought, really look down on you Confucians!"

"No wonder Dr. Chunyu has always belittled the Hundred Schools of Thought. It seems that the Hundred Schools of Thought are indeed inferior to Confucianism."

"At least we, the Hundred Schools of Thought, are not as bold as the Confucians!"

The doctor from the other famous school also pretended to be surprised and exclaimed.

Previously, in the"Eldest Prince Fusu" sky curtain, Chunyu Yue secretly praised Confucianism and belittled other schools of thought when teaching the eldest prince Fusu, which had long been resented by the Confucian doctors of other schools of thought.

At this moment, taking the opportunity, the doctors of other schools of thought also added insult to injury.

Whether it is true or false, first, it is said that the Confucian ancestors had the delusion of becoming the emperor of Zhou, or that the Confucian ancestors were not people of the highest virtue, or that the Confucianism's"The emperor, only those with virtue can be the emperor" is a false statement.

As long as one of the things can be confirmed, it will be a major blow to Confucianism.

For example, the Confucian ancestors were not people of the highest virtue, but were greedy for fame and profit. Once such an argument came out, other scholars might have wanted to learn the Confucianism in the future.

But when they thought that the Confucian ancestors were such people who were greedy for fame and profit, they might have become disgusted and turned to other schools of thought.

Or, the Confucian ancestors wanted to become the emperor of Zhou, so they advocated that they were people of supreme virtue and praised the saying"The emperor should only be virtuous."

Once such a possibility is imprinted on Confucianism, let alone whether there will be students who will learn the Confucianism in the future, even the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng who was present would no longer tolerate Confucianism.

By then, let alone whether Confucianism can replace the Legalists of Qin.

If things go wrong, Confucianism will disappear in the long river of history like some other schools of thought. In other words, Confucianism was forced to admit that the saying"Only a virtuous person can be the emperor" is false.

And once it is admitted that the saying"Only a virtuous person can be the emperor" is false, then other schools of thought can be further extended to other Confucianisms are also false, and finally even the entire Confucianism can be classified as false.

By then, even if Confucianism does not disappear in the past history, it will definitely be difficult for it to hold its head up in front of other schools of thought in the future.

It can be said that when it comes to the disputes over the academic traditions of the various schools of thought, each school of thought is more evil-minded and evil-handed than the other.

But this is also normal, because the Confucian Confucius himself did the same.

For example, Confucius and Shao Zhengmao opened private schools in Lu State in the past to preach and teach.

The teachings of the Confucius Institute are not as good as those of Shao Zhengmao, so Most students went to listen to Shao Zhengmao's lectures, but few went to listen to Confucius' lectures.

Later, Confucius became the chief prosecutor of Lu State. As soon as he took office, he declared that Shao Zhengmao had five evils: first, his thoughts were rebellious and sinister.

Second, his behavior was evil and firm.

Third, his words were wrong and argumentative.

Fourth, his records of unrighteous things were very profound, extensive and messy.

Fifth, he taught people not to follow the right path and often gave favors.

Then he used this as an excuse to execute Shao Zhengmao and left his body exposed for three days.

It can be said that the dispute involving the legal doctrines of various schools is no less than a national war.

Seeing that the other Hundred Schools of Thought put a bigger hat on Confucianism, one bigger than the other.

Turning his head, he saw Qin Emperor Ying Zheng who turned back in front of him and his expression suddenly turned cold.

Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors immediately became anxious and hurriedly explained:

"Although the Confucian masters were people of great virtue, the virtue of the Confucian masters was that of a scholar-official, not that of an emperor!"

"Moreover, our Confucian master Confucius had long said,"The ruler is the ruler, the minister is the minister, the father is the father, the son is the son." So how could there be the idea of the so-called"Emperor of Zhou"?"

"I think the ones who really have evil intentions are you Mohists, these beasts who have no king or father!"

"I am ashamed to be listed here with you!"

While the Confucian doctors explained, they also diverted the blame to the Mohists.

After all, the Mohist thought advocates"universal love and non-aggression".

And the actions of the Qin State, not to say that they are completely in conflict with the Mohist thought, but at least they are not completely in line with it.

Otherwise, there would not be three parts of the Mohist school in the world, and only Xiangli's Mohist school entered Qin.

Hearing the Confucian doctor's words with hidden evil intentions, the Mohist disciples who came from Xiangli's Mohist family immediately rolled up their sleeves.

At the same time, all kinds of ink lines, wooden angle rulers, wooden rulers, chain saws and other tools appeared in the hands of the Mohist disciples in the blink of an eye.

After all, as Mohist disciples, it is reasonable for them to carry some tools that Mohist disciples need to use at any time. It's normal, right?

Just when the Mohist disciples were preparing to have a fist-to-flesh"debate and exchange" with the Confucian doctors.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who was standing at the front, suddenly paused heavily with the Lu Lu sword in his hand, and swept his indifferent and cold eyes over the doctors of the Hundred Schools present.

Immediately, all the doctors of the Hundred Schools lowered their heads and eyes, avoiding the gaze of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, and dared not continue to be presumptuous.

After suppressing the dark fire between the doctors of the Hundred Schools, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked up at the sky again.

He is now really more and more satisfied with the little Fusu on the sky.

However, the more satisfied he was with the little Fusu on the sky, the more annoyed and indignant Qin Emperor Ying Zheng felt when he thought that the little Fusu on the sky was not his real offspring.

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