【Little Fusu continued,"In the past, Tang of Shang and King Wu of Zhou might have had virtue, but virtue alone could not have overthrown King Jie of Xia and King Zhou of Shang."】

【"Just like the former King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, the King Zhou of Shang during his time was just as tyrannical and unjust as the King Zhou of Shang during Ji Fa's time."】

【"Even King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, was imprisoned by King Zhou of Shang."】

【"But was it possible that King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, had no virtue at that time?"】

【"Similarly, didn’t King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, want to overthrow the rule of King Zhou of Shang at that time?"】

【"Of course not, otherwise Ji Chang would not have declared himself king!"】

【"However, at that time, King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, although virtuous and also wanted to overthrow King Zhou of Shang,"】

【"But the Zhou army at that time was obviously not as strong as the Shang army."】

【"Therefore, King Wen of Zhou, Ji Chang, could only continue to accumulate strength until King Wu of Zhou, Ji Fa, ascended the throne and the Zhou State became strong."】

【"King Wu of Zhou, Ji Fa, had just launched an expedition to overthrow the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty."】

【"From this we can see that virtue alone cannot conquer the world!"】

【"Similarly, our Qin State has been able to grow from a small country to become the most powerful country in the world today after hundreds of years. Is it because of virtue?"】

【"In the future, if my father can conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, and become the emperor, can he become the emperor because of his virtue?"】

Under the sky, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng shook his head.

The Qin State was able to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world with just a piece of land. What virtue did it rely on?

If the Qin State really had"virtue", then I'm afraid this virtue was also"lack of virtue".

If you don't believe it, just look at the various deeds done by the Qin State in the past.

For example, in the past, the Qin State captured three cities of the Zhao State. King Zhaoxiang of Qin Yingji asked the Zhao State to exchange the national treasure He's Bi.

As a result, King Zhaoxiang of Qin Yingji took the national treasure but refused to return the city. Lin Xiangru had an idea and expressed his intention to"hit the pillar and die" with the He's Bi. Finally, he saved the gem.

It was still King Zhaoxiang of Qin Yingji. At the meeting in Mianchi, the King of Qin asked the King of Zhao to play the harp for him.

After the King of Zhao finished playing the harp, the historian of Qin immediately stepped forward and wrote:"On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, the King of Qin and the King of Zhao met and drank, and the King of Qin ordered the King of Zhao to play the harp."

Finally, it was Lin Xiangru who threatened to kill himself, and finally forced the King of Qin to knock on the drum. Then he ordered the historian of Zhao to write:"On a certain day of a certain month of a certain year, the King of Qin beat the drum for the King of Zhao."

In this way, Lin Xiangru saved a little face for Zhao.

It was also Qin Zhaoxiang Wang Yingji who wanted to recruit Mengchangjun to Qin as prime minister when he heard of his great reputation.

As a result, he had to dismiss Mengchangjun because of the opposition of a group of ministers.

But after the dismissal���Later, King Zhaoxiang of Qin, Yingji, refused to let him leave, but kept Mengchangjun under house arrest.

In the end, Mengchangjun was able to leave Qin smoothly with the help of a group of"chicken-stealing and dog-stealing" retainers and bribery of the favorite concubine of the King of Qin.

In addition to this, there are also things like deceiving the monarchs of other countries and then detaining them to death; or using counter-espionage tactics to alienate the monarchs and ministers of other countries.

In short, all kinds of operations are endless in the Qin State.

However, can Qin be regarded as"virtuous" for these behaviors?

If these behaviors of Qin are considered"virtuous", then I am afraid that all moral people in the world will have to cover their faces in shame.

If Qin is"without virtue", then why are other"virtuous" vassal states defeated by Qin, while Qin's ambition to unify the world is becoming more and more unstoppable?

To this end, Fusu on the sky curtain gave the answer

【Finally, Xiao Fusu concluded:"Virtue needs strength as support, and only with strength can there be virtue."】

【"Although the virtue of powerlessness can be recognized by people with the same virtue, it is difficult for people without virtue to follow it."】

【"A strong virtue can not only make people with the same virtue recognize it, but also make people without virtue follow it."】

【"By the same token, the emperor is supported by a strong army and horses, so no matter whether the princes in the world are virtuous or not, they all need to submit and obey the virtue of the emperor who has a strong army and horses!"】

【"An emperor without strong soldiers and horses, even if he has the virtue of an emperor, is just like a puppet and cannot command the world!"】

【"Therefore, if one day, the Qin State can conquer the six states and unify the world, and my father can become the emperor, it will definitely not be because of the so-called"virtue"!"】

【"It is because my Great Qin has powerful soldiers and horses and conquers the world!"】

【"It is because of the sharp warriors of Qin who swept the world with the swords of Qin in their hands!"】

【"This is because of the ancestors of our Qin State, countless civil officials and military generals, as well as the old Qin people who risked their lives and went forward one after another to clear the world!"】

【"Not only my father is like this, and not only the Qin Dynasty is like this. In the future, for thousands of generations and tens of thousands of dynasties, anyone who can become an emperor and rule the world will also be like this!"】

【"At most, future generations may put a layer of"virtue" on top of"strength", but in the end, it will not change."】

【When Qin King Ying Zheng began to summarize from the young Fusu, the smile on his face became more and more】

【When little Fusu finished his last sentence, King Ying Zheng of Qin couldn't help laughing:"Hahaha, my son Fusu can be the crown prince!"】

【""Only those with strength can have virtue." He himself gradually realized this truth after he succeeded to the throne of Qin and spent several years there.】

【Now his eldest son Fusu, not only at the age of five, has a profound understanding of this truth, but has also further realized that"the one with strong soldiers and strong horses is the emperor.""!】

【To put it bluntly, when Fusu realized this, he was already qualified to become the King of Qin.】

【At least King Ying Zheng of Qin did not have to worry about the decline of Qin in the future when it was handed over to Fusu.���go】

【Because those who realize that"the one with strong soldiers and horses is the emperor" will never let themselves lose their strong soldiers and horses.】

【The Qin State, with its powerful army and strong horses, could not conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world, but at least it would not be conquered by the six kingdoms.】

【In addition, Fusu had learned from history books that"power comes from the people" and"people's minds are stable".】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin did not need to worry that Fusu would oppress the Qin people too much in order to maintain his own strong army and horses, thus causing the Qin people to suffer.】

【Combining these three points, even King Qin Ying Zheng could not guarantee that he could do better than Fusu in the future.】

【At least when he was Fusu's age, he didn't have such outstanding knowledge as Fusu.】

【Of course, Fusu was only five years old, and he was still in the prime of his youth. It was impossible for him to be the King of Qin at the age of five.】

【Although the five-year-old Fusu could not become the King of Qin, he would have no problem becoming the Crown Prince of Qin just by virtue of his outstanding knowledge.】

【As for whether it is a bit early to appoint Fusu as the Crown Prince of Qin now?】

【Qin Wang Ying Zheng admitted that this was a little early】

【According to the original plan, King Ying Zheng of Qin intended to wait until Fusu was in his teens or twenties and began to attend government meetings.】

【Then, based on Fusu's performance in government affairs and even the performance of other descendants, they would decide when to officially appoint Fusu as the crown prince of Qin.】

【But Fusu's performance today was so amazing and satisfying to him.】

【He was so amazed and satisfied that King Ying Zheng of Qin did not consider Fusu's age at that time, or whether he would have a son who was more outstanding than Fusu in the future.】

【Moreover, he was lucky enough to have a child with unparalleled talent like Xiao Fusu, which was a blessing from all the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty.】

【If there is another son who is more outstanding than Fusu, then King Ying Zheng of Qin will have to go to the ancestral tombs of the Qin ancestors to see if all the tombs have been blown up.】

【Of course, the most important thing is that he doesn’t think there is anyone better than his eldest son Fusu!】......

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