Hearing that the"King of Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky curtain wanted to make"Little Fusu" the crown prince of Qin, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng nodded slightly in agreement.

If such a talented and knowledgeable heir is not made the crown prince early, when will he wait?

If Fusu, who was kneeling in front of him at this moment, could also have the amazing talent and outstanding knowledge of the"Little Fusu" on the sky curtain.

Then he could also make Fusu the crown prince at the age of five, instead of only giving Fusu the identity of the eldest son of the hearing government until now.

Even the identity of the eldest son of the hearing government, after Fusu's answer just did not satisfy him, he almost wanted to abolish it.

Then, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng thought of the ancestral tombs of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty mentioned by another"King of Qin Ying Zheng".

He was wondering if there was a problem with the ancestral tombs of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty, and whether he should move the ancestral tombs of the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty?

Otherwise, why could another"King Qin Ying Zheng" have an eldest son Fusu who was so talented and knowledgeable, but his eldest son Fusu was so stubborn that he almost pissed him off to death.

At the same time, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng also made a note in his heart, and planned to go to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors of the Qin State after the curtain closed.

He hoped that the ancestors of the Qin State could bless him and the Qin State again.

Either change the temperament of his eldest son Fusu, or give him another offspring like the little Fusu on the curtain.

Otherwise, the future of the Qin State would be in danger!

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng's eyes fell on the kneeling Fusu again, and he said coldly:

"Do you still believe that Shang Tang and Zhou Wu won the world with virtue?"

This is the last chance he gave Fusu. If Fusu still naively and stubbornly believed that Shang Tang and Zhou Wu won the world with virtue, then he would rather train a new successor now and abolish Fusu's status as the eldest son of the government.

Fusu was silent for a while, then shook his head:

""Shang Tang and Zhou Wu used soldiers as their support and used virtue to win the support of the people, and finally conquered the world!"

Although in terms of talent alone, he is not as good as the"self" on the sky.

But he is not a stupid person, otherwise he would not be allowed by the First Emperor to attend the court.

You know, in this era, there is no saying that the eldest son will definitely be made the crown prince.

What's more, the First Emperor did not have a queen, so the First Emperor did not have a wife.

And if there is no only wife, then naturally there is no so-called distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children, only the difference between the old and the young.

So even if it is Fusu, he is just the eldest son, and cannot be called the legitimate eldest son.

Even though only Prince Fusu was allowed by the First Emperor to attend the court before, Listening to the government affairs, this can only mean that Fusu is the most valued by the First Emperor, and is also the most likely to become the Crown Prince of Qin, and the future Second Emperor of Qin.

But as long as Fusu has not been truly appointed as the Crown Prince of Qin, then in terms of personal identity, his identity is the same as that of other princes of Qin.

Other princes can also be said to be the heirs of Qin, and are also qualified to become the Second Emperor of Qin.

At most, the hopes of other princes to become the Second Emperor of Qin are different.

This is also one of the reasons why in the original history, a group of ministers did not have much objection to Hu Hai becoming the Second Emperor of Qin.

Because in terms of identity In theory, as one of the princes of the Qin Dynasty, Hu Hai was indeed qualified to become the second emperor of Qin.

So for the First Emperor, although Fusu was his most promising choice, he was definitely not his only choice.

If Fusu's performance had not been satisfactory, or if there were other princes whose performance far exceeded Fusu's.

Then the First Emperor would not have always valued him, but would have let him roll aside long ago.

Or he could have allowed other princes to attend court and listen to government affairs, replacing Fusu's status and position.

However, Fusu had been able to continue to attend court and was trained by the First Emperor as the successor to the second emperor of Qin. This shows that Fusu's talent and ability are still acceptable.

Not to say that Fusu's talent and ability are the best, but the level of the upper-middle choice should still be there.

So after"Little Fusu" on the sky curtain spoke very thoroughly, Fusu was still able to truly understand and hear it. After hearing Fusu's answer, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's expression eased a bit.

Although Fusu's answer this time still contained the so-called"virtue", at least it brought"soldiers".

An emperor can be without virtue, but he must not be without soldiers!

Otherwise, an emperor without soldiers is just a puppet, just like what Little Fusu on the sky curtain said.

"Humph, sit back and copy the words of 'Fusu' just now on the sky screen, 'The emperor is the one who has strong soldiers and horses', for me a hundred times, and memorize them by heart!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng snorted coldly, and turned his head away from Fusu after giving the order.

Seeing this, the other civil and military officials, doctors of various schools, princes and princesses either sighed in regret, or looked happy, or looked gloomy.......

But in general, judging from the orders of the First Emperor, the position of the eldest son Fusu should be stable for the time being.

While the Emperor of Qin was training his son, the nobles of the other six countries also cursed the"Fusu" on the sky curtain.":

"He is indeed the son of a tyrant, exactly like the tyrant Ying Zheng. He can even say such immoral and rude words as 'the Son of Heaven shall be chosen by the one with the strongest soldiers and horses'!"

"The former Emperor of Zhou was truly blind. He did not discover the evil ambitions of Qin early on, but instead allowed Qin to continue to grow and develop!"

"So what if Qin is the emperor?"

"How can the Qin State, which has no moral integrity, last long?"......

However, although there were nobles from the six countries who cursed, there were also nobles from the six countries who agreed.

"The one with strong soldiers and horses will be the emperor!"

"If I have strong soldiers and horses, can I also be the emperor?"

In Wu County, Kuaiji County, the young Xiang Yu looked at the little Fusu on the sky with shining eyes.

He inexplicably felt that this sentence was very much to his liking.

Xiang Liang, who was cursing on the side, was stunned when he heard his nephew's words, and then hurriedly said:


The young Xiang Yu frowned and looked at his father in confusion:

"Why not?"

Xiang Liang explained:

"Because we want to restore the Chu Kingdom, not the Zhou Dynasty, so we don't want to be the emperor."

Hearing this, the young Xiang Yu was a little dissatisfied, but he still respected his uncle.

Since his uncle said he didn't want to be the emperor, then he wouldn't be the emperor.

Thinking of this, the young Xiang Yu asked again:

"Then after we restore the Chu Kingdom, will my uncle and I be the kings of Chu?"

Xiang Liang still shook his head and replied:

"We don't want to be the King of Chu either. Our Xiang family has been generals of the Chu State for generations. How can we be the King of Chu?"

"After we restore the Chu Kingdom, we will support the descendants of the former King of Chu as the new King of Chu, and then our Xiang family can also be enfeoffed as a lord."

Young Xiang Yu's eyes widened, with a look of shock:

"We restored the State of Chu, so why aren't we the Kings of Chu?"

"Why should we support the descendants of the former King of Chu as the new King of Chu?"

"No matter how good the feudal lord of Chu is, how can he compare to the king of Chu?"

When his uncle said he would not be the emperor before, he had already made a concession.

But now his uncle told him that after the restoration of Chu, he could not even be the king of Chu.

He could not understand why he worked so hard to restore Chu, but in the end he could not be the king of Chu, but could only be a feudal lord of Chu.

Although he was young, he was still very clear about the difference between the feudal lord of Chu and the king of Chu.

Looking at his reluctant nephew, Xiang Liang tried to explain:

"Because we are not of the Chu King's bloodline, we cannot be the Chu King."

However, this explanation did not convince the young Xiang Yu, who pointed to the sky and said:

"He said before that we are all descendants of the Miao people of Zhuxia, and there is no distinction between high and low bloodlines."

"So even if he is the bloodline of the King of Chu, what does it matter? The State of Chu is already destroyed now!"

"If I restore the State of Chu, I will be the new King of Chu, and my bloodline will be the new bloodline of the King of Chu!"

"Moreover, the former kings of Han, Zhao, and Wei were only ministers of the State of Jin."

"After the Three Families Divided Jin, they became the new princes"

"If they can do this, why can't I!"

Looking at his nephew who was so stubborn and determined, Xiang Liang felt a headache.

He never expected that after Tianmu Fusu erased the theory of noble blood, the first person to express dissatisfaction with the past noble blood was his nephew.

If he couldn't"correct" his nephew's ideas, then the plan to restore the Chu State has not officially started, and the two uncles and nephews might start to have conflicts.

Thinking of this, Xiang Liang's disgust for Tianmu Fusu increased.

After all, if Tianmu Fusu hadn't"talked nonsense", how could he have these headaches now.

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