In the old land of Han, Zhang Liang couldn't help but sigh as he looked at Fusu who said on the sky that"the emperor shall be the one with strong soldiers and horses".

""The Son of Heaven is the one who has strong soldiers and horses". Although this sentence is extremely rude and straightforward, it reveals the essence of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period for 500 years.

Does the Qin State have"virtue"?

At least Zhang Liang believes that the Qin State has no"virtue".

But why was the Qin State able to sweep away the six kingdoms and unify the world?

To put it bluntly, it is because the Qin State has hundreds of thousands of strong soldiers and horses.

And what about the six kingdoms?

If the soldiers are not strong and the horses are not strong, what can they use to resist the Qin army?

So in the end the six kingdoms perished, and Qin unified the world.

Similarly, do the nobles of the six kingdoms like him have"virtue"?

At least Zhang Liang believes that they, the nobles of the six kingdoms, have"virtue".

But why can they, who are so"virtuous", only make small moves in private, and dare not raise the banner of rebellion and overthrow the tyrannical Qin?

To put it bluntly, Isn't it because they have no soldiers or horses, while the Qin State has hundreds of thousands of troops to suppress all disobedience.

They can't resist the hundreds of thousands of Qin troops, so they can only do some small actions secretly.

If he can have an army like hundreds of thousands of Qin's elite soldiers, he still has plans to assassinate Ying Zheng, directly raise the banner of rebellion, and kill into Xianyang, wouldn't it be great!

However, this is only a thought.

Now, let alone raising an army of hundreds of thousands of people, it is not easy for him to even raise an anti-Qin team of hundreds of people.

Moreover, even if Zhang Liang is unwilling to admit it, he has to admit that the little Fusu on the sky is really talented and unparalleled.

At the age of only five, he can have such extraordinary insights.

When he grows up a little more, what amazing performance will he have, that is Even Zhang Liang dared not imagine it.

Moreover, in their world, only a tyrant, Ying Zheng, conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world in ten years.

Now in the world on the sky, there is not only the same tyrant, Ying Zheng, but also a prince Fusu whose future is unimaginable.

This pair of tyrants, father and son, are paired together. What will happen to the six kingdoms in that world? Zhang Liang couldn't even bear to imagine it.

All we can say is, pray for the six kingdoms in another world, and hope that their end will not be too tragic.

In Pei County, Liu Ji was originally restless because of Tianmu Fusu's"bloodline has no distinction between high and low".

After listening to Tianmu Fusu's latest words,"The emperor is the one with strong soldiers and horses", the restless heart was like being poured with a bucket of cold water, and it immediately calmed down.

The emperor, strong soldiers and horses Who is the most powerful soldier and horse in the world today?

That is naturally the First Emperor who swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world!

Under the rule of the First Emperor, under the deterrence of hundreds of thousands of Qin elite soldiers, anyone who dared to think about those things would really be tired of living.

Instead of thinking about those unrealistic things, it is better to do his promising job as the head of Sishui Pavilion in Pei County.

Moreover, the sky curtain will not only reveal the future of their world, but also reveal a completely different future in another world.

In these two futures, as long as he can seize one or two opportunities, then maybe he can rise straight up.

After he becomes successful, let the old father at home see who is more promising between him and his second brother!

Thinking of this, Liu Ji also straightened up and listened more carefully.

【After listening to his eldest son Fusu's gains from reading history, King Ying Zheng of Qin decided to make his eldest son Fusu the crown prince of Qin.】

【As soon as this decision was made, it caused quite a stir among the civil and military officials, royal relatives, and even the concubines in the harem.】

【After all, if Fusu was made the crown prince, then if nothing unexpected happened, he would most likely be the future king of Qin.】

【Not everyone is happy to see this.】

【There were also factions inside and outside the Qin court.】

【For example, according to the origin of the concubines, they can be divided into Chu, Zhao, Wei, Zheng, etc.】

【These concubines, and the countries behind them, naturally hoped that the offspring of their faction could become the crown prince of Qin.】

【If the offspring of their faction could become the crown prince of Qin, they might even develop a close relationship with them under the influence of the birth mother of their faction's concubines.】

【Then when they succeed to the throne and become the king of Qin, maybe they will not attack them in the future because of the friendship between the two sides.】

【After all, Qin's tiger and wolf army is really strong and fierce!】

【If it is not necessary, they really do not want to go to war with Qin, and even if they go to war, they will most likely be defeated.】

【If they couldn't defeat Qin, they could only think of a way to"outsmart" it.】

【One of their methods of"taking advantage" is to support a prince of Qin who is close to their faction.】

【If King Qin Ying Zheng did not appoint a crown prince before, then everyone still had a chance】

【Now that King Qin Ying Zheng wants to appoint a crown prince, only one family has a chance.】

【Therefore, the concubines from other countries, whether for the sake of their homeland or for the future of their offspring,】

【All of them tried their best to persuade King Qin Ying Zheng, hoping to change his mind about establishing a crown prince.】

【In addition to the concubines in the harem who were whispering in his ear, a group of royal relatives also came to persuade King Qin Ying Zheng not to be so anxious to appoint a crown prince.】

【Some of this was for the sake of Qin King Ying Zheng, but some of it was also for his own sake.】

【Because the succession to the throne of Qin was not strictly in accordance with the so-called"father dies and son succeeds", but���Many times, it is the"brother succeeds the brother" system.】

【For example, within the two generations of Qin Mu Gong's father and brother, there were a total of six kings in forty years!】

【Duke Wu of Qin chose his younger brother, Ying Jia, as the king instead of his son. He was known in history as Duke De of Qin."】

【After Duke De of Qin died, Duke Xuan of Qin succeeded him.】

【Before Duke Xuan of Qin died, he passed the throne to his second brother Ying Zai, known in history as Duke Cheng of Qin."】

【Before his death, Duke Cheng of Qin made the same choice as his elder brother Duke Xuan of Qin. Although he had seven sons, he eventually chose to pass the throne to his third brother Ying Renhao, known in history as"Duke Mu of Qin"."】

【Therefore, throughout the history of the Qin State, even if a prince succeeded to the throne and became the King of Qin, it did not mean that other princes of the same generation had no chance.】

【But if the King of Qin appointed a crown prince, then once the crown prince reached a certain age, the other princes of the same generation as the King of Qin would have no chance at all.】

【Relatively speaking, the advice of the civil and military officials is more fair.】

【They did not agree with King Ying Zheng of Qin appointing a crown prince so early because Prince Fusu was still a little young.】

【To put it bluntly, what if Prince Fusu suddenly died young?】

【The death of a five-year-old child is not uncommon, but it is also a very normal thing.】

【The sudden death of a crown prince and the sudden death of a prince are two completely different things in terms of the impact on the country.】

【If a five-year-old boy died, the Qin royal family would bury him properly, and that would be enough.】

【But if a five-year-old prince died, then the Qin State would at least issue an obituary to let everyone in the Qin State know about it, and it might even be that the whole Qin State would mourn for ten days or half a month.】

【This will greatly affect the normal operation of the Qin State!】

【Therefore, it would not be too late to make Prince Fusu the crown prince after waiting for another two years until he is older and the risk of his premature death is lower.

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