A group of Qin civil and military officials looked at the waves of the crown prince on the sky curtain, and could not help but nodded slightly, then shook their heads.

As ministers, they could not say anything about the concubines of"Qin Wang Ying Zheng" and the royal family.

But if they could not see the performance of"Prince Fusu" in the sky curtain, and only the civil and military officials on the sky curtain who were unaware of it.

Then, out of consideration for the future of Qin, they would also suggest that"Qin Wang Ying Zheng" should not establish a crown prince so early.

At least even if they were really satisfied with Prince Fusu, they could wait until Prince Fusu was a few years older before establishing him as the crown prince.

But after seeing the amazing performance of"Prince Fusu" on the sky curtain, their thoughts were the same as those of"Qin Wang Ying Zheng" on the sky curtain.

Such an outstanding and outstanding prince of Qin, if you don't quickly make him the crown prince, what are you waiting for?

Is there anyone who can be better than"Prince Fusu" on the sky curtain?


If a"Prince Fusu" with such unparalleled talent could appear, then smoke would already be coming out of the ancestral tombs of all the ancestors of the Qin State.

If there were another prince of the Great Qin State whose talent was comparable to"Prince Fusu" or even better than"Prince Fusu", then they would probably have to wonder if all the ancestral tombs of all the ancestors of the Qin State had exploded.

As for the fact that"Prince Fusu" was only five years old, what did it matter.

Black-armored guards, personal doctors, palace servants, two meals a day, and twelve hours a day took turns to take care of"Prince Fusu" without interruption!

If"Prince Fusu" could still die young, then they should go and see if all the ancestral tombs of all the ancestors of the Qin State were struck by lightning.

Otherwise, why didn't the ancestors of the Qin State favor their Great Qin's"Qilin Son" ?"!

【Looking at the memorials advising him not to appoint the crown prince so early, King Ying Zheng of Qin sneered:"You have no idea how outstanding and excellent my eldest son Fusu is!"】

【"It is simply impossible to stop me from making Fusu the crown prince!"】

【Since King Ying Zheng of Qin first suppressed the rebellion of his younger brother, Chang'an Jun Chengjiao, then suppressed the rebellion of the Queen Mother and Lao Ai, and then exiled Prime Minister Lu Buwei,】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin completely took back his power and became the king of Qin who had the final say!】

【Therefore, even if other civil and military officials, concubines in the harem, and even other relatives had objections, they could not stop Qin Wang Ying Zheng's insistence and decision.】

【At this time, a war broke out between Zhao and Yan.】

【The State of Zhao sent troops to attack the State of Yan, and King Ying Zheng of Qin, in the name of saving Yan, sent Wang Jian and other generals to attack the State of Zhao separately.】

【At the same time, King Ying Zheng of Qin ordered Feng Chang to prepare for the ceremony of formally enthroning Prince Fusu as the Crown Prince of Qin.】

【The specific date of the ceremony was set by King Ying Zheng of Qin on the day when the Qin army won a great victory and the generals were rewarded according to their merits!】

【Although it was not stated explicitly, the meaning was very clear, that is, King Ying Zheng of Qin wanted to use the Qin army's great victory to celebrate his eldest son Fusu becoming the crown prince of Qin!】

【This shows how much Qin King Ying Zheng loved his eldest son Fusu.】

【However, the Qin generals who were also in charge of this battle were also under great pressure.】

【After all, if he couldn’t win a great victory, it would not only damage the face of King Qin Ying Zheng, but also the face of the future Crown Prince of Qin and the next generation of King of Qin. 】

Under the sky curtain, Wucheng Hou Wang Jian began to recall the war of attacking Zhao more than ten years ago.

After all, the person in charge of the war of attacking Zhao on the sky curtain was another"self", and he didn’t want the other"self" to lose the face of two generations of King of Qin at the same time because of a bad start.

After thinking about it again and again, he was relieved when he was sure that he could win the war of attacking Zhao more than ten years ago with his feet.

As long as the self on the sky curtain more than ten years ago didn’t lose his mind, then there should be no problem in winning a great victory to celebrate the eldest son Fusu becoming the crown prince.

And the development of the war on the sky curtain was basically the same as he thought.

【Although Wang Jian and other generals were under pressure during this expedition, the Qin army still successfully captured Yanyu, Qiyang, Hejian, Anyang and other cities of Zhao, and the Zhang River Basin was occupied by Qin.】

【Then, in the eleventh year of King Zheng of Qin, the Qin army attacked Zhao and won a great victory.】

【After all the meritorious generals were rewarded】

【Immediately afterwards, King Ying Zheng of Qin also announced that his eldest son Fusu would be named the crown prince!】

【The civil and military officials of the Manchu court had anticipated this.】

【At the same time, all the civil and military officials in the court wanted to know what was so special about the eldest son Fusu that the arrogant King of Qin could make him the crown prince so early.】

【Because the eldest son Fusu was young, he had been living in the harem.】

【In addition to Feng Chang's previous meeting with Prince Fusu and his brief contact with him, he had to teach him the etiquette of the process of enthroning the prince in advance.】

【The other civil and military officials had never seen Prince Fusu in person.】

【Feng Chang, who had personally come into contact with Prince Fusu, could understand why the King of Qin wanted to make Prince Fusu the Crown Prince.】

【Let’s not talk about other aspects for now. When it comes to teaching etiquette, the eldest son Fusu really has a photographic memory and can learn it once he is taught.】

【Although he was only five years old, the eldest son Fusu was intelligent, polite, calm and generous.】

【As Feng Chang, who also presided over the coronation ceremony of Qin King Ying Zheng, when looking at the eldest son Fusu, he often felt as if he was seeing the young Qin King Ying Zheng more than ten years ago.】

【In other words, the eldest prince Fusu is a smaller version of King Ying Zheng of Qin!】

【Even if it is a bit more rebellious, Feng Chang thinks that the eldest son Fusu is not only a smaller version of Qin Wang Ying Zheng, but also an enhanced version of Qin Wang Ying Zheng.】

【Perhaps because King Qin Ying Zheng was a hostage when he was young, or perhaps because he had been humiliated, there was always a lingering sinister look in his indifferent and calm eyes.】

【However, although the eldest son Fusu inherited the indifference and calmness of Qin Wang Ying Zheng, he did not inherit Qin Wang Ying Zheng's sinister nature. Instead, he was more tolerant and generous. 】

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