【After listening to the military skills described by Prince Fusu, whether it was Wang Jian, Meng Wu, or Wei Liao, they all pondered for a while, nodded, and then shook their heads.】

【With their long-term vision as military commanders of their respective generations, they naturally saw the feasibility of the military skills.】

【It's just a military skill, maybe it can become one of the mainstream military strategies in the future.】

【But now, and even for a long time in the future, I am afraid that the art of military skills can only serve as a supplement to the other three schools, and cannot really stand out on its own.】

【There is no way. Compared with the three schools of military strategy, military situation and military yin and yang, military skills are too demanding on national strength.】

【If a country's national strength does not reach a certain level, it will not be able to use military skills.】

【Otherwise, there is no need to wait for foreign invasion. The huge military expenditure brought by military skills alone is enough to crush the domestic economy.】

【As a result, the country was too aggressive in military expansion, which caused the people in the country to fall into turmoil and misery.】

【Prince Fusu also divided the four forces of the military strategists for himself, and finally summarized:"Military strategy, military situation, military yin and yang, and military skills are just divisions made according to the different emphases of each commander's own command and combat style."】

【"In essence, there is no difference in superiority or inferiority among the four schools of military strategists!"】

【"As a general or commander, one can use tactics, take the situation into consideration, understand the yin and yang, use skills, and use the four schools of military strategy."】

【"At the same time, you can also use your own strategy, only the situation, only yin and yang, and the"003" skills, and the four schools of military strategists can act alone!"】

【"Because what military strategists and generals truly pursue is only one thing, and that is: victory!"】

【"As long as I can win on the battlefield, as long as I can walk away from the battlefield alive as a victor"】

【"Then no matter how or by what means you achieve victory on the battlefield, it is worthy of praise and recognition from military strategists!"】

【"Because military strategists have existed since their inception to pursue victory!"】

【"Do everything you can, use any means necessary, even at the cost of your life, to win every war, this is a military strategist!"】

【After Prince Fusu finished speaking, the three military commanders Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao couldn't help but applaud and praise Prince Fusu, saying,"Great!"】

【"Your Highness is right! Military strategy exists to win!"】

【"As long as we can win, it is worth it no matter what the cost!"】

【"Your Highness has such a profound understanding of the art of war, you are qualified to be a general and a commander!"】

【"Just based on your Highness's classification of the four military forces and your understanding of the essence of the military's way of thinking, I dare to say that your Highness has the qualifications to become a world-class general!"】

【"If Your Highness was not the Crown Prince and was not forbidden to take risks, otherwise the Qin State would have had an extra peerless general like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an in the past!"】

【At this moment, the three military commanders Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao all felt truly sorry.】

【Because Prince Fusu’s talent in military strategy is really too high!】

【At least Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao all compared themselves and thought that Prince Fusu's talent in military strategy was higher than theirs.】

【I'm afraid that the only generals who can be compared with Prince Fusu in terms of military talent are probably Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an in the past, or Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Sun Wu and other few military strategists before him.】

【Even Bai Qi, Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Sun Wu and other military strategists, if we only look at their talents without considering their ability to march and fight, then they may be slightly inferior to Prince Fusu.】

【After all, Prince Fusu was able to distinguish the four schools of military strategy at the age of six, and to deeply understand the essential pursuit of military strategy after only studying military strategy for half a year.】

【But could Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, Sun Bin, Wu Qi, Sun Wu and other military strategists do the same thing at the same age?】

【Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao are unlikely to succeed.】

【The military talent of Prince Fusu is likely to surpass that of a six-year-old child of all the military strategists of all generations. If he can become a true commander in the future,】

【Then maybe he would become the most versatile, terrifying, and outstanding military commander in history!】

【And it is possible to create an unparalleled achievement that has never been seen before and will never be surpassed, unparalleled in the world, and will be recorded in history books!】

【However, Prince Fusu, who possesses such a terrifying military talent, happens to be the crown prince of a country!】

【He is also an extremely favored crown prince, and his talents and abilities in other aspects are also outstanding!】

【Such status and position meant that Prince Fusu would never risk his life on the battlefield.】

【Even if Prince Fusu himself wanted to lead troops on the battlefield, he would not be allowed to do so.】

【In fact, this is indeed the case. Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao just sighed a little that Prince Fusu had such a terrifying military talent, and it would be a pity if he did not become a military commander.】

【Immediately, he was glanced at by Qin King Ying Zheng, who was sitting next to him, with a faint cold and majestic look.】

【Crown Prince Fusu can be said to be his most perfect and impeccable heir!】

【Especially in comparison with the other princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty who were born one after another in recent years, King Ying Zheng of Qin realized that a crown prince like Prince Fusu, who was perfect beyond his expectations, was a great talent.���】

【In his life, this is probably the only one.】

【Therefore, a perfect crown prince who can make him feel at ease and worry-free, and can also make the past emperors of Qin feel at ease.】

【If the nonsense of Wang Jian, Meng Wu and Wei Liao caused Prince Fusu to be confused and have the absurd idea of going to the battlefield to lead the troops,】

【Even though Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao had made outstanding contributions to the Qin State, he would have to punish them severely.】

【Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao, who were coldly looked at by King Ying Zheng of Qin, were immediately startled and regained their consciousness.】

【Perhaps Prince Fusu's talent in military strategy was truly unprecedented.】

【However, for the current Qin State, does it still lack a commander like Prince Fusu who has unprecedented military talent?】

【There is no shortage!】

【After all, Wang Jian, Meng Wu and Wei Liao are not dead yet!】

【And even if all three of them died, there were still the younger generation of Qin generals such as Meng Tian, Wang Ben, Li Xin, etc. who could take over from them and support the Qin State!】

【Before all the capable generals of Qin State died, for the whole Qin State, the value and significance of Prince Fusu being a crown prince was far greater than being a general.】

【After all, as long as Prince Fusu, the crown prince, is safe, then even if all the generals of Qin are dead, the future of Qin is still there.】

【However, if Prince Fusu, as the commander-in-chief, had an accident on the battlefield, then even if Prince Fusu had won many victories for the Qin State as a general, the future of the Qin State would be ruined.】

【So Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao were able to clearly distinguish between the two, whether to let Crown Prince Fusu be a crown prince or a battlefield commander. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Thinking of this, Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao no longer said that it was a pity that Prince Fusu did not become a military commander.】

【Wei Liao coughed twice and changed the subject directly,"Ahem, Your Highness has just finished talking about the four military forces, so what are these eight strategies?"】

【Prince Fusu did not doubt him and continued to tell his own eight military strategies.】

【"I have divided the abilities required of a military commander into eight categories according to a detailed structure."】

【"They are: strategy, tactics, logistics, training, selecting generals, military orders, military management, and use of spies!"】[]

【"Strategy refers to the planning and guidance of the overall military struggle."】

【"It involves comprehensively planning, deploying, and guiding the construction and use of military forces based on the understanding of the subjective and objective conditions on which military struggle depends and the laws of their development and change, so as to effectively achieve the established political and military goals."】

【"Tactics are the actions of using weapons or military units to attack or defend against an enemy."】

【"It includes combat principles and their application, offensive tactics, defensive tactics, etc. It is a specific implementation method in military operations........"】

【"Logistics refers to: all supply work from the rear to the front"】

【"It includes the speed, quality and quantity of transporting food and fodder, as well as the speed, quality and quantity of transporting weapons and equipment, as well as timely treatment of injured soldiers, and the relief of the spiritual emotions of soldiers who are homesick and feel homesick, etc."】

【"Military training means: improving the combat capability and overall quality of the army through training"】

【"It includes military technology such as weapon manufacturing, camp construction, and medical care for soldiers and horses, as well as how to select qualified soldiers and train them to become soldiers who meet the requirements of marching and fighting."】

【"Selecting generals means: selecting and training qualified military strategists and generals in the army."】

【"It includes the evaluation and selection of various aspects such as the personal ability, leadership, and moral character of the generals."】

【"Military order refers to: the abbreviation of military command and dispatch order, responsible for military command and combat affairs"】

【"It includes how to issue orders, arrange combat missions, and supervise execution."】

【"Military management refers to the internal management of the military, which involves the internal organizational structure, military discipline construction, daily management, etc."】

【"It is the basis for ensuring that the army can operate effectively and complete various military tasks."】

【"Using spies or intelligence to gather information in order to develop more effective strategies and tactics"】

【"It includes rural spies, internal spies, double agents, dead spies, living spies, etc."】

【"The term"乡间" refers to people who use enemy villagers as spies."】

【"Neijian refers to people who use enemy officials as spies."】

【"Counter-espionage refers to people who use enemy spies to serve their own ends."】

【"A dead spy is someone who creates false information and passes it to the enemy through our spies who sneak into the enemy camp, so that the enemy army is deceived. Once the truth is revealed, our spies will inevitably be executed."】

【"Shengjian refers to people who can come back alive to report the enemy situation after reconnaissance."】

【"As long as each of these eight items can reach a certain level, then combined, he can be said to be a qualified military commander."】

【"Even if you cannot become a qualified army commander, as long as you study hard and strictly implement these eight points, you can at least become a person who knows how to fight a stupid battle!"】

【Although Prince Fusu himself had already understood how to march and fight after listening to Wang Jian's lecture on"The Art of War"】

【Well, at least in theory he really understood and mastered it.】

【What he lacks now is real practice, although he may never have the opportunity to practice.】

【However, there was Wang Li who had also followed him to learn the art of war, but his performance was far inferior to his.】

【Prince Fusu also realized that not everyone was like him, and that they could learn how to march and fight just by reading"The Art of War"】

【So Crown Prince Fusu thought about how to enable someone like Wang Li, who was not very smart, to learn how to march and fight?】

【So he broke down the abilities that he understood and believed a commander of a large army should have one by one.】

【Then write down every requirement in detail without leaving out anything.】

【For example, as a general, how should you select soldiers, how should you organize them into ranks, how many people should be in the horizontal and vertical formations, what are the precautions when engaging the enemy, and what instructions should be followed when managing a camp.......】

【Even when a soldier draws a bow and draws an arrow, how should his feet stand, how should his fingers hold the bow and rest on the bowstring, how should the soldier breathe, etc.】

【All the little things that can be thought of and can't be thought of are written down.】

【It can be said without hesitation that even a pig can be a real pig if he strictly follows the Eight Strategies of Military Science he compiled to train his soldiers and march and fight.】

【It's hard to say whether we can win the battle, but at least we can command tens of thousands of troops to set up camp, or fight a steady battle.】


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