Under the sky, no matter whether it was a general like Wang Jian who swept across the six kingdoms, or a young general like Meng Tian, Wang Ben, and Li Xin.

Or a general like Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang, and Zhang Liang, or a wild general like Han Xin, Peng Yue, and Ying Bu.

At this moment, all of them opened their eyes wide, staring at the specific matters involved in the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu displayed on the sky. It was not until the content of the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists disappeared from the sky that Wang Jian sighed with a complicated expression:

"His Royal Highness Prince Fusu is truly a genius!"

If Prince Fusu's general division of the four schools of military strategists previously only surprised Wang Jian at most, then Prince Fusu's summary, conclusion, and compilation of the Eight Strategies of Military Strategies really shocked Wang Jian deeply.

To be fair, are the Eight Strategies of Military Strategies summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu really good?

This is not the case, at least compared to"The Art of War"》、《Sun Bin���Law》、《The Eight Strategies of Military Strategy summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu are at the middle and lower levels at best if we only consider the principles of military strategy contained in them.

However, if we consider their value and significance

, the Eight Strategies of Military Strategy summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu are definitely comparable to the"Sun Tzu's Art of War".》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military strategies.

Even for a country, the eight strategies of military strategists summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu are more important than Sun Zi Bing Fa.》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《

Wu Zi's Art of War and other military strategies are even more important!》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military strategies raise the upper limit of a general's military level.

However, the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu raise the lower limit of a country's general's military level.

For example, if the military level of a general is capped at 100 points, and a person's talent in military strategy is also capped at 100 points.

Then, if a person who originally had a military level of about 50 or 60 points can truly comprehend and flexibly apply Sun Zi Bing Fa,》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《If he had studied Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military strategies, then his military level would have been at least 80 points, or 90 points.

It would not have been impossible to even have reached a full score of 100 points.

《The Art of War》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military strategies play a role in expanding his original military level.

However, there is a prerequisite.

That is, the person's talent in military strategy must also reach at least 80 points.

Because only those who have a talent in military strategy of more than 80 points can truly comprehend and flexibly apply Sun Zi Bing Fa.》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa" and other military strategies.

As for those whose talent in military strategy is less than 80 points, they either cannot learn it or learn only half of it.

To put it bluntly, Sun Zi Bing Fa is》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi's Art of War" and other military strategies to select people!

Only geniuses can correctly understand and flexibly apply"Sun Tzu's Art of War"》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa" and other military strategies.

What about the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu?

It doesn't pick people!

It doesn't require you to understand or use it flexibly!

It has already written out all the aspects involved in marching and fighting, including how to command the army to attack, where the toilets in the camp should be set up, etc., all in detail.

As long as you memorize it by rote, follow the steps, and strictly follow the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu to march and fight.

Then even if your own military level is only 20 or 30 points, and your talent as a military strategist is only 20 or 30 points.

But in the end, the military level you show will reach the passing line of 60 points or more.

Because the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu is a general template for a qualified 60-point general to command troops and handle various affairs in daily operations.

And in a country, how many geniuses with military talents and military levels of more than 80 points?

Or are there more ordinary people whose military talent and military level are only 20 or 30 points?

Of course, there are more ordinary people whose military talent and military level are only 20 or 30 points!

However, the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu can force the vast majority of ordinary people whose military talent and military level are only 20 or 30 points to reach a military level of more than 60 points!

This directly raises the lower limit of the military level of a country's generals by a large margin!

What a terrifying thing!

For a country, is it that a genius military commander who suddenly emerges from the enemy country with a military level of more than 80 points is difficult to deal with?

Or is it that the enemy country suddenly becomes a qualified military commander with a per capita military level of more than 60 points, which is more difficult to deal with?

Of course, it is the latter!

Because for a country, even if it cannot defeat a genius military commander of an enemy country with a military level of more than 80 points on the battlefield.

But outside the battlefield, it has too many ways to kill such a genius military commander of an enemy country with a military level of more than 80 points.

Estrangement, frame-up, assassination......

There are too many battlefield tricks like the above.

For example, Li Mu, the Wu'an Jun of Zhao, was not as good as Bai Qi, the Wu'an Jun of Qin, but���Compared with Wang Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng of Qin, it is definitely not much worse.

If Li Mu had not died, it would have been very difficult for Wang Jian to lead his army to destroy Zhao.

However, Li Mu died!

Li Mu, a genius military commander comparable to Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an of Qin, and Wang Jian, the Marquis of Wucheng, did not die on the battlefield, but died under the small alienation plan of Qin. After

Li Mu's death, the capital of Zhao, Handan, was broken by the Qin army the following year.

Therefore, a genius military commander with a military level of more than 80 points is not terrible for a country.

Even if there are no generals of the same level to resist the opponent, there are still tricks to deal with.

But if the enemy country suddenly becomes a qualified military commander with a per capita military level of more than 60 points, then there is really no use for any tricks.

Because this is a dimensionality reduction and crushing attack at the level of pure national strength!

If you want to solve the problem, there is only one way, which is to find a way to turn your own country into a qualified military commander with a per capita military level of more than 60 points.

As long as everyone becomes a qualified military commander with a per capita military level of more than 60 points, it is equivalent to that everyone's military level has not improved.

In this way, a dynamic balance can be maintained. However, for a country, it is extremely difficult to narrow the gap in national strength.

Often, one step behind means falling behind step by step! (To read the novel of Baoshuang, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Unless you can think of a way to overtake on the curve, you will often be killed by the dimensionality reduction attack brought about by the gap in the level of national strength of the opponent before you catch up with the opponent.

From this, we can see how great the value of the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu is, and how important its significance is!

To put it bluntly, a country can live without"The Art of War"》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military strategies, but it is impossible without the Eight Strategies of Military Strategies summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu!

Of course, it does not mean that the Eight Strategies of Military Strategies summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu are completely without drawbacks.

The biggest drawback of the Eight Strategies of Military Strategies summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu is that it cannot cultivate first-class famous generals, but can only cultivate stupid generals who fight stupid battles by rote.[]

The Art of War》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military tactics can cultivate first-class generals who can fight flexibly.

However, sometimes on the battlefield, the most feared thing is to set up camp and fight stupid battles steadily.

Because any military tactics are essentially risky, and taking risks is easy to be broken quickly.

On the contrary, it is difficult for the opponent to find flaws in a stupid battle.

If you want to win a stupid general who fights a stupid battle, you can often only use a head-on approach.

And in this way, even if the opponent can win, his own losses will not be light.

Moreover, the eight strategies of military strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu do not mean that it is really impossible to cultivate first-class generals who know how to fight flexibly.

After all, the biggest advantage of the eight strategies of military strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu is that it is easy to learn!

And the low difficulty of learning means that there are many people learning!

And when the number of people learning is large, then among a group of stupid generals who only know how to fight stupid battles, there is always a possibility that one or two first-class generals who gradually know how to fight flexibly will mutate by themselves!

Thinking of this, Wang Jian also looked at Prince Fusu on the sky with a complicated expression.

Before the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu came out, a qualified general was like a castle in the air.

If ordinary people want to become a qualified general, they can only stand on the ground and rely on their innate talents to jump and jump to the castle in the air to become a qualified general.

But after the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu came out, there was an extra ladder between the castle in the air representing qualified generals and the ground.

From then on, even ordinary people whose innate talents could not reach the castle in the air representing qualified generals could rely on the ladder built by the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu.

Then slowly climb to the castle in the air representing qualified generals, and become a qualified general from then on!

It can be said that the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu opened a new era for future military strategists!

In the future, there will be a lot of qualified military strategists and generals, and the military will flourish because of this!

But at the same time, the competition between military strategists and generals will become more intense in the future!

Like now, as long as you are a qualified military strategist and general, you may be able to lead a partial army alone, and it is estimated that it will slowly disappear and become extinct in a short time.

In the future, if the generals of the Qin Dynasty do not have outstanding military levels like Meng Tian, Wang Ben, and Li Xin, it is estimated that they will not be able to lead a partial army alone.

After all, the future emperor of the Qin State will not be able to appoint generals with higher military levels as generals of a large army, but instead appoint some generals with lower military levels as generals of a large army.

Similarly, the generals and soldiers in the army in the future will not be convinced by a general whose military level is not even as good as their own, or who is on par with them.

So if you want to become the commander of a large army in the future, you must find a way to improve your military level, improve it, and improve it again!

Only when it is improved to the extent that the generals and soldiers in the army are convinced, can you sit firmly in the position of the commander of the Qin army!

Thinking of this, Wang Jian also silently sympathized for his grandson Wang Li in his heart for a long time.

Because of the fierce competition among the future military strategists, he estimated that he would not be able to see it or catch up.

Of course, even if he saw it and caught up with 097, it is estimated that no young general could shake his position.

As for his son Wang Ben, he would probably be able to see the beginning and rise of the new era of military strategists.

However, that new era of military strategists also had nothing to do with his son Wang Ben.

After all, if it really came to that time, his son Wang Ben would have already been as successful as he is now, and he would not need to compete with the group of young military strategists in the future.

However, his grandson Wang Li just caught up with that new era of military strategists.

If his grandson Wang Li's talent and hard work are not enough, then I am afraid he may not be able to compete with the group of young military strategists in the future.

But the problem is not big. Even if Wang Li really can't compete with the group of young military strategists in the future, it will be a little embarrassing at most.

At least he and his son Wang Ben also earned two titles for his grandson Wang Li and the Wang family. These two titles are enough to ensure that Wang Li and the Wang family will be rich and prosperous for generations in the future.

Then as long as the Wang family can pass on well, there will always be descendants with outstanding military talents in the Wang family.

By then, they can naturally restore the glory of their ancestors and pick up the lost face again.

Thinking of this, Wang Jian's face became relaxed again.

Anyway, he has done everything he can for his descendants. If his descendants are still not motivated, then he can't do anything.

Of course, he thought so. In fact, Wang Jian was also prepared to wait until the sky curtain passed before teaching and training his grandson Wang Li.

After all, it is impossible that the Wang family will really have no generals to show off as soon as he and his son Wang Ben leave in the future.

If that really happens, then he will have no face to see ghosts even if he dies.

However, the fierce competition in the next era of military strategists is far beyond Wang Jian's expectations.

There is no need to say much about Xiang Yu and Han Xin, as their military talents are far superior to Wang Li.

The Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu are at most icing on the cake for the two of them.

But for Liu Bang, Peng Yue, Ying Bu and other wild generals with great potential, it is a real timely help.

It can be said that the Eight Strategies of Military Science summarized, concluded, and compiled by Prince Fusu perfectly made up for the fact that they were unable to systematically learn the knowledge that only professional military strategists and generals could learn in the past due to their insufficient status.

In addition, the"Art of War" previously learned from Tianmu》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi Bing Fa and other military tactics also further broadened their horizons and thinking. If

Wang Li wants to compete with such a group of wild generals who have both talent and a solid foundation and have raised their upper limit in the future, if he does not work hard and continues to rely on the glory of his ancestors and fathers, then it is estimated that Wang Li will at most become a supporting role in the next era of military strategists..

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