Under the sky, Wang Jian looked at the Thirty-Six Strategies of War summarized by Crown Prince Fusu, and couldn't help but say sourly like the other"self" on the sky:

"Your Highness, the Crown Prince Fusu, has really taken great pains for the military commanders!"

What are the two most notable characteristics of a military commander?

One is the strong command and dispatch capabilities for the army under his command!

The other is the ability to flexibly adopt various strategies and tactics to assist in winning the battlefield according to different situations on and off the battlefield!

Only when you have these two abilities at the same time can you be called a qualified military commander.

If a novice general has barely learned how to command and dispatch the army through the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists.

But he can only recite from the book and fight steadily, and does not know how to use strategies flexibly and independently.

Then now the Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Strategists further make up for the shortcomings of those novice generals who have learned the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists who can only fight stupid battles.

Let those novice generals who have learned the Eight Strategies of Military Strategists, in the face of Under different battlefield situations, one can also use certain strategies and tactics independently and flexibly to win the battlefield.

Even Prince Fusu was very considerate and classified all the strategies and tactics that might come in handy according to the various battlefield situations that might arise and be encountered by both sides.

For example, when one is in an advantageous position, one can use victory strategies, enemy strategies, and attack strategies.

These strategies and tactics are even further divided into detailed categories according to the degree of one's own advantage.

For example, when one is in an absolutely advantageous position, one can use a victory strategy.

For another example, when one is evenly matched, one can use an enemy strategy.

For another example, when one is in an offensive position, one can use an attack strategy.


, when you are at a disadvantage, you can use the strategies of mixed combat, joint battle, and defeat.

And according to the degree of disadvantage, these strategies are further divided into detailed categories.

For example, when you are in a situation where you cannot distinguish between enemies and friends, or when the princes are in a mixed battle, you can use the mixed combat strategy.

For another example, when your friendly forces become enemies, you can use the joint battle strategy.

For another example, when you are in a situation of defeat, you can use the defeat strategy.

It can be said that Prince Fusu has basically considered all the situations that may be encountered and appear on the battlefield, and has given all the strategies for reference.

Prince Fusu was even worried that the generals who had learned the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Military Strategy did not know how to use these strategies.

He also specially selected them from history books and military books.

Reference war cases that reflect these strategies and tactics are used to assist in explanation.

What does it mean to teach you how to march and fight, and command troops? This is called teaching you how to march and fight, and command troops!

This level of intimacy is so intimate that even Wang Jian couldn't help but feel jealous.

In the words of"myself" on the sky curtain, when I was teaching my son Wang Ben, I was not as dedicated and caring as Prince Fusu on the sky curtain!

It can even be said bluntly that if he had just started to learn the way of military strategists and military books, he could have summarized, concluded, and compiled such a set of military strategists' four forces, eight strategies, and thirty-six strategies.

Then he could at least take less than twenty years of detours on the road of military strategists!

What does it mean to take less than twenty years of detours? That means that if I could reach the current level of commander twenty years ago, then maybe I could also step into the level of commander that Wu'an Jun Bai Qi was at in the past.

Although in recent years, because of the achievements brought by sweeping the six kingdoms, more and more people have compared themselves with Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun.

At one time, they even thought that their military command ability and military tactics were no less than those of Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun.

However, Wang Jian, who had followed Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun, in marching and fighting, knew the horror of Bai Qi better than anyone else alive in the world.

He knew very well that he was still a little bit away from Bai Qi's military command ability and military tactics.

This little gap allowed him to defend himself against Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun.

But if he fought on the front battlefield, he would not win.

Because over the years, as his own military command ability and military tactics became more and more advanced, Wang Jian also secretly reviewed the battles fought by Bai Qi, the former Wu'an Jun, again and again.

After all, to be frank, among the living people in the world, there is probably no one who is stronger than him in terms of military commander ability and military tactics.

So he can only compare himself with the generals he has met in the past and who have died.

Among the generals he has met in the past and who have died, there is no doubt that the former Wu'an Jun Bai Qi left the most profound impression on him.

So Wang Jian often secretly compares himself with the former Wu'an Jun Bai Qi.

And the battles that Wu'an Jun Bai Qi encountered in the past, if he were to fight now, he would be able to win with ease.

But he still couldn't figure out how Wu'an Jun Bai Qi in the past could do such an outrageous thing as annihilating the opponent when the enemy and our forces were one to one.

Anyway, he secretly reviewed the same battle many times, and the final result was that he could win, and even at the cost of minimal losses, to win a big victory.

But he couldn't do such an outrageous thing as annihilating the opponent one to one.

Therefore, this is why Wang Jian thinks that he is still a little bit away from the level of military commander ability and military tactics of Wu'an Jun Bai Qi.

And Wang Jian attributed this little gap to talent!

Maybe his talent in military tactics is not as good as that of Wu'an Jun Bai Qi in the past.

If he is given another twenty years, then he may be able to rely on the hard work of water grinding to cross that little gap and reach the same level of military commander ability and military tactics as Wu'an Jun Bai Qi in the past.

But now, he is old!

Let alone twenty years, he doesn't even know if he can live for ten years.

So when Wang Jian saw that future military strategists and generals could save twenty years of detours by learning the four forces, eight strategies and thirty-six strategies of military strategists summarized, concluded and compiled by Prince Fusu, how could he not be jealous?

"You are so lucky!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Wang Jian couldn't help but sigh again when he looked at his sons Wang Ben, Meng Tian, Li Xin and other Qin generals behind him.

With the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategists, the requirements for the ability of generals to command troops and fight in the future will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

In the future, even if a pig goes to the battlefield, as long as he strictly follows the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military

Strategists to command troops and fight. Then, unless you meet a commander like Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an, who can tear up military books with his hands, or a commander like Wu Zi, Sun Bin, Sun Tzu, etc. who are enough to be called the son of the military strategists and write military books, you may be killed directly.

Otherwise, even if you encounter an opponent at the level of a famous general, you can at least rely on the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategists to fight the opponent for a few rounds before being killed by the opponent. If you only meet a qualified commander of military power, then relying on the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategists Even if the opponent is beaten up, he may not be killed.

If he encounters an ordinary general, he may be able to rely on the four forces and eight strategies and thirty-six strategies to beat the opponent to death with"turtle punches".

This is the great significance and role of the four forces and eight strategies and thirty-six strategies for novice generals!

At this moment, Wang Ben did not care about his father's sigh. He and Meng Tian, Li Xin and other generals of the Qin Dynasty worked hard to copy the four forces and eight strategies and thirty-six strategies of the military strategists.

They can feel that if they can really use the four forces and eight strategies and thirty-six strategies of the military strategists mentioned by Prince Fusu.

Then they may be able to really take the step or half step that has been stuck on them, and truly become a qualified commander of military power!

On the other side, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, who had just taken over the responsibility of jointly summarizing, summarizing and compiling the"Eight Strategies of Political Affairs", couldn't help but say sourly:

"Why don’t I, the old man on the sky curtain, or other ministers take Crown Prince Fusu to learn how to handle state affairs?"

"Although His Royal Highness Prince Fusu on the sky curtain is still young, he is extremely talented. It is not a bad idea for him to learn how to handle government affairs from now on!"

If someone takes Prince Fusu to learn how to handle government affairs now, then according to Prince Fusu's terrifying talent of learning by analogy, maybe he can summarize, summarize, and compile a set of"Eight Strategies of State Affairs" for state affairs just like he summarized, concluded, and compiled the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces, Eight Strategies of Military Strategists.

In this way, they don't have to summarize, summarize, and compile the"Eight Strategies of State Affairs" for state affairs.

After all, with His Royal Highness Prince Fusu's Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces, Eight Strategies of Military Strategists before them, it is also very stressful for them to summarize, summarize, and compile an"Eight Strategies of State Affairs" that is not inferior to the Four Forces, Eight Strategies, and Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Strategists.

So instead of doing it themselves, they would have to do it. After summarizing, concluding, and compiling the"Eight Strategies of Political Affairs", the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang also longed for himself and others to"sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor" like the military strategists and generals.

After all, looking at the corners of the mouths of Wang Ben, Meng Tian, Li Xin and other generals of the Qin Dynasty, which were almost grinning from ear to ear, you will know how happy it is to get something for free without having to use your brain. The Right Prime Minister Wang Wan beside Wei Zhuang also nodded in agreement, although it would feel a little awkward and uncomfortable to get something for free at first.

But as the number of free things increased, there was naturally no burden or pressure in the heart.

On the other side, the Court Justice Li Si looked at the Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Strategies summarized and concluded by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, and said meaningfully:[]

"The Thirty-Six Stratagems summarized and concluded by His Royal Highness Prince Fusu can be used not only���It can also be used in other places outside the battlefield."

After Prince Fusu summarized the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Military Strategy, perhaps because of his own personality, Li Si almost subconsciously thought of the application of these Thirty-Six Stratagems in political struggles.

Things like borrowing a knife to kill someone, fishing in troubled waters, beauty traps, and self-torture traps can also be used on political opponents.

After all, the principles contained in the Thirty-Six Stratagems are universal, the only difference is how to use them.

However, Li Si looked up and saw that the people around him were either the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang and the Right Prime Minister Wang Wan who were about to retire, or other nine ministers whose merits, resumes, and political achievements were not as good as his.

Finally, Li Si shook his head. What he thought was... The height of his position meant that he no longer needed to use the Thirty-Six Stratagems to engage in political struggles.

As long as he continued to complete the tasks assigned by the First Emperor, he would naturally become the Prime Minister and the most trusted minister of the First Emperor.

Similarly, as long as he did not make any big mistakes, the so-called political struggles by others would be nothing more than a breeze to him, insignificant.

Thinking of this, Li Si felt a little regretful.

It was a pity that he had just learned such a good political struggle method as the Thirty-Six Stratagems of the Military Strategists, but when he looked around, there was no one worthy of using such a political struggle method.

This could probably be regarded as another kind of... It's lonely at the top.

In addition to the rich harvest of the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty, other wise men and wild generals from all over the world also gained a lot.

For example, Xiao He and Cao Shen from Pei County, Zhang Liang from the old Han Dynasty, and other wise men, after reading the Thirty-Six Stratagems of Military Science summarized and concluded by Prince Fusu.

Their own level of strategic planning has also risen by one or two small levels.

After all, the principles of battlefields, officialdom, and human hearts are often universal.

For wise men like Zhang Liang, Xiao He, and Cao Shen, how to use them flexibly is naturally not a problem.

For example, Liu Bang and Fan Kuai, Han Xin of Huaiyin County, and Xiang Liang, Xiang Yu and other wild generals of Wu County, Kuaiji County, after listening to the Thirty-Six Strategies of Prince Fusu.

Combined with the previous four forces and eight strategies of the military strategists, it can be said that their respective capabilities in military command and marching and fighting have either directly risen to a large level or risen to several small levels.

After all, in the past, in addition to their own extraordinary talents, they really lacked the understanding and mastery of various basic military knowledge.

Now that they have supplemented the basic knowledge of various military strategists, as long as they are given a chance, they will definitely perform better than they did in the original history!.

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