【Hearing Wang Jian's sigh, Prince Fusu also said seriously:"The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty sacrificed their lives and shed their blood for the Great Qin Dynasty to protect the country and the people!"】

【"Not to mention just summarizing, concluding, and compiling a set of the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military, even if there are many other things, as long as they can be of help to the soldiers of the Great Qin, I will do my best to do it for them!"】

【As soon as these words came out, both Wang Jian and Meng Wu looked at Prince Fusu with a more friendly and friendly look.】

【After all, as a military general, who doesn't want his monarch to be a monarch who respects and treats his soldiers well?】

【The performance of Crown Prince Fusu today is that of a crown prince who respects and treats his soldiers well!】

【When Crown Prince Fusu ascends the throne in the future, he will surely be a monarch who respects and treats his soldiers well!】

【It can be said that this alone is enough to make the military forces represented by Wang Jian and Meng Wu stand firmly behind Prince Fusu, safeguard his status and position, and support him to ascend the throne in the future.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin, who was sitting nearby and listening, nodded slightly when he saw that Prince Fusu had won over Wang Jian and Meng Wu in just a few words and had almost raised their favorability to the maximum.】

【In the eyes of Qin King Ying Zheng, Prince Fusu is not only gifted in military strategy, but also in the art of ruling.】

【This method of winning people's hearts at any time and anywhere, making them loyal to him and willing to die for him, even at the age of Prince Fusu, he could not be so skilled.】

【However, it was also thanks to the fact that Prince Fusu's father was the Qin King Ying Zheng, who was ambitious and determined to conquer the six kingdoms and unify the world.】

【If it were any other power-hungry, suspicious, and weak monarch, seeing his prince trying to win over his subjects, he might have suspected that his prince was planning to seize power and force the emperor to abdicate.】

【As for King Ying Zheng of Qin, he did not care about Prince Fusu's behavior of winning over the hearts of his subjects.】

【Because he was confident that no matter how Prince Fusu tried to win over his subjects, as long as he was alive, his subjects would be more loyal to him than to Prince Fusu.】

【At the same time, he also hoped that Prince Fusu would be able to truly surpass himself one day.】

【Only in this way can the Qin Dynasty continue to get better and better after him, until it is led by Crown Prince Fusu to reach another new peak!】

【Wei Liao, who was standing by, carefully read the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces and Eight Strategies from beginning to end, and finally couldn't help but clapping his hands in admiration:"With the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces and Eight..."】

【"In the future, even if Your Highness studies the military science, you will be able to establish your own school and become a master of your own, standing shoulder to shoulder with the military strategists of the past such as Sun Tzu, Sun Bin, Wu Zi, etc.!"】

【Facing Wei Liao's praise, Prince Fusu also shook his head modestly and said:"Master Liao, you are overpraising me. I am just summarizing and summarizing some of the military knowledge and principles of the predecessors in a simple and orderly manner."】

【"Compared with the military strategists of the past such as Sun Tzu, Sun Bin, Wu Zi, etc., I am just a frog in the well."】

【Prince Fusu is very clear about his own abilities】

【If you ask him to summarize some military theories, he can do it.】

【But if he were asked to lead troops and fight, he would not be able to do it.】

【After all, knowing and being able to do are two completely different things.】

【If Prince Fusu was asked to find someone to compare himself to, he felt that he might be similar to Zhao Kuo, who was beaten up by Bai Qi, the Marquis of Wu'an. Both of them were good at talking about military affairs but could not really lead troops in battle.】

【At least that's how the current Crown Prince Fusu sees himself.】

【Meng Wu, who was standing on the other side, heard the humble words of Prince Fusu and also sighed:"The military knowledge and principles of the predecessors have always been there, but how many people are really capable of summarizing and summarizing them?"】

【"At least I can't do it, but Wei Liao and Wang Jian might be able to do it."】

【"But I am also sure that if they do it, it will not be as good as what Your Highness has summarized and concluded!"】

【"What's more, what Your Highness has done is not just as simple as summarizing and concluding, but also going a step further to draw inferences about other cases and bring forth something new from the old!"】

【"Wei Liao said that Your Highness is capable of creating his own school of military science, standing shoulder to shoulder with the military strategists of the past such as Sun Tzu, Sun Bin, Wu Zi, etc. This is not an exaggeration."】

【"Rather, the"Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military" summarized, concluded and compiled by Your Highness is truly worthy of such praise!"】

【Hearing Meng Wu's praise, Crown Prince Fusu did not continue to be modest. Instead, he smiled and looked at Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and Wei Liao and said,"Then Master Meng, Master Wang, and Master Liao, have I passed the military studies?"】

【Wang Jian laughed when he heard this and said,"Pass! More than pass! It couldn't be better!"】

【Wei Liao also joked:"I am afraid that even if Sun Tzu, Sun Bin, Wu Zi and other military strategists of the past were resurrected, they would not be able to say that the"Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Strategy" summarized, concluded and compiled by Your Highness is unqualified."】

【Meng Wu said half jokingly and half seriously:"Your Highness is worthy of being my teacher!"】

【After joking around, Wang Jian looked at Prince Fusu and asked curiously,"What do you plan to name this military book, Your Highness?"】

【"It is simply called"The Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military"》?"】

【"Or is it another name?"】

【It is very important to name the military book you wrote.】

【After all, on the one hand, the military book he wrote contains the military strategies he has learned throughout his life, and is a summary of his life experience, wisdom, and essence.】

【Such a serious matter cannot be dealt with by simply giving it a name.】

【On the other hand, whether he can leave his name in history may depend on this military book.】

【Therefore, many people would directly name their own military books after themselves.】

【For example, Sun Tzu's Art of War》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi's Art of War》、《Wei Liaozi, etc.】

【So Wang Jian was also very curious about how Prince Fusu would name his own military book. Would he simply call it"The Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-six Strategies of the Military"? Or"Prince Fusu's Art of War" or"Su Bing"?》?】

【Hearing Wang Jian's question, everyone focused their attention on Prince Fusu. They were also quite interested in this question.】

【Prince Fusu did not answer immediately, but looked at Wang Jian and asked:"Master Wang, do you think that the"Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military" that I summarized, concluded and compiled is worthy of learning by all the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty?"】

【To this question, Wang Jian answered affirmatively without any hesitation:"It's worth it!"】

【"If the generals of the Qin Dynasty can only learn from one military book, then I am 100% sure that this military book should be the"Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military" compiled and summarized by Your Highness.》!"】

【"I believe this military book should be listed as a must-learn military book for Qin's soldiers!"】

【"Any Qin soldier who cannot recite the"Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military" by heart and by heart cannot be a commander!"】

【"Otherwise, the lives of the soldiers will be wasted!"】

【Meng Wu and Wei Liao on the side also nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement with Wang Jian's evaluation of"The Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military"】

【Prince Fusu, who was recognized by Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao, smiled and said,"If so, I plan to name this military book"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy".》!"】

【"It is divided into three volumes: upper, middle and lower. The upper volume is"The Four Forces of Military Strategy", which talks about military strategy, military situation, military yin and yang, military skills, and the differences between the four major commanders of the military."】

【"The middle volume is"Eight Strategies of Military Science", which discusses strategy, tactics, logistics, training, selecting generals, military orders, military management, and the use of spies, all the basic abilities that a military commander must possess."】

【"The second volume is"The Thirty-Six Strategies of War", which discusses the military strategies used by military strategists to determine their strengths, weaknesses, and victories and defeats."】

【"Master Wang, Master Meng, Master Liao, what do you think?"】

【Wang Jian silently repeated the name"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" several times, and then nodded in agreement:"The name"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" is very good, and it really lives up to its name!"】

【At least Wang Jian thought that the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategy were worthy of the"General Guide to the Art of War of the Qin Dynasty".���》This name. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Meng Wu also smiled and said,"The name of"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" is very majestic and just right for Your Highness!"】

【Wei Liao also nodded slightly and said:"The four forces, eight strategies and thirty-six strategies of the military are the"Art of War" by Sun Tzu.》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《It is a summary of the military strategies of Wu Zi and other military strategists, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the"General Outline of the Military Strategy"."】

【After seeing that the three teachers Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and Wei Liao all agreed with this name, Prince Fusu smiled and said,"In this case, the Four Forces, Eight Strategies, and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military will be named"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy"》"】

【"Master Wang, Master Meng, Liao Shi and I are all the authors of"The General Outline of the Art of War of the Great Qin"!"】

【Hearing this, Meng Wu, Wang Jian, and Wei Liao all opened their eyes wide, and said in disbelief:"What did your highness just say?"】

【"Your Highness and I are all the authors of"The General Principles of the Great Qin Military Strategy"?"】

【"Your Highness, are you joking?"】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and said seriously:"I am not joking. Without the teachings of Master Wang, Master Meng, and Master Liao, I would not be able to summarize and compile the Four Forces, Eight Strategies, and Thirty-Six Strategies of Military Science..0"】

【"It can be said that the reason why"General Principles of the Art of War of the Great Qin" was able to be written is not only due to my contribution, but also to the King's Master, the Meng's Master, and the Liao's Master!"】

【"Therefore, the title of the author of"General Principles of the Great Qin Military Strategy" should include Wang Shi, Meng Shi, and Liao Shi!"】[]

【At this point, Prince Fusu also smiled and said,"And at the end of the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces and Eight Strategies of the Military, I also engraved the names of the King's Master, the Meng's Master, and the Liao's Master."】

【"Even if Master Wang, Master Meng, and Master Liao are unwilling, it will not work!"】

【Upon hearing this, Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao immediately turned to the end of the bamboo slips in their hands, and indeed found their names at the back.】

【Seeing their names and the name of Prince Fusu engraved together on the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategy, even Wang Jian, Meng Wu and Wei Liao could not help but look up at Prince Fusu with gratitude.】

【As the most important military commanders in the world, they naturally knew the value of the four forces, eight strategies and thirty-six strategies.】

【It can be said without hesitation that the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military Strategy will inevitably be related to the Art of War by Sun Tzu.》、《Sun Bin's Art of War》、《Wu Zi's Art of War and other military strategies of the various military strategists generally passed down for a long time.】

【Their names are engraved on the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military, so their names will also be passed down for a long time along with the Four Forces, Eight Strategies and Thirty-Six Strategies of the Military.】

【In other words, Crown Prince Fusu directly gave them an opportunity to go down in history!】

【Such a great gift, even they would find it difficult to refuse】

【After all, what we seek in life is nothing more than fame and fortune.】

【Whether it is Wang Jian, Meng Wu, or Wei Liao, they are not saints who do not seek fame and fortune.】

【So Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao all stood up and bowed to Crown Prince Fusu earnestly, saying,"Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness!"】

【Prince Fusu did not stand up, but accepted the greeting in person.】

【After all, it was an opportunity to go down in history, and it was worth it for him to receive such a gift from Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao.】

【After paying homage to Crown Prince Fusu, Wang Jian looked at Meng Wu and Wei Liao on his left and right and said unhappily,"You two bastards are lucky!"】

【After all, he was the one who was truly responsible for teaching Prince Fusu the art of war. The relationship between him and Prince Fusu could truly be called that of a teacher and a student.】

【Meng Wu and Wei Liao were only invited by him to teach Crown Prince Fusu a few lessons. The relationship between Crown Prince Fusu and Meng Wu and Wei Liao was at most a semi-teacher-student relationship.】

【To be more strict, he is not even a half-teacher!】

【However, when Prince Fusu signed the Thirty-Six Strategies of the Four Forces and Eight Strategies of the Military, he also included two guys, Meng Wu and Wei Liao.】

【So Wang Jian looked at Meng Wu and Wei Liao, and naturally felt a little unhappy.】

【Meng Wu smiled and did not refute, because he also knew that he had indeed taken advantage of it.】

【Wei Liao also smiled and said,"I will add in my"Wei Liao Zi" later that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is my most outstanding disciple!"】

【How could it be enough that he and Crown Prince Fusu were only half-teacher-student relationships!】

【Looking back at"Wei Liaozi", it is completely confirmed that Prince Fusu is his disciple who has completely inherited his military strategy and is even better than his teacher!】

【If his"Wei Liao Zi" and Prince Fusu's"Da Qin Bing Fa Zong Gang" are passed down together in the future, then future generations will also praise the deep teacher-student relationship between him and Prince Fusu.】

【Wang Jian then began to consider whether he should write a book called"Wang Jian's Military Book" in addition to"Wang's Military Book" and record in it the fact that Prince Fusu was his most outstanding disciple.】

【Otherwise, if future generations regarded Prince Fusu as Wei Liao's disciple rather than his disciple because of Wei Liao Zi, then he felt that even if he died, he would probably be revived by anger.】

【Prince Fusu smiled at the winking gestures between the three teachers Wang Jian, Meng Wu, and Wei Liao, but did not stop them.】

【Then Prince Fusu picked up the"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" in front of him, and handed it to Zhang Han behind him, saying,"You can read it more when you have time. It may be helpful to you."】

【"If you don't understand something, you can also ask me."】

【Zhang Han took the"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" with a respectful look, nodded and said seriously:"Yes, Your Highness!"】

【At this point, Prince Fusu's assessment of the military strategy and the military books he wrote also came to an end.】


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