As the examination of Prince Fusu on military strategy and the military book he wrote came to an end

【The sky curtain gradually dimmed again, and then disappeared in the evening glow.

The people under the sky curtain realized that they had watched the sky curtain for a whole day without realizing it.

As the saying goes, once is new, twice is familiar. After the first sky curtain screening ended, the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty had some experience in what to do next.

The first thing was naturally the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng gave a banquet to the civil and military officials in the palace.

At the banquet, the civil and military officials also ate the white jade tofu, new noodles, and stir-fried dishes made by the imperial chefs under the Shangshi Cheng in a hurry.

And these three new foods were also the most satisfying foods for the civil and military officials at the banquet.

Like white jade tofu, it is indeed as described on the sky curtain, tender, smooth and delicious, and full of flavor.

Especially for those old ministers who are gradually getting older and whose teeth are not very good.

The white jade tofu was fragrant, soft and smooth. Even without teeth, they could eat it without any effort. They liked and were more satisfied with it than the soups they had eaten in the past.

The new type of noodles (steamed buns) after natural fermentation also won praise from all the civil and military officials.

After all, due to the geographical environment, Xianyang, the capital of the Qin Dynasty, was more suitable for growing wheat.

If it was suitable for growing wheat, it would mean that the frequency and probability of the Qin Dynasty's monarchs and ministers eating noodles made from wheat would be higher.

However, the noodles they had eaten in the past were not fermented, so they felt full when they were bitten.

If they ate it, they would have to drink water or soup to moisten their throats after eating one or two bites before they could swallow it. The new type of noodles (steamed buns) after natural fermentation were different. They were effortless to bite, soft in texture, and had a faint wheat aroma.

It can be said that compared with the noodles they had eaten in the past, they were completely two different extremes.

Especially when the new noodles (steamed buns) were eaten with stir-fried dishes, the eyes of all the civil and military officials were shining.

After all, before today, there was no stir-frying in the Qin Dynasty, only steamed dishes, or roasted meat dishes.

And strictly speaking, the imperial chefs of Shang Shicheng actually did not know how to stir-fry, and Shang Shicheng could not even find an iron pan for stir-frying.

After all, it is impossible to require the imperial chefs to know how to stir-fry and prepare iron pans for stir-frying before the cooking method of stir-frying has been invented.

Fortunately, the imperial chefs of Shang Shicheng also watched the sky curtain, and they also knew the principle of stir-frying.

Since the craftsmen could not make a stir-frying iron pan exactly like the one on the sky curtain in a short time.

Then they took a large flat bronze plate as a wok, anyway, as long as they could put all kinds of meat and vegetables on it and stir-fry them back and forth.

As for the fact that the heat conductivity of the bronze plate is not as good as that of the iron pan, this is not a big problem, as long as they work hard to increase the output of firewood.

As for not knowing how to cook, this is not a big problem.

Anyway, looking at the way the farm children on the sky dome cook, it is nothing more than putting the meat and vegetables on the iron pan and stir-frying them back and forth, and adding various seasonings to season them.

This is not a difficult task for them with decades of cooking experience.

Therefore, except for the fact that the amount of seasonings and the heat were not well controlled at the beginning, the dishes cooked were either salty, bland, or burnt.

Soon, a group of imperial chefs used the stir-fried dishes that appeared on the sky dome as a reference and cooked qualified stir-fried dishes.

The appearance of stir-fried dishes is simply a dimensionality reduction strike on the tip of the tongue for the civil and military officials who used to eat steamed dishes or roasted meat dishes!

Basically, all the civil and military officials present ate the stir-fried dishes in front of them.

And each person ate at least four or five new noodles (steamed buns), and at most seven or eight new noodles (steamed buns).

At the end of the banquet, every civil and military official walked away rubbing their round bellies.

And while walking, they told their colleagues that after returning, they must let the chefs in their house learn to make white jade tofu, new-style pasta and stir-fried dishes. The eunuchs such as Zhao Gao, the commander of the Central Chariot House, led Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si, the Shangqing Meng Yi, the internal historian Meng Tian and other nine ministers to the side hall on the other side.

While resting and digesting the food, they waited for the summons of the First Emperor.

After about a few moments, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who had changed his clothes again, summoned them again.

Then, looking at his trusted ministers, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng did not do anything to win people's hearts like last time.

After all, sometimes it is enough to win people's hearts once.

If you do it too many times, it is easy to lose its meaning.

So Qin Emperor Ying Zheng got straight to the point:

"There are six main things that Tianmu revealed for reference:"

"The first item mainly includes agricultural tools and textile tools that are convenient and beneficial to the people, such as plows, curved plows, and pedal-operated textile machines."

"If these new tools can be popularized, the efficiency of farming and weaving of ordinary people all over the world will be improved several times."

"By then, the people all over the world will be able to obtain more food and clothing than they have in the past."

"After the common people all over the world have more food and clothing than before, they will naturally be grateful to our Great Qin and return to our Great Qin, and no longer think about the past.���Six Nations"

"Therefore, Shaofuqing, your task is to fully support the Mohist craftsmen in the Ministry of Works to vigorously produce these new utensils!"

"We can even temporarily stop the production of weapons and equipment, and transfer all the people who make weapons and equipment to make these new equipment."

"Now, although there are still remnants of the six kingdoms who are restless,"

"But as long as Daqin itself does not experience any major turmoil, they will at most be like smelly rats hiding in the ditch, not daring to stir up any waves in the open."

"Therefore, with only the soldiers, weapons and equipment of the Qin Dynasty, it is enough to suppress them in a short period of time."

"After these new equipment are produced in sufficient quantities, we will transfer the manpower back to produce weapons and equipment."

The Minister of the Imperial Household immediately bowed and accepted the order:

""Minister, obey your order!"

After giving his instructions to the Minister of the Imperial Household, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at the Minister of the Imperial Household, one of the Nine Ministers, who was standing by. The Minister of the

Imperial Household was mainly responsible for foreign relations, including the exchanges between the country and other vassal states, as well as exchanges with other barbarian tribes, etc.

It can be said that the external affairs of a country are basically handled by the Minister of the Imperial Household.

Therefore, it is most appropriate to let the Minister of the Imperial Household be in charge of the next matter. Therefore, after thinking for a while, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng spoke directly:

"Second, cattle and donkeys can be used to plow fields, pull mills, and pull carts. The wool produced by sheep can also be woven into clothes to keep warm."

"These three kinds of livestock are extremely important to Daqin."

"First, you should send envoys to ask the four barbarian tribes to present millions of cattle, sheep and donkeys as gifts to celebrate the unification of the Qin Dynasty!"

"Then we can establish trade with the four tribes and buy and exchange their cattle, sheep, and donkeys for what they need."

"It doesn't have to be all grown-up cattle, sheep, and donkeys. Even calves and lambs will do. Daqin can raise them by itself."

"If they are unwilling to trade with the Qin Dynasty, then let the envoys collect information about the tribe and bring it back to the Qin Dynasty."

At this point, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng paused, then his eyes fell on Meng Tian, and said in a cold tone:

"At that time, let Meng Tian lead 10,000 elite soldiers to directly massacre the tribe!"

"This will tell the surrounding barbarian tribes what the consequences will be if they do not trade with the Qin Dynasty according to the Qin Dynasty's wishes!"

The current Qin Dynasty is just about to fall, and it has just unified the world. The internal situation is not yet completely stable, and it is indeed not suitable for large-scale foreign wars.

However, it is not a problem to send a small-scale 10,000 elite troops to the grassland to slaughter a few grassland tribes for demonstration and warn other tribes.

If there are still barbarian tribes who are unwilling to trade with the Qin Dynasty, then for a while, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng can't do anything about it.

He can only wait for three to five years to integrate domestic affairs and unify the hearts of the people in the world, and then send 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of troops to slaughter the other side.

Dian Ke and Meng Tian bowed and responded:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's eyes then moved to Zhisu Neishi, and he said thoughtfully: (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The third item is that you should organize people to discuss the"Shang Law" mentioned by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain and see how to formulate a more appropriate commercial tax law."

"In addition, lotus root has a very high yield per mu. You can also decide on your own which lakes and fish ponds to choose from, or dig some new lakes and fish ponds to cultivate lotus roots."

"In the future, these lotus roots can be stored as emergency relief food for the people of Guizhou, as well as part of the food for the soldiers in the army."

Zhi Su Nei Shi also bowed and accepted the order:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"[]

Then Emperor Qin Ying Zheng looked at the left prime minister Wei Zhuang again and said in a gentle tone:

"The fourth item is the matter of creating a new unified script mentioned earlier. I would like to ask Prime Minister Wei to pay more attention to it."

Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang also said respectfully:

"I will not fail your majesty's trust!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded slightly, then looked at Li Si, the court judge, and said the same thing:

"The fifth item is the matter of the Great Qin Academy that I mentioned earlier. Li Qing will also submit a charter to me as soon as possible."

Li Si also said loudly:

"Three days, within three days, I will definitely come up with a specific plan to present to Your Majesty!"

As the king of involution among the officials of the Qin Dynasty, Li Si directly set a specific time for himself to submit the plan.

The other nine ministers on the side rolled their eyes when they saw this scene.

But Li Si didn't care. Other colleagues just rolled their eyes at him. Didn't they see that the First Emperor nodded to him with satisfaction?

The First Emperor was satisfied with him, that was enough!

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also continued:

"The sixth item is what Prince Fusu said on the sky curtain about using work for relief, using labor for tools, and using work for livestock. I think it is also very good."

"Li Qing, you should be more capable in this matter. I will leave this matter to you."

"It is not necessary to come up with a charter within three days. Before the court's various new instruments, cattle, sheep, donkeys, etc. are ready, a suitable charter can be produced."

Li Si, who was smiling just now, paused slightly.

To be honest, he already had a lot of tasks and they were very heavy.

However, the First Emperor gave him more tasks, could he refuse?

Of course not!

This was a sign that the First Emperor valued him!

So Li Si still accepted the order with a smile:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Seeing this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng also smiled and said:

"The main matters are the above six items"

"The rest are some trivial matters"

"For example, the paper that appeared on the sky is very useful. After returning, the Shaofuqing should supervise the Mohists' research and improvement of paper."

"In addition, it was also announced to the world that whoever could research and improve truly usable paper would be awarded the title of Fifth Great Officer!"

"The old general also reorganized the"General Outline of the Great Qin Military Strategy" mentioned on the sky curtain, and then taught it to the generals in the Great Qin army to improve their military skills."

"To prevent them from being defeated by bandits or remnants of the six kingdoms in the future because of their poor military skills."

"Otherwise, if this situation really happens, the face of the Qin Dynasty will be lost by them."

"After the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow, Prime Minister Wei and Prime Minister Wang will also announce some of the court's decisions to the world to appease the hearts of the people of the world!" Upon hearing this

, the Minister of the Imperial Household, Marquis of Wucheng Wang Jian, the Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, and the Right Prime Minister Wang Wan all bowed their hands again and said:

""The ministers will obey your majesty's order."

After that, the king and his ministers discussed other matters that might be involved in the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow, and decided on a general decision.

As for the more specific implementation, it will be left to the grand court meeting the day after tomorrow, or it will be improved one by one after the grand court meeting.

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