"The son of a tyrant, he will do some tricks to win people's hearts!"

Zhang Liang looked at the action of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain who changed into a coarse linen shirt before leaving, and couldn't help but sneer.

But sneer aside, Zhang Liang also knew that sometimes such tricks were really useful.

If Prince Fusu continued to wear the clothes made of silk and satin to inspect and comfort the old Qin people in Guanzhong, then what he would get would most likely be alienation and fear from the old Qin people.

But if he changed into coarse linen shirt, then Prince Fusu would most likely get closeness and friendliness from the old Qin people.

In this way, the hearts of these lonely old Qin people who were comforted were initially controlled by Prince Fusu.

What scared Zhang Liang the most was that no one took the initiative to tell Prince Fusu about these things from beginning to end, and Prince Fusu realized them all by himself.

He is only five years old, and he already knows how to win people's hearts.

This What will happen when he grows up?

Moreover, how can he, the son of a tyrant who knows how to win people's hearts, overthrow the other party in another world?

Originally, he thought that the tyrant Ying Zheng, whom he wanted to assassinate or overthrow, was probably the most powerful and difficult opponent in this world.

But after seeing the performance of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, Zhang Liang suddenly felt that Prince Fusu in another world might be a more terrible opponent than the tyrant Ying Zheng in this world.

And what's worse is that the person he has to deal with in another world is very likely to be that Prince Fusu.

Thinking of the previous display on the sky curtain, he was speechless when questioned by Prince Fusu in another world.

Zhang Liang couldn't help but replace"himself" with"himself", and began to think about how he should deal with Prince Fusu on the sky curtain if he was the"Zhang Liang" in another world.

【The Qin State named the area around Xianyang, the so-called"capital", as Neishi.】

【Under the jurisdiction of the Neishi, Xianyang City, or Xianyang County, was the seat of government.】

【In addition to the seat of Xianyang, Neishi had jurisdiction over thirty-six counties.】

【Zhiyang County is one of them, and it is also the first stop of Prince Fusu's inspection and condolences to the lonely and widowed old Qin people in Guanzhong.】

【When Prince Fusu and his party arrived, the magistrate of Zhiyang County was waiting at the city gate with his subordinates, including the county magistrate and the county lieutenant.】

【After all, Prince Fusu was going to inspect and comfort the lonely and widowed Qin people, not to conduct a secret visit, and he needed the cooperation of local officials. Naturally, it was impossible not to notify the local officials in advance.】

【When they saw the carriage of Prince Fusu and his party, the county magistrate, county assistant, county lieutenant and other officials of Zhiyang County all stepped forward to greet them and said,"Your Highness, the county magistrate, county assistant, and county lieutenant of Zhiyang County pay their respects to His Highness the Crown Prince!"】

【Zhang Han, who was in charge of riding the horse for Crown Prince Fusu, also stopped the carriage and turned to report to Crown Prince Fusu in the carriage:"Your Highness, we have arrived at Zhiyang County, and the county magistrate and others are waiting for you."】

【Prince Fusu in the carriage responded calmly. The door opened and Prince Fusu stepped out. His eyes naturally looked down from above and below.】

【Then, Prince Fusu's eyes fell on the county magistrate and his party who were bowing and saluting not far in front of him. He paused and said calmly,"No need to be polite. Gentlemen, please stand up.""】

【After the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant and other officials of Zhiyang County thanked him again, they raised their heads and looked at the Crown Prince of the Great Qin.】

【Although they felt a little strange when they saw His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wearing the coarse linen clothes that ordinary people wore,】

【However, the officials of the Qin Dynasty have one characteristic, that is, they are rigorous and pragmatic, act according to the law and stop according to orders.】

【They would do whatever their superiors told them to do; if their superiors didn't tell them to do so, they wouldn't ask any more questions unless necessary.】

【From the King of Qin to the common people, this is the state of Qin after Shang Yang's reforms.】

【Prince Fusu, who grew up in the Qin Palace, also inherited this characteristic.】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu did not argue with the magistrate of Zhiyang County and others, and directly said,"I dare you, where is your home? Take me there!"】

【The county magistrate, county deputy, county lieutenant and other officials did not expect that His Royal Highness would be so direct, but they still said: if the superiors did not explain, they would not ask more questions unless necessary.】

【So the county magistrate, the county assistant, and the county lieutenant looked at each other, and the county magistrate bowed and said,"Your Highness, please follow me."】

【After that, the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant and others respectfully led the way in front.】

【Prince Fusu also got off the carriage and chose to walk into the city.】

【Meng Tian held the sword at his waist and followed the right side of Prince Fusu as a close guard.】

【Zhang Han followed the left side of Prince Fusu, ready to take orders at any time.】

【Behind them, the attendants of the Shaofu were carrying food, salt, oil and other daily necessities.】

【After walking for about two quarters of an hour, Prince Fusu and his companions finally arrived at the doorstep of the first lonely old Qin man they wanted to visit.】

【The county magistrate stood in front of a somewhat dilapidated wooden house, slammed the door hard, and shouted,"Dare, open the door!"】

【"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here to see you, open the door quickly!"】

【After a while, a one-armed old man finally opened the door, and the familiar county magistrate appeared in his eyes.】

【But at this moment, the county magistrate was standing next to a little kid with red lips and white teeth. Seeing this scene, Gan's face was a little confused.】

【The county magistrate spoke again and reminded,"This is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"】

【Of course, he didn't know any His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but since the county magistrate said that the little kid in front of him was His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, then this little kid must really be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.】

【So Gan also prepared to salute Prince Fusu】

【But before he dared to salute, Crown Prince Fusu had already raised his hand and said,"You have fought for Qin for many years. Although you have not been granted a title, you have also made contributions to Qin. There is no need to be so polite!"】

【Seeing that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince would not let him salute, he did not know what to do for a moment.���Look up at the county magistrate】

【As his gaze moved, Prince Fusu also looked at the county magistrate beside him.】

【Seeing this, the county magistrate could only helplessly say:"Your Highness the Crown Prince told you not to be polite, so there is no need to be polite."】

【After seeing that Gan was no longer obsessed with the greeting, Crown Prince Fusu smiled and said,"Can we go in and sit down?"】

【Gan finally woke up from his dream and stopped blocking the door. He quickly said,"Come in, come in.""】

【After entering the house and sitting down, I was still quite reserved.】

【After all, he is the prince. He has never seen the prince in person in his life.】

【And now the crown prince of Qin, the future king of Qin, is sitting in front of him.】

【However, this reserved feeling was instantly swept away when he heard Prince Fusu say that he came on behalf of the King of Qin to comfort the soldiers who had made contributions to Qin.】

【Gan looked at Prince Fusu in disbelief and said,"Your Highness, are you saying that His Majesty still remembers us and specially asked Your Highness to come and visit us?"】

【Prince Fusu looked up at Gan and recited softly,"Gan, a native of Zhiyang County, joined the army in the 41st year of King Zhaoxiang. During that time, he participated in 16 battles of varying sizes and bravely killed 27 enemies."】

【"In the third year of King Zhuangxiang's reign, he followed General Meng Ao to attack the State of Wei. Although he killed three enemies, he unfortunately broke his arm and had to retire and return home."】

【After briefly reading out the previous battle records, Crown Prince Fusu said in a gentle voice:"Your Majesty remembers you, I remember you, and the Great Qin also always, always remembers you!"】

【These simple words immediately made this old man, who had gritted his teeth and endured the pain even after his arm was broken on the battlefield, burst into tears.】

【He has not been forgotten!】

【Your Majesty still remembers him!】

【The prince also remembers him!】

【Daqin always remembers him! 】

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