Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at the old soldier Gan who was crying and reciting"The King of Qin has not forgotten him, and the Qin has not forgotten him" on the sky, and felt a little ashamed.

Does the"King of Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky really remember an old soldier like Gan?

Judging from himself, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng dared to say that"King of Qin Ying Zheng" definitely doesn't remember.

But so what? The"King of Qin

Ying Zheng" on the sky doesn't remember, but the Prince Fusu on the sky remembers!

And Prince Fusu also visited and comforted them in the name of"King of Qin Ying Zheng", which is enough to tell Qin old soldiers like Gan that their contributions and efforts for the Qin State have not been in vain.

The King of Qin has not forgotten them, and the Qin State has not forgotten them.

This alone is enough to satisfy Qin old soldiers like Gan.

If you don't see the sky, and don't see Prince Fusu visiting and comforting those Qin old soldiers who have devoted their lives to the Qin State's conquest.

Then Emperor Qin Shi Huang probably wouldn't have thought of these old Qin soldiers.

Because he used to stand too high and look too far, he hardly noticed the common people and old soldiers under his feet.

But now he sees them, and more importantly, not only he sees them, but everyone in the world sees them.

At this time, if he doesn't do something about it, then it's a bit unreasonable.

"Wang Jian and Li Si."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng said calmly

"I am here!"

Marquis Wucheng Wang Jian and Li Si, the court judge, stepped out and said.

"Compile a list of the widowed and orphaned old Qin people in all counties and prefectures of Qin State, and then prepare a set of relief supplies, which will be allocated by the Shaofu."

At this point, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked back at Prince Fusu, Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao and others, and then continued:

"Then, the princes in charge of government affairs will inspect and comfort them on my behalf."

Originally, Emperor Qin Yingzheng wanted Fusu to be in charge of this matter alone, but since he had said before that he would give the other princes a chance, then he should just treat them equally and let all the princes in charge of government affairs do this together.

At that time, each prince will be in charge of three or five counties, and then see which prince performs the best.

Prince Fusu, Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao and others were stunned, and then quickly reacted, either with a calm face or a happy face, and said:

"Yes, father!"

After arranging this matter casually, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked up again and glared at Prince Fusu on the sky.

The inspection and condolences of Prince Fusu on the sky were at most for the lonely and widowed Qin people in some areas of Guanzhong. The money, grain and materials that the Shaofu needed to spend for this were not too much.

But if it were him, he would either not inspect and condole all the lonely and widowed Qin people, or inspect and condole all the lonely and widowed Qin people. As the saying goes, it is not the lack of wealth that is worrying, but the inequality. As the Qin Emperor, he must treat the lonely and widowed Qin people under his rule equally..

Otherwise, if it is not handled properly, those lonely and widowed Qin people who have not been inspected and consoled may become resentful after knowing it.

Such a result is naturally not what Qin Emperor Ying Zheng wants to see, so he can only let a group of princes inspect and console all the lonely and widowed Qin people in Qin. The expenditure of money, grain and materials involved is a lot, so much that even he, the Qin Emperor, feels a little distressed.

So even Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who has always been very satisfied with and loves Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, couldn't help but glare at Prince Fusu slightly.

【After Prince Fusu accurately described Gan's past military achievements and said that the King of Qin and the Qin State had not forgotten him, Gan was visibly excited and interested in Prince Fusu.】

【In addition, Prince Fusu was also very good at chatting, and took the initiative to talk to him about his glorious achievements in killing enemies on the battlefield.】

【If we talk about other things, then I may not be able to say much, but if we talk about killing enemies on the battlefield, then I have a lot to say.】

【In particular, Prince Fusu was a very qualified listener. From time to time, he would deliberately stare at Gan with admiration and praise Gan.】

【This gave such a lonely old soldier great psychological satisfaction.】

【At the end of the conversation, Gan even wished that a soldier from the Six Kingdoms would appear from nowhere and perform a one-armed capture of the enemy for Prince Fusu on the spot.】

【Unfortunately, no such soldiers from the six countries jumped out, and Prince Fusu also had to go to comfort the next lonely old Qin man.】

【Dare immediately said excitedly that he knew where another lonely old Qin man who lived near him was, and he took Prince Fusu and others there.】

【In fact, the county magistrate and others who had been standing beside Prince Fusu also knew the specific address of the next lonely old Qin man.】

【However, just when the county magistrate and others wanted to refuse to lead the way, they saw Prince Fusu turn his head and look at them calmly, shaking his head, signaling them not to speak.】

【Then Prince Fusu turned around and looked at Gan happily, nodded, and said that he would lead the way.】

【Gan immediately took Prince Fusu and others with a high spirit to the home of another lonely old Qin man who lived near him - Yuan.】

【Just like the full name of"Gan" is"Gan", the full name of another lonely old Qin man is also"Yuan"."】

【In this era, surnames and clan names were only for the nobility, or at least for literate scholars.】

【The common people in Guizhou do not have a surname or clan name, only a given name.】

【The names of the people in Qin are often full of the simple and unsophisticated style of the old Qin people.】

【Therefore, most of the names of Lao Qin people are single-character names, and most of them are taken from common characters in life.】

【So this often leads to another social phenomenon, that is, it is easy for people with the same name to appear.】

【Generally speaking, it doesn't matter if you encounter this kind of situation in life. Just call whoever you see.】

【However, when Qin officials recorded official documents, in order to avoid misleading and to more accurately identify someone, they would generally add a prefix or suffix before and after the names of these people.】

【For example, official position, title, identity, region, etc.】

【Like Gan, if he had the title of Gongshi, then people would call him Gongshi Gan.】

【From another perspective, official positions, titles, identities, and regions can all be considered other"surnames"."】

【Or, in other words, the original"surname" gradually evolved from the names of the ancestors' fiefs, official titles, or even the names, characters, posthumous titles, and country names. 】

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