【Yuan's home was not far from Gan's home. It took about half a cup of tea to reach the place.】

【Moreover, because Gan and Yuan were comrades in arms in the past, Gan became even more presumptuous. He shouted,"Yuan, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here to see us!""】

【Before Yuan could reply, he kicked open Yuan's door.】

【Just as Yuan came out angrily, ready to teach Gan a lesson today, Prince Fusu immediately stepped forward with an obedient look to express his intention.】

【This immediately calmed down the anger of the guards who were about to lose their temper.】

【When Prince Fusu once again accurately read out his past military achievements and said that the King of Qin had not forgotten him, and the Qin State had not forgotten him, and that His Majesty had specially asked him to come and inspect and comfort him,】

【The old soldier who had lost one eye in the battlefield but had been able to endure it, also cried like a child.】

【Everyone who saw this scene was speechless.】

【Even Gan, who had just kicked open the door, patted Yuan's shoulder with his remaining arm to comfort him.】

【After Yuan had calmed down, Prince Fusu, on behalf of the King of Qin, gave him oil, salt, grain and other daily necessities.】

【However, Yuan, who had calmed down again, said that as long as His Majesty remembered him and Qin remembered him, that would be enough.】

【He can still use a three-stone bow now, so if he needs anything, he can just go hunting. As for comfort supplies, he doesn't need them and will leave them to other people who need them more.】

【But Prince Fusu looked at him with an expression that said,"If you don't accept it, I won't be able to complete the task assigned by my father, and I might get scolded." He looked like he wanted to cry.】

【As the saying goes, children are the treasures of the elderly, and cute, adorable and sensible children are even more precious to lonely elderly people.】

【So Yuan finally accepted the condolences and living supplies, and when Prince Fusu was about to visit the next lonely old Qin man, Yuan also said that he would follow him.】

【In this regard, Prince Fusu naturally agreed happily.】

【Then on the way, Prince Fusu would ask for help from time to time about his past glorious achievements, and at the same time, free Star Eyes and Admiration were constantly sent out.】

【In the end, Yuan, who had no grandson and was alone, looked at Prince Fusu with an intimate look as if he was looking at his own grandson.】

【At the same time, the idea of aid is the same as the idea of dare before】

【Why didn't any of the Six Kingdoms' soldiers, or some bandits, or ferocious beasts, come out at this time so that he could show off his archery skills in front of Crown Prince Fusu?】

【With such a slight regret, Prince Fusu and his party also came to the third old Qin family to visit.】

【"Good sister, come out quickly, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is here to see you!" Yuan called out loudly into the house.】

【After a while, an old woman, supported by a little boy of seven or eight years old, opened the door.】

【Prince Fusu, who had been smiling all the time, bowed solemnly to the old woman.】

【This immediately panicked the old woman, and she waved her hands repeatedly, saying,"Hey, hey, this, this, can't be done, can't be done!"】

【After a week, Prince Fusu looked up at the old woman and said in a serious tone,"Bian and Gan died fighting for Qin. They have made great contributions to Qin and deserve my respect!"】

【When Yuan called out"good girl", Prince Fusu quickly found the corresponding person according to the list of lonely old Qin people in his heart, and recalled the relevant information.】

【Widow Hao, her husband Bian and son Gan, both died in battle for the Qin State, leaving only Ruzi, who lived with the widow Hao.】

【So when facing the widow, Prince Fusu did not act cute and adorable as he did when facing Yuan and Gan, but was very serious.】

【When the widow heard Prince Fusu mention her dead husband and son, her face darkened, but she recovered immediately and sighed,"This is what they deserve.""】

【"I have been ordered by Your Majesty to inspect and comfort the lonely and widowed old Qin people. I wonder if you could let me in and have a drink of water?"】

【Prince Fusu looked up at the widow and asked politely:】

【The widow nodded with a smile:"As long as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince doesn't mind the simple house, it's fine."】

【Then the widow opened the door and walked into the house. At the same time, she patted her grandson's hand and signaled him to get a few bowls of water for the nobleman.】

【At the same time, a sharp soldier and a servant of the Shaofu followed under the watchful eyes of Zhang Han and Meng Tian respectively.】

【This is not for the purpose of doing anything, but for the safety of Crown Prince Fusu, to prevent some unexpected people or things from taking the opportunity to do something to Crown Prince Fusu.】

【After entering and sitting down, the widow's good grandson also came over with a bowl of slightly turbid water and carefully handed it to the crown prince Fusu.】

【Looking at the water in the bowl, which was completely different from what he had drunk before, Fusu's expression did not change at all. He took the bowl and took a big sip.】

【Then they began to express their condolences. Fusu first expressed the King of Qin and the Qin State's sorrow for the death of Bian and Gan, and thanked and affirmed the efforts of Bian and Gan.】

【Then he sent the relief supplies that the King of Qin had ordered him to send.】

【After the widow received it, he asked about her current living conditions and whether she had any special problems that needed to be solved.】

【If so, Fusu also looked at the county magistrate beside him and asked him a few questions to see if he could solve the widow's problem.】

【If Fusu deliberately showed more of himself as a five-year-old child when he visited Yuan and Gan,】

【Now, when Fusu was comforting the widow, he really showed his side as the crown prince.】

【After the general condolences were completed, Fusu looked at the widow and said,"I am new here and there is no one of my age around me. I wonder if Xiu can walk with me for a few steps?"】

【Xiu is the grandson of the widow. Like other old Qin people, his name is also a single word.】

【The widow naturally disagreed with this and nodded immediately:"Xiu, go ahead, but be careful not to offend His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.""】

【Later, when Crown Prince Fusu went to visit the lonely old Qin people, a little boy of seven or eight years old joined them.

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