【Accompanied by Gan and Yuan, two old Qin soldiers, and Xiu, a little boy, Prince Fusu and his companions went to visit the next lonely old Qin man, Mu.】

【Mu is also an old Qin soldier who retired due to injury.】

【In the Qin State, where everyone in the country worked for farming and warfare, it can be said that most of the adult males in the Qin State had been on the battlefield.】

【However, many of them died on the battlefield, and only a few were able to be knighted for their military merits.】

【In the end, most of them were Qin soldiers like Gan, Yuan, and Mu, whose accumulated military merits were not enough to be awarded a title, and who had to withdraw from the battlefield and return to their hometowns due to various reasons such as injuries and disabilities.】

【However, the other Qin soldiers who retreated still had some relatives and descendants, so they were not helpless.】

【A small number of Qin soldiers, such as Gan, Yuan, and Mu, became lonely old Qin people after they grew old.】

【When they arrived at the home of the lonely old Qin man Mu, before Prince Fusu could say anything, Gan Heyuan had already started to help and shouted.】

【When he heard that the so-called Crown Prince came to comfort him personally, Mu Ye felt very panicked.】

【Fortunately, with Gan and Yuan, two lonely old Qin people, accompanying him, Mu soon calmed down.】

【This is also what Prince Fusu had done when he was chatting with Gan and Yuan, deliberately expressing his reluctance to leave them, hinting that they should follow】

【Then when Gan and Yuan expressed their desire to follow, and the magistrate of Zhiyang County was about to refuse them, Prince Fusu used his eyes to stop the magistrate from objecting.】

【Because to the lonely old Qin people in Zhiyang County, he is an outsider.】

【The county magistrate of Zhiyang County is also a high-ranking person in the local area for the lonely old Qin people in Zhiyang County.】

【When the two sides first came into contact, the lonely old Qin people in Zhiyang County would definitely feel very nervous and restrained towards outsiders like Prince Fusu and high-ranking officials like the Zhiyang County Magistrate.】

【The presence of local courage and assistance in accompanying them was able to quickly break the tension and restraint that the other lonely old Qin people had towards these outsiders and superiors.】

【This will allow the two sides to have a more friendly exchange, and at the same time quickly establish the goodwill of other lonely old Qin people towards Prince Fusu.】

【Afterwards, Prince Fusu recounted Mu's past contributions to the Qin State and the number of enemies he had killed on the battlefield.】

【Then when he said that the King of Qin had not forgotten them, and the Qin State had not forgotten them, Mu was also moved and cried.】

【The old Qin people of this era were still very simple and honest, especially the lonely old Qin soldiers like Gan, Yuan, and Mu, who dedicated their entire lives to the Qin State.】

【For them, it doesn't matter whether they are given comfort and daily necessities.】

【What really matters is that the king has not forgotten them, and the Qin State has not forgotten them either.】

【If everything they did is not forgotten by the king or the Qin State, then they can die with peace of mind.】

【After visiting Mu, Prince Fusu went on to visit the next lonely old Qin man.】

【However, there was another person following him.】

【This cycle repeated itself. By the time Prince Fusu had finished visiting the lonely old Qin people in Zhiyang County, it was already dark.】

【Meng Tian, who was in charge of the escort, naturally could not let Prince Fusu set out overnight, so the group decided to rest in Zhiyang County for one night before going to the next county.】

【Prince Fusu had no objection to this.】

【Of course, even if Prince Fusu had an objection, Meng Tian would never listen to him when it came to his personal safety.】

【However, Prince Fusu did not waste this night, but gathered all the lonely old Qin people who had been comforted today, and everyone had a meal together in the evening.】

【All the widowed Qin people who participated in this meal enjoyed it very much, and Prince Fusu was also very happy.】

【At the end of the meal, when all the lonely old Qin people went back to their homes,】

【Prince Fusu also stood at the door in person, calling out the names of each of the lonely old Qin people one by one, and then bidding them farewell in a gentle voice.】

【Until the end, all the lonely old Qin people had left, and 3,000 elite soldiers were stationed under martial law, and not even a mouse could escape.】

【When only Zhang Han and Meng Tian, two people who were truly close and trustworthy, were left by his side,】

【Prince Fusu then stopped smiling and rubbed his cheeks vigorously.】

【He laughed all day long and his cheeks were almost numb.】

【"Medical officer!"】

【Seeing this scene, Zhang Han immediately summoned a medical officer to come and take a look at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.】

【As a prince who was highly valued and favored by King Qin Ying Zheng, he was naturally equipped with a personal medical officer when he inspected and comforted the old Qin people.】

【"No need, I'm fine."】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and was ready to refuse】

【But unfortunately, as I said before, when it comes to his health and safety, neither Meng Tian nor Zhang Han will listen to him.】

【So under the strong request of the two, Prince Fusu still obediently let the medical officer examine him again.】

【After the medical officer confirmed that Prince Fusu was fine, Meng Tian and Zhang Han breathed a sigh of relief.】

【When the doctor confirmed that Prince Fusu was fine and there was nothing else important, Meng Tian couldn't help but ask a question that had been in his mind all day.】

【"Your Highness, how do you know about their past deeds?"】

【Today, when Prince Fusu visited the lonely old Qin people, as long as he knew their names, he could immediately and accurately tell them their past deeds.】

【Including but not limited to, when did you go to the battlefield, which battle killed the most enemies, why did you have to retire, etc.】

【It is precisely because Prince Fusu was able to tell these things accurately that these old Qin people felt that they had not been forgotten by the King of Qin or the Qin State.】

【Their lifelong dedication to the Qin State was recognized, so they cried bitterly.】

【Otherwise, simply giving them some daily necessities and then praising them verbally will not gain their recognition and touch.】

【Prince Fusu looked up at Meng Tian, then pointed to the carriage where he was sitting and said,"Inside the carriage is a list of widowed old Qin people reported by county magistrates from all over the country."】

【"Among them, the general deeds of these lonely old Qin people in the past are also recorded."】

【"I looked at them all on the way here, and then I remembered them all."】

【Meng Tian opened his eyes, his eyes full of shock, and said:"Your Highness has memorized all the past records of all the lonely old Qin people in Zhiyang County?"】

【Today, they visited at least 30 or 40 widows and orphans of Qin. During the visit, Prince Fusu did not misrepresent the past deeds of any of the widows and orphans.】

【If an adult could do this in a short period of time, he wouldn't be so surprised.】

【But Crown Prince Fusu is only five years old!】

【It is so smart that a five-year-old child can remember the past deeds of so many people clearly and accurately in such a short time.】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and said,"How is it possible?......"】

【Hearing this, Meng Tian felt relieved.】

【Sure enough, he said, how could a five-year-old child remember so many things accurately in such a short time?】

【Even if Prince Fusu is naturally intelligent, there should be a limit.】

【Prince Fusu must have used some other trick to memorize it.】

【Just as Meng Tian was thinking of other tricks, the second half of Prince Fusu's words came to him.】

【"How could I only record the few widows and orphans in Zhiyang County? I also recorded the past deeds of the widows and orphans in other counties."】

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