Shangqing Meng Yi, who was sitting next to Neishi Meng Tian, looked at his elder brother and said with a smile:

"It seems that the big brother on the sky curtain doesn't know that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has a photographic memory."

Those who have seen the process of Prince Fusu learning to read and read history on the sky curtain know that Prince Fusu has a photographic memory. He can recognize ten thousand words in three months, and can understand the language of seven countries in a year. When reading history, he can remember and recite all the history books he has read.

It can be said that any point about Prince Fusu on the sky curtain can be doubted, but the only thing that cannot be doubted is Prince Fusu's memory ability. It may not be possible for other people to remember the names and deeds of all the lonely old Qin people in a short period of time.

But for Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, it really is just a matter of flipping through the names and deeds of all the lonely old Qin people from beginning to end once or twice, and then it can be done easily.

Thinking of this, even Shangqing Meng Yi couldn't help but envy Prince Fusu, who has a photographic memory.���Endowed with abilities.

It must be said that this innate ability is really useful!

And sitting not far behind Meng Yi and other important officials, Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Princess Ying Yinman, Princess Ying Liyang and other princes and princesses who are still in the learning process.

They also don’t know how many times they have expressed in their hearts their envy and jealousy of Tianmu Fusu’s innate ability of photographic memory.

It’s just a pity that if the innate ability of photographic memory is not born, then it will most likely not be there in the future.

Even if you can get a similar ability of photographic memory through acquired memory training.

But the effort, sweat and time required for it are not acceptable to the spoiled princes and princesses.

Nei Shi Meng Tian turned his head with a gentle expression, looked at his brother and smiled:

"Isn't it that the time that I and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince have spent together is short?"

"After spending more time together, I on the sky curtain will naturally know the intelligence of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in all aspects."

The other civil and military officials looked at the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi who were joking with each other in front of them, and then looked at Meng Tian on the sky curtain who was responsible for guarding the Crown Prince Fusu.

In the end, they all couldn't help but sigh in their hearts that no matter whether it was the Majesty of their world or the"Majesty" of another world, they all valued the Meng family very much.

Otherwise, Meng Tian on the sky curtain would not have been given the task of guarding the Crown Prince Fusu.

【Just when Prince Fusu was about to say something, he felt a faint nausea in his heart. He immediately looked at Zhang Han and ordered:"Bring me some honey water."】

【Zhang Han quickly brought the honey water, and Prince Fusu drank several mouthfuls before he suppressed the nausea in his heart.】

【Seeing the appearance of Prince Fusu, Meng Tian just remembered that Fusu was the prince, and he was only five years old this year. He was spoiled since childhood, with fine clothes and delicious food.】

【Food like the ones that ordinary people and common people eat today was probably the first time that Prince Fusu tasted it in his life.】

【Judging from the reaction just now, I'm afraid this is not a good feeling for Crown Prince Fusu.】

【But then, Meng Tian had a new question:"Your Highness just said you were not used to the food, why didn't you tell us?"】

【Moreover, when he watched Prince Fusu eat at the dinner party, he did not show any reaction that he was not used to the food.】

【No matter which old Qin widow served food or soup to Prince Fusu, he would thank her with a look of joy and then eat the food in big mouthfuls.】

【It was because of the illusion that Prince Fusu seemed to be eating"happily" that Meng Tian and Zhang Han forgot that Prince Fusu might not be used to the food.】

【Prince Fusu wiped the honey from the corner of his mouth, then looked at Meng Tian and asked,"What did you say?"】

【"Are you saying that I can't get used to their food?"】

【Without waiting for Meng Tian to answer, Fusu asked himself,"I really can't get used to their food."】

【"To be honest, the food I had at the dinner was the worst thing I have ever eaten in my life."】

【Because of her royal family background, and because of the special favor and attention paid by Qin King Ying Zheng,】

【Therefore, the food that Crown Prince Fusu ate since he was a child was considered to be one of the best in the world.】

【For example, the wheat we eat is refined rice with the husk removed.】

【For example, when eating meat, whether it is roasted or stewed in soup, all kinds of meat sauces, oils, and salts are sprinkled on it as if they were free.】

【For example, the soup is made by slowly boiling various river fish, seafood and other meats.】

【And what was served at the dinner just now?】

【They eat thin wheat rice, but the thin wheat rice without removing the outer husk.】

【To put it simply, the wheat is thrown into a pottery pot and cooked until it is cooked, and then the soup is served out.】

【Every time he took a mouthful of this thin wheat rice, he had to chew it many times, chewing and grinding the outer husks finely before he could slowly swallow it.】

【Then I drank the hot soup that came with the rice and had no taste.】

【The dishes we ate were boiled amaranth and soybean leaves. Although they had flavor, they were not very salty.】

【The only good thing is the meat, which is coated with more sauce, so the taste is still there.】

【However, there were about 30 to 40 widows and widowers present, plus some of their grandchildren, so there were about 40 to 50 people.】

【Then add the county magistrate, county magistrate, county lieutenant and other officials of Zhiyang County, as well as him, Zhang Han, Meng Tian and other personnel, the total number of people is about 70 to 80.】

【Finally, these seventy or eighty people shared a roasted pheasant and two roasted rabbits.】

【On average, each person can only get a piece of meat about half a finger long.】

【Of course, he is the prince, so he can get more.】

【But since he insisted on eating the same as everyone else, he only got a piece of roast meat.】

【For the crown prince Fusu, there were too many things he could not get used to about this kind of food.】

【However, Prince Fusu recalled that at the dinner just now, whether it was the old soldiers like Gan, Yuan, and Mu, or the children like Xiu, they all ate very happily and contentedly.】

【Prince Fusu could not help but sighed:"This is the most unpalatable food I have ever eaten, but it is also very likely the most delicious food they have ever eaten."】

【"I don't even know how many times they can eat in a year."】

【At this point, Prince Fusu looked up at Meng Tian and said,"I am very lucky to be born into a royal family and have never suffered the hardships of ordinary people."】

【"But it doesn't mean I don't know the suffering of the people."】

【"It does not mean that I can be high-handed and laugh at and despise the suffering of the people just because I have not suffered the suffering of the people."】

【"this is not right"】

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