【In addition to the scarcity of oil and salt, the staple food of the people at that time was mainly rice (rice), millet (now yellow rice), millet (also known as millet, now millet), wheat (now wheat), and beans (a general term for beans, often referring to soybeans or soy beans).】

【Among them, the people of the Guanzhong region of the Qin Dynasty mainly planted millet and wheat, and also planted millet and beans. Millet and wheat were the main foods they ate, followed by millet and beans.】

【According to Meng Tian and Zhang Han, among the six states, the Chu State planted more rice and beans, and the people there mainly ate rice and beans.】

【Generally speaking, in terms of food, the people of the world lacked oil and salt, and mainly ate five staple foods: rice, millet, foxtail millet, wheat, and beans, as well as five vegetables: sunflower, 藴, leek, onion, and leek.】

【As for clothing, there are mainly two types: silk and linen.】

【The nobles mainly wore silk, such as damask, gauze, silk, satin, brocade, gauze, silk, etc. These are all kinds of silk.】

【Generally, only the princes, nobles and officials can afford to wear it.】

【The common people mainly wore hemp, and some of them could not even afford clothes made of hemp, and could only wear clothes woven from grass.】

【In addition to silk, linen and grass clothes, there are also a few clothes made of animal fur.】

【However, this kind of clothing made of animal fur is not easy to obtain for ordinary people, and the nobles regard it as barbarian clothing, so basically not many people would wear it.】

【As for"housing", the nobles usually lived in palaces, while the common people lived in simple houses.】

【The houses that the common people lived in were generally made of earth or wood, with thatched roofs and walls made of adobe or wooden boards.】

【And in order to protect against the cold in winter, there are often no windows, only simple doors and vents.】

【The environment around the house is also relatively poor, prone to water accumulation, humidity, and lack of ventilation. You need to solve the water source and firewood problems yourself.】

【As for"travel", the princes and nobles traveled by carriage or on horseback.】

【The common people walked, and only a few could ride in ox carts.】

【In addition to the four major aspects of food, clothing, housing and transportation for the people of Qian, Prince Fusu also paid special attention to the farming of the people of Qian.】

【These include the farming tools and farming methods of the Qianshou.】

【According to his own observations, Prince Fusu roughly divided the farming tools of the people into four categories:】

【They are: farming tools, transport tools, irrigation tools, harvesting and processing tools】

【Among them, farm tools include: plow (a kind of soil turning tool), stone hoe, wooden hoe, wheat handle, large rake, etc., but there are also a few iron farm tools, such as iron plow, iron hoe, iron shovel, etc.】

【Iron farm tools are hard but easy to break, and iron needs to be cast before it can be used, which is not easy for ordinary people to obtain.】

【Therefore, in addition to iron plows, most farmers still use wooden or stone farming tools.】

【Among them, irrigation tools include: lever (a water-drawing machine that uses the principle of lever), windlass (a tool for drawing water from a well)】

【The agricultural tools for transportation include: poles, baskets, and ox carts】

【The harvesting and processing tools include: pestle and mortar (a tool for pounding grain or medicine, etc.), stone millstone (a tool for husking grains, but not the same as millstone), stone sickle】

【As for the farming method, it is mainly ploughed by iron plow and ox plow.】

【There are also many other small things to know. For example, for heating, the nobles usually burn charcoal, while the common people go to the mountains to cut wood, pick up dead branches and leaves and other combustibles, etc.】

【During these seven days, although Prince Fusu did not know the lives of ordinary people thoroughly, at least he was not ignorant of the people's livelihood.】

【Zhang Han, who heard Prince Fusu's sigh, couldn't help but ask:"Your Highness, what have you gained?"】

【After spending some time together, Zhang Han also realized that Prince Fusu was a man of relatively gentle temperament.】

【Prince Fusu did not feel offended by his subordinates' questions, and generally answered them if he could, so Zhang Han would raise his own questions at the right time.】

【Moreover, almost half of those bamboo slips were made by him, and he had also seen the other half made by Meng Tian.】

【But forgive his stupidity, after reading those bamboo slips, he didn't gain anything special except deepening his understanding of the lives of the common people.】

【Hearing Zhang Han's question, Prince Fusu looked at Zhang Han and said with a smile:"Go and run a hundred steps."】

【Zhang Han looked puzzled. Wasn’t he just talking about what he had gained?】

【Why did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince suddenly ask him to run a hundred steps?】

【To say that this was a punishment for asking the Crown Prince casually, that didn't seem likely.】

【Whose punishment is just to run a hundred steps?】

【However, despite his doubts, Zhang Han, as an official under the Crown Prince Fusu, still obeyed the orders of the Crown Prince Fusu.】

【"Your Highness, should I run a hundred steps forward, a hundred steps backward, or a hundred steps left and right?"】

【Zhang Han, who was about to run a hundred steps, looked at Prince Fusu and asked】

【But Prince Fusu smiled and replied:"This is the harvest"】

【Seeing Zhang Han's increasingly puzzled expression, Prince Fusu smiled and explained:"Just like you need a specific direction before running."】

【"I also need a specific direction"】

【"Before I had a deep understanding of the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters, although I wanted to let all the people in the world eat wheat rice without shells in the future,"】

【"However, I don't know how to do it so that all the people in the world can eat wheat rice without shells."】

【"After gaining a deep understanding of the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other issues, the current clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other issues of the people are the direction for me to move forward."】

【"For example, in terms of food, currently the people of Qian mainly eat five staple foods and five vegetables. So can I think of a way to add one more staple food for them, or some common vegetables?"】

【"If there is one more staple food or vegetable to choose from, people will have more choices, more food to eat, and maybe they can eat more."】

【"For example, I know what are the main farming tools currently used by the people. Then can I find a way to further improve these farming tools to further improve the efficiency of people's farming?"】

【"If the efficiency of Qianshou's farming is further improved, they will have more time to cultivate more land and harvest more grain in the future."】

【"In the end, the people of Guizhou might be able to eat a little more without having to eat shelled wheat rice."】

【"Only by knowing the current situation can we further improve the shortcomings."】

【"These are part of what I have gained in the past few days. There is another part, but I am not sure whether that part is correct."】

【"Therefore, I have to compare it later when I visit the lonely and widowed Qin people in other counties to finally determine whether my other harvest is correct."】

【After listening to the explanation of Prince Fusu, Zhang Han also went from being puzzled at first to suddenly realizing and being convinced in the end. 】

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