Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, Marquis of Wucheng Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si and other Qin officials nodded in agreement.

The idea of Prince Fusu on the sky is very good!

But the next moment, it is ours!

Thanks to Prince Fusu on the sky for pointing them out.

Now they also know what direction they should work towards if they want all the people in the world to be able to eat wheat rice without shells in the future.

"He really is worthy of being my good eldest son and my own son!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng thought so, looking at Prince Fusu on the sky, with a little more satisfaction in his eyes.


As expected, he is worthy of being the Crown Prince of the Great Qin, and he has really benefited Qin in everything.

" A group of civil officials and military generals thought so.

For them, as long as there is a clear and correct direction for them to move forward, then with their abilities, they will be able to quickly produce more or less results.

And it should be said that the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain has a deep understanding of the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people of Qianshou, which has indeed made up for the lessons of many of them.

After all, it can be said that all the people present are princes, nobles, and gentry.

It is unlikely to say how much they understand the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people of Qianshou.

To put it simply, no one present has actually gone to the fields to farm! Or in other words, those who have had experience in farming in the fields are not qualified to stand here at all.

Because if you need to go to the fields to farm in this era, it means that you don't know how to farm. There is no time, energy, money and connections to learn to read and write!

And if you can't even read and write, then you still want to be a civil servant, even the lowest Qin Li is not qualified.

Because the lowest Qin Li must be literate and must be familiar with Qin law.

Only in this way, as a Qin Li, can you tell the people what can be done and what cannot be done. If you do it, it is illegal and needs to be punished.

And if the path of civil officials is not feasible, then what about military generals?

This is indeed a good way, and it is also the only opportunity for the people of Qin to climb up from the bottom and stand among the civil officials and military generals present.

It is even the only opportunity among the seven countries that can allow the people at the bottom to truly cross their own class, change their family, and stand out.

Why is the Qin State destined to unify the Qin State?

Is this because the Qin State produced seven generations of wise rulers, including King Qin Ying Zheng?

Or is it because of the great talent and strategy of King Qin Ying Zheng? There are these two reasons, but the real fundamental reason lies in the military merit system set up by Shang Yang!

To put it bluntly, even if King Qin Ying Zheng died, or even if several generations of kings died in Qin.

But as long as the military merit system set up by Shang Yang was not abolished by Qin, as long as the other six countries did not reform, and firmly implemented the military merit system like Qin.

Then no matter how many hardships Qin suffered, or how many kings died.

As long as Qin was not completely destroyed, then in the land of Central Plains, it must be Qin that finally unified the six countries!

Fundamentally, it is because in this country that emphasizes blood, nobles will always be nobles, classes are fixed, and the common people at the bottom will almost never get ahead. The society of the day.

The military merit system of Qin gave all the lower-class people a fair opportunity to stand out!

This is a light, a light that illuminates the lower-class people!

For this light, there will be countless lower-class people who are willing to use themselves as firewood like moths to a flame.

Just to let this light continue to shine and shine until it truly replaces the sun in the sky and shines brightly on all sides of the world!

There is a saying that"he who wins the hearts of the people wins the world."

From another perspective, the military merit system of Qin is no different.

However, although the military merit system of Qin gave the lower-class people an opportunity to cross classes, change their families, and stand out.

But it can be said that it is very, very difficult to meet the King of Qin and report to the court with other civil and military officials through the military merit system.

Qin implemented a system of twenty military merits, and all Qin people could be awarded titles through military merit.

However, this is not the so-called killing one enemy can be promoted to a higher rank.

To give the simplest example, Bai Qi, the God of Killing, was the most powerful general of the seven countries. He served as the chief general of Qin for more than 30 years, attacked more than 70 cities, killed more than one million enemies, and never lost a battle in his life. He was considered to have made an unparalleled contribution to the Qin State's conquest of the six countries.

However, when Bai Qi died, his final title was only the Great Liangzao (level 16), and he did not rise to the top.

This is because the 20-level military merit system established by Shang Jun has very strict evaluation criteria.

For example, the lowest level of the 20-level military merit system, the first-level public officer, has the requirement that"those who can get one title will be awarded one level of title."

The title here does not refer to ordinary soldiers or cannon fodder such as slaves, but to the low-level officers on the opposite side.

But no matter whether the officer is low-level or not, as long as it is an officer, there must be at least three or five soldiers around it, and at most more than a dozen soldiers responsible for protecting it.

So for the Qin soldiers, even if they want to kill a low-level officer who is protected by three, five or a dozen soldiers, it is not an easy task.

And there is another rule of"profit theory", to put it bluntly, you can't lose money, you have to"profit", and of course the profit must be deducted from the loss of people in your own team to be considered"profit".

Like in the Battle of Changping that year, Bai Qi led his army to kill more than 400,000 Zhao soldiers, but more than half of the Qin army was killed or wounded in this battle.

According to the principle of offsetting casualties, the Battle of Changping also failed to meet the conditions for military merit promotion.

In addition, the Qin law is meticulous and strict, and you may break the law if you are not careful.

What if you don't want to be punished after breaking the law?

Then use your military merit and title to offset it!

So it is possible that you have worked hard to kill the enemy on the battlefield and earned a title, but if you accidentally violate the Qin law, you will be deprived of it.

In this process of ups and downs, the bottom-level people want to rely on military merit to become a military merit nobleman below level three. Through hard work and desperate efforts, there is still a lot of hope.

But if you want to become a military merit nobleman from level three to level five, then simply relying on hard work and desperate efforts is not enough, and you also need some luck.

If you want to become a military noble of level 5 or above and level 8 or below, it depends not only on your hard work, hard work, and luck, but also on your own talent.

Because soldiers of this level are no longer ordinary soldiers, but have reached the level of"generals".

Even if it is just an unknown and inconspicuous young general or lieutenant general, it is also a serious general.

And not everyone can be a general. It requires you to have certain management skills, tactical vision, morale boosting, etc.

If you don't have these abilities, then even if you become a general, you are just sending heads and military merits to the enemy. If you want to learn the abilities just mentioned, you can either read military books and learn and comprehend them by yourself.

But can a young general or lieutenant general from an ordinary peasant have such a precious resource as a military book?

In this era, even the most ordinary books are very precious resources, let alone military books in books.

Or you can follow a general, silently learn his words and deeds, and slowly comprehend them by yourself.

Or you can be lucky enough to get the general's words and deeds.

If you study silently for three, five, seven, or eight years, you may be able to become a qualified junior general or lieutenant general. Or you may be extremely talented and do not need to read military books or learn from other generals, let alone teach by other generals.

You can learn by yourself. Not only can you become a qualified junior general or lieutenant general, but it is not difficult to become a qualified or even outstanding commander of a large army.

Well, in this era, there are people who can do the last point.

The one who went forward is called Bai Qi. He reached the peak when he debuted, and perfectly interpreted what the killing god of the four saints of the military strategists is. The one who went back is called Han Xin. He also reached the peak when he debuted, and also perfectly interpreted what the military immortal and god commander of the four saints of the military strategists is.

So it can be seen how difficult it is for ordinary people to become a junior general or lieutenant general with a title of level five to level seven.

If you want to truly stand among the civil and military officials present, it is not enough to have only the fifth to seventh level military merit titles. You have to break through one more level and reach the eighth level military merit title. Only when you get the eighth level military merit title can you be considered a serious high-ranking title in Qin State, and you will truly have the qualifications to stand among the civil and military officials present.

So if the real bottom-level people want to climb to the middle and lower-level aristocratic class of Qin State through the military merit title system, this is not a big problem.

But if you want to reach the middle and upper-level aristocratic class of Qin State, you don’t have to have the talent of the four military sages.

But you have to have the talent of the 72 generals of the Martial Temple to be able to walk alive in front of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

So the senior monarchs and ministers of the Great Qin present, although they have all learned more or less about the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people from books or from reality.

But they certainly don’t know as thoroughly as Prince Fusu did after seven days of dedicated research and understanding.

But now, as long as they remember the results of Prince Fusu's seven days of research, understanding, and summary, they can also be said to have a deep understanding of the people's livelihood.

To put it bluntly, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain is equivalent to an experience pack, whoever eats it can upgrade.

Now, after the senior monarchs and ministers of the Qin Dynasty have eaten the experience packs summarized by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain about the people's livelihood, their understanding of the people's livelihood has also quickly upgraded to the same level as the five-year-old Fusu on the sky curtain.

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