【The meaning of Qin King Ying Zheng's words is very clear. For those soldiers who have made achievements but their achievements are not enough to obtain military merits and titles,】

【And for those soldiers who also fought on the battlefield, but had to retire due to injuries or disabilities, and who also did not earn military merits and titles.】

【Although the Qin State did not grant them military titles, it also gave them a certain amount of compensation such as severance pay.】

【Under the military merit system, the Qin State would not mistreat any of the people who were willing to fight for the Qin State.】

【This is also the fundamental reason why the military merit system can continue to operate.】

【Of course, such severance pay is certainly meagre compared to the welfare benefits of those soldiers who have received military meritorious service.】

【However, it is precisely because of the huge difference between the two that it can further stimulate the desire and madness of the people for military merits and titles, and make them fight more bravely on the battlefield.】

【This might be what Shang Jun did on purpose.】

【So if you feel that the severance pay given by Qin is not enough, then you should fight even harder on the battlefield and strive to win the lowest rank of a duke for yourself.】

【As long as you obtain a military merit title, more generous benefits will be waiting for you.】

【And sometimes, for the same thing, we should not only look at how Qin did, but also how other vassal states did!】

【There is a saying that goes:"Whether you do well or not depends on your peers."!】

【In the Qin State, if an ordinary person died in battle, then the compensation that should be given would not be reduced by the Qin State at all.】

【Similarly, if the people of Qian Shou retired from the army due to injury or disability, the Qin State would also give you the severance pay.】

【At least the king of Qin would not be stingy in this regard.】

【Moreover, under the deterrent effect of the severe punishments of Qin law, it is hard to say that corruption of soldiers' pensions and compensation funds has been completely eradicated.】

【But at least we can guarantee that even if this happens, it will be a very rare case.】

【In other vassal states, did the common people die in battle? Or were they disabled?】

【Whether or not to give these common people pensions and compensation really depends on the character of their monarchs, the officials responsible for issuing these pensions and compensation, and finally the generals and nobles who lead them.】

【If their monarch is incompetent, will they give him pensions or compensation?】

【What is that?】

【Is that something that is worthy of the lowly common people?】

【Those who died in the battle should be buried immediately to avoid causing plague.】

【If a disabled person was demoted to a slave death camp, if he died, he would be quickly buried on the spot.】

【What kind of status do the common people have? How dare they ask for pensions and compensation from the kings? It is simply a fantasy!】

【It would be generous enough to enlist them as soldiers and give them a sip of porridge to drink.】

【As for the fact that too many soldiers died and there were not enough, then we should continue to force the people to join the army.】

【If you don't obey, you will die. There is nothing that can't be solved!】

【Of course, if the king had a little more normal mind】

【Then he would more or less give some pensions and compensation to those Qianshou soldiers who died in the battle or were disabled.】

【However, just because the monarch is willing to give, it does not mean that other officials will not interfere.】

【For example, it is perfectly normal for officials responsible for distributing these pensions and compensation to embezzle some of them.】

【After all, the officials of the six states were notorious for their greed and bribery in Qin.】

【Otherwise, Qin would not have been able to bribe officials from the six states and use sowing discord and estrangement tactics to succeed.】

【The officials who were responsible for distributing these pensions and compensations embezzled some of it. Then, would the generals and nobles who led them also embezzle some of it?】

【This is also the case for quite a few generals and nobles.】

【Because in this era, generals and nobles can have their own personal soldiers and private soldiers.】

【Therefore, for these generals and nobles, the soldiers under their command are also divided into two types:】

【One type is their own personal soldiers and private soldiers. For these personal soldiers and private soldiers, the status of generals and nobles is higher than that of the country they belong to, and even the monarch they theoretically support.】

【Or maybe it is that the real loyalty of these personal soldiers and private soldiers is only to the generals and nobles, not to the country or the monarch.】

【Therefore, for the pensions and compensations of these personal soldiers and private soldiers, these generals and nobles will not only not embezzle, but will give more pensions and compensations.】

【Only in this way can they gain the loyalty of these personal soldiers and private soldiers.】

【The other type is the country's common people. For the pensions and compensations of these common people, the generals and nobles do not have any psychological pressure.】

【As for whether the common people whose pensions and compensations were embezzled have any complaints against the country, it is none of their business.】

【Anyway, the people resent the country or the king, not them.】

【It can be said that for most of the generals and nobles of the six countries, the most important thing is to seize every opportunity to harm the country and enrich themselves.】

【With the precedent of the three families dividing Jin, the nobles of each vassal state had the bold idea that"those who steal the country will become vassals".】

【Only a few generals and nobles from the six countries who were truly loyal to their country and treated all the common people equally would not embezzle the pensions and compensation of the common people.】

【Even when the higher authorities did not provide pensions or compensation to the soldiers, he would take the initiative to help the soldiers to ask for them.】

【However, such generals and nobles are rare in the six countries.】

【And if one really appeared, he would either be framed and killed by the people of the six countries themselves, or be framed and killed by the Qin State.】

【Anyone who has some integrity in the six countries will not be tolerated in the seven countries.】

【So whenever Qin felt that it was not doing well enough, it would look at the other six countries.】

【Then, when the two are compared, the Qin State will suddenly realize, WTF? Did I do too well? Or did they do too badly?】

【Suddenly, Qin Guo, who originally felt that he had not done well enough, felt at ease.】

【Well, my Qin State is doing pretty well, no need to change it】

【Therefore, based on this, King Ying Zheng of Qin did not think that Qin needed to show any kindness and care to those soldiers who did not get military merits and titles.】

【At least what should be given to those soldiers, Qin will not be short of it! 】

Under the sky, all the kings and ministers of the Great Qin nodded slightly with a smile on their faces.

That's right, compared with the original six countries, Qin is simply too conscientious.

Whenever Qin feels that its morality has declined, they will first look at the other six countries.

Then they will think that Qin's morality is still okay, and finally they will feel at ease.

So things like benevolence and care are not very necessary.

As long as Qin does a good job of fairly redeeming the rewards of the military merit system, it will be enough.

As for the nobles of the other six countries, looking at what was said on the sky:

"Harming the country and enriching oneself......"

"Embezzled the pensions and compensations of the soldiers......."

"The officials of the six states were notorious in Qin for their greed and bribery......."

"The Qin State repeatedly bribed the officials of the six states and used the tactics of sowing discord or alienation to succeed......."......

Most of the nobles of the six countries looked at this with shame and anger.

At the same time, a small number of nobles of the six countries secretly regretted in their hearts:"If I had known earlier, I would have been less corrupt, or I would not have accepted the bribe from Qin."

"In this way, maybe when the Qin army comes, we can stop them."

"And we might not have lost our country in the end."

Of course, they only regret it now.

If they had to do it again, they would probably still embezzle what they should embezzle.

They would probably still accept bribes.

Because even if they don't embezzle, there will be others who will embezzle. Even if they don't accept bribes, there will be others who will accept bribes. Anyway, the final result is the same, so why don't they embezzle and accept bribes themselves!

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