【"I understand what my father meant. The Qin State will never owe its meritorious officials."】

【"Whether it was the people who died in battle or those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities, the Qin State would not withhold their pensions and compensation."】

【"But apart from this, Qin State did not seem to give them anything else."】

【"The relationship between Qin and them was like a business-employment relationship. Qin provided money and food, and then bought them to fight for Qin."】.

【"Once they died in battle or became disabled, the Qin State would give them a corresponding pension or compensation, and then the relationship between the Qin State and them would be settled."】

【"Perhaps in Shang Jun's view, the essential relationship between Qin and the people of Guizhou was like this."】

【"But I think that the relationship between Qin and Qian should not be just such a cold business relationship."】

【"Those common people who are willing to fight for the Qin State are not just common people, they are also the Qin people who loyally support and uphold the Qin State, and they are the people of our Qin State!"】

【"They did not all choose to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy for the military merits and titles promised by Shang Jun."】

【"There were also many Qin people who chose to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy in order to protect the Qin State from foreign invasion."】

【"He did not want the war between the vassal states to spread to Qin, so he chose to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy."】

【"He wanted to fulfill the wish of the Qin monarchs, ministers, and people of all dynasties to go east, strengthen Qin, and unify the country, so he chose to go to the battlefield and kill the enemy."】

【"So I think that in addition to benefits, there should also be affection between Qin and them!"】

【"The Qin people's patriotism for their Qin State, and the Qin State's love for its people for the Qin people!"】

【At this point, Prince Fusu recalled the excitement of the old Qin soldiers Gan, Yuan, Mu, etc., who had been inspecting and comforting him before, when they saw him.】

【After a slight sigh, Prince Fusu continued,"When I was ordered by my father to inspect and comfort the lonely and widowed old Qin people, there was a scene that left a deep impression on me."】

【"That is when I know their names and can fully describe when they were ordered to join the army, how many enemies they killed, and why they had to retreat from the battlefield."】

【"They were all so excited that they cried and couldn't help themselves."】

【"For them, the relief supplies I sent to them on behalf of the Qin State and my father are not very important."】

【"Even the widowed old Qin people were unwilling to accept the relief supplies. In the end, I told them that my father would scold me if they didn’t accept them, so they reluctantly accepted them."】

【"For them, the most important thing is that I am here to comfort them on behalf of the Qin State and my father!"】

【"Because this represents Qin's affirmation of them, and Qin has not forgotten everything they have paid for before!"】

【"So I think that in addition to the most basic pensions and compensation, we can also give these Qin people who died in battle, or those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities, a little bit more."】

【"For example: an honor, an honor that represents the bloody battles they had fought for the Qin State!"】

【"An honor that represents that the Qin State has not forgotten everything they have given!"】

【"An honor that represents the Qin State's pride in them and gratitude for their efforts in helping the Qin State expand eastward, strengthen the Qin State, and complete the great unification cause!"】

【"Even this honor does not need to be carried by anything special, even just a wooden plaque recognized by the Qin Dynasty and engraved with their achievements will be enough."】

【"This expenditure was not a big expense for the Qin State."】

【"However, it can greatly strengthen the Qin people's patriotism for Qin and increase their loyalty to the Qin monarch."】

【"It can even go a step further and encourage the Qin people to be more fearless and brave in the battlefield for the sake of Qin."】

【After listening to the story of Prince Fusu, King Qin Ying Zheng fell into deep thought. 】

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng under the sky also fell into deep thought.

I have to say that sometimes the views of Prince Fusu on the sky are really accurate.

In the eyes of Shang Jun, the relationship between Qin and the Qin people is that I pay money and you pay life.

What patriotism, what love for the people, these are all false, the Legalists do not believe in this, and the Legalists do not play this.

Even if they play this, the Legalists play with a clear price.

You say patriotism?

You get the first-level title of a public scholar, I give you a salary of 50 stones, a hectare of land, a house, and a servant. Is this enough for you to love your country?

You say love for the people?

You get the first-level title of a public scholar, I give you a salary of 50 stones, a hectare of land, a house, and a servant. Isn't this enough to love you?

In the eyes of the Legalists, those who advocate patriotism and love for the people are not good-hearted!

They are all fooling the people as fools! They are all hypocritical and disgusting people who want the people to fight to their death but don't want to give them any benefits!

Well, the Legalists don't specifically mention the Confucians here.

But they are different. They also want the people to fight to their death, but at least they will give them real benefits. No matter how much or how little, the Legalists will definitely give it anyway!

Therefore, when the people at the bottom of the society talk about benefits with the Legalists and talk about benevolence and morality with the Confucians, they often choose the Legalists.

Because the benevolence and morality of Confucianism cannot make them eat, but the interests of the Legalists can make them full.

And the prince Fusu on the sky is naturally not the kind of hypocritical and disgusting person who only wants the people to fight to their death but doesn't want to give them any benefits.

The idea of Prince Fusu is based on the military merit system of the Legalists.

Add a Confucian benevolent care, that is, to give those Qin soldiers who can't earn military merit titles an extra honor.

Let those Qin soldiers who died in battle and those who retreated from the battlefield due to injuries and disabilities feel that their blood was not shed in vain and their sacrifice was not in vain.

Let them have a greater sense of identity with the Qin State, be more loyal to the Qin State, and support the Qin monarch more!

Well, the first point is not very important to Emperor Qin Ying Zheng.

But the second point is very important to Emperor Qin Ying Zheng.

Before, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng was still thinking about how to make the old Qin people more loyal to him, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, on the basis of supporting the Qin Emperor.

And now Emperor Qin Ying Zheng has thought of a way.

That is, as Prince Fusu on the sky said, give love, care and honor to those Qin people who died for the Qin State and those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities.......

One came from the State of Qin, from him, the Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, to recognize and commend their achievements.

In this way, the old Qin people should support not only the symbol of the Emperor Qin, but also the more specific Emperor Qin Ying Zheng! The old Qin people's carriage among the four carriages of the prince mentioned by Prince Fusu will also be firmly in his hands!

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng turned his head and looked at Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, and the right prime minister Wang Wan and ordered:

"You should also write down how to show love, care and honor to those Qin people who died fighting for Qin, as well as those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities. After the curtain falls, we will discuss a detailed plan."

Wang Jian, Marquis of Wucheng, responded solemnly:

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

As the general of the Qin Dynasty, Wang Jian could naturally see how much motivation and benefit this would bring to the Qin army.

Apart from other aspects, it would not be a problem to increase the morale and combat effectiveness of the Qin army by another three points.

The left prime minister Wei Zhuang and the right prime minister Wang Wan also responded in unison:

""I obey your command!"

Their left and right prime ministers did not have much objection to this matter.

After all, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain also said very clearly that what they want to give to those soldiers is an honor, an affirmation of their achievements and contributions!

To put it bluntly, there is no need to give too much money and materials, but more spiritual support, affirmation and encouragement.

This kind of thing is relatively easy to handle except for some trivial troubles.

And whether it is the old Qin soldiers who retired due to injuries or disabilities in various parts of the Qin State, or the Qin soldiers who are suppressing and stationed in various parts of the Qin State.

When they saw Prince Fusu on the sky curtain speaking for them, they couldn't help but make a clamor and boil up.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Crown Prince has not forgotten us!"

"Even if we can't earn a military title, His Highness Fusu will still recognize us!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can see everything we have done for the Qin State!"

"Our sacrifices were not in vain, everything we did was worth it!"


"His Highness Fusu is speaking for us! His Highness Fusu is fighting for more benefits for us!"

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is telling His Majesty the First Emperor who is far away in the Xianyang Palace what we want to say!"

"Thank you, Your Highness! Thank you, Your Highness!"......

Even in the Qin State, the majority of soldiers could not earn military merits and titles.

And what Prince Fusu said to"King Qin Ying Zheng" was also speaking to the most powerful emperor, the First Emperor, on behalf of the majority of ordinary Qin soldiers!

Similarly, Prince Fusu's efforts to gain extra honor and recognition for them were also a way to gain extra honor and recognition for the majority of ordinary Qin soldiers!

So at this moment, the Qin army officers and soldiers who had a good impression of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, now have an even higher impression of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain..........

PS1: The release date was unexpected, and I misjudged it. I originally thought it was scheduled to be released tomorrow.

But no matter what, it will be released eventually. I hope everyone will make the first and full orders. I wish you all good health, wealth and prosperity.

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