【After thinking deeply for a long time, King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at Prince Fusu in front of him and asked,"What do you think?"】

【The implication is that he was persuaded by Fusu and decided to give extra love, care and honor to those Qin people who died fighting for Qin and those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities.】

【Of course, the reason why I agree】

【The most important thing is that after careful consideration, King Qin Ying Zheng found that this move would indeed help strengthen the Qin people's support and support for the Qin State, and further consolidate the Qin people's loyalty to him as the King of Qin.】

【In addition to the military merit system, it can indeed further inspire the Qin people to fight for their country and make the Qin soldiers more brave on the battlefield!】.

【It can be said that it is a small investment with a big gain, so Qin King Ying Zheng naturally agreed.】

【With his father's approval, Prince Fusu's eyes lit up and he said happily,"I have three ideas. The first idea is the medal."】

【"Xun means someone who has made great contributions to the country."】

【"Zhang, seal, also known as Zhang, means to show clearly"】

【"A medal is a piece of paper similar to a seal that can clearly show the meritorious service a soldier has rendered to the Qin State."】

【"Those soldiers who died fighting for Qin, as well as those who retired from the battlefield due to injuries or disabilities"】

【"They can all get a medal awarded by the Qin State to recognize and commend their sacrifices and contributions to the Qin State!"】

【"And such a medal can be called the Great Qin Medal!"】

【"It can even be further subdivided. For example, a soldier fought bravely on the battlefield and unfortunately died in battle. His deeds were heroic."】

【"Then the medal awarded by Daqin to their families can be called the Daqin Martyrs Medal!"】

【"For example, a soldier fought bravely on the battlefield, but was unfortunately wounded and disabled in the end. His actions were very brave!"】

【"Then the medal awarded to them by the Great Qin could be called the Great Qin Warrior Medal!"】

【"For example, the soldiers killed and beheaded more than one hundred enemies on the battlefield, showing their unparalleled bravery. They can be said to be the elite of the army and the sharpest of the soldiers!"】

【"Then the medal awarded to them by the Qin Dynasty can be called the Qin Sharp Warrior Medal!"】

【"Then, the front of these medals can be engraved with words such as the Great Qin Martyr Medal, the Great Qin Warrior Medal, the Great Qin Sharp Warrior Medal, etc."】

【"The back of the medal can be engraved with the name of the soldier who received the medal, as well as the specific battle, record, time, etc."】

【"Finally, the soldiers who received these medals would be able to have a unified audience with their father one day, and be personally recognized and commended by their father."】

【"In this way, I think the soldiers who received these medals should also be very happy."】

【After saying his first thought, Prince Fusu paused, giving his father some time to think. 】

Under the sky, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang looked up at the First Emperor and said:

"Your Majesty, what do you think of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's idea?"

This idea of Crown Prince Fusu is very good in his opinion.

If this idea is suitable, then they will not think too much and will adopt it directly.

Moreover, to be honest, the charter plan they discussed later may not be as good as the one thought out by Crown Prince Fusu on the sky. So there is no need to spend more effort, they can just copy the answers.

It feels good to copy the answers for a while!

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng turned around and nodded slightly when he heard it, indicating his agreement.

This idea of Crown Prince Fusu is indeed very good in his opinion.

So copying answers is completely acceptable to the pragmatic Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

And he is not copying other people's answers, he is copying the answers of his"own son Crown Prince Fusu". Is there a problem?

No problem at all!

If you have any objections, you can let Crown Prince Fusu on the sky come down and talk to him.

As long as Crown Prince Fusu on the sky can come down, then he will tie Crown Prince Fusu to his world as his crown prince even if he has to tie him.

【After listening to this, King Qin Ying Zheng thought for a moment.】

【The medal that Prince Fusu mentioned is not very difficult to make.】

【As for the cost, it depends on what material is used to make the medal.】

【If the materials are chosen appropriately, the cost should not be too high, and the Qin State can afford it.】

【Finally, he personally met with and verbally commended these soldiers who had fought bravely for the Qin State and received medals, which should have made them more loyal to the Qin State and themselves.】

【Overall, the badge idea is a good one.】

【Then King Qin Ying Zheng nodded, looked at the Crown Prince Fusu in front of him, and tapped the table lightly:"Go on, don't you have two more ideas?"】

【Prince Fusu, who was affirmed and encouraged, also said:"The second idea is to build a grand and solemn Jingling Palace in Xianyang!"】

【"Since the founding of the Qin State, too many soldiers have died for the Qin State."】

【"Some of them left behind names, descendants, and offspring, while others did not."】

【"Some people offer sacrifices and commemorate, while others do not."】

【"Some may have rested in peace, while others may still be obsessed with it."】

【"But I think, no matter whether they left behind names, descendants, offspring, whether there are people to worship and commemorate them, whether they have already rested in peace,"】

【"Qin State should never forget them!"】

【"Father, you shouldn’t forget them either!"】

【"I, can't forget them even more!"】

【"Because they all died for the Qin State, for their ancestors, for their fathers, and even for me!��】

【Prince Fusu spoke each word with force and each sentence was sonorous.】

【As Prince Fusu spoke, King Ying Zheng's originally relaxed expression became more and more serious, and his back became straighter and straighter.】

【"So I think we should build a Jingling Temple in Xianyang"】

【"To commemorate all the Qin soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the Qin State's unification since the Warring States Period!"】

【"To commemorate all the great Qin soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the Qin State to expand eastward and become stronger since the Spring and Autumn Period!"】

【"To commemorate all the great Qin soldiers who have fought hard and sacrificed their lives for the Qin State since the Shang and Zhou Dynasties!"】

【"Tell them that even though they are now nameless, surnameless, and traceless"】

【"But the mountains of Qin knew them!"】

【"The rivers of Qin know them!"】

【"The Qin State will never forget them, never, ever!"】

【Thunder rumbles!】

【As soon as Crown Prince Fusu finished his last words, thunder suddenly exploded in the clear sky, as if to add to his power or to respond to his voice!】

【Under the thunder, whether it was the King of Qin, Ying Zheng, or the Crown Prince Fusu, both stood tall and straight like pine trees, with solemn and dignified faces. 】

Under the sky, since the Crown Prince Fusu began to talk about his second idea.

The face of the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng became more and more majestic and cold, and the power on his body became more and more majestic.

Wucheng Hou Wang Jian, the left prime minister Wei Zhuang, the right prime minister Wang Wan, the court judge Li Si, the Shangqing Meng Yi, the internal historian Meng Tian......

All the civil and military officials present stood up one after another, with solemn and dignified expressions.

The eldest prince Fusu also stood up and looked at the sky curtain with a piercing gaze.

Seeing this, the other princes and princesses, although they didn't quite understand what was going on, all stood up and stood silently.

The Qin soldiers from all over the world listened to what Prince Fusu said on the sky curtain. They couldn't help but clenched their spears in their hands, pursed their lips, and their eyes began to turn red.

In the past, they had been stabbed by the enemy on the battlefield and their intestines were about to fall out, but at this moment, they didn't know why, they suddenly felt a little sad, a little happy, and a little aggrieved, and finally wanted to cry.

After Prince Fusu on the sky curtain finished speaking, Wucheng Hou Wang Jian was the first to bow down to the First Emperor like pushing a golden mountain and overturning a jade pillar, and his voice was low and solemn:

"I beg Your Majesty to build this Jingling Hall to comfort the souls of our great Qin soldiers in heaven!"

Shangqing Meng Yi and Nei Shi Meng Tian also prostrated themselves and said solemnly:

"I beg Your Majesty to build this Jingling Hall to inspire the courage of future soldiers of the Qin Dynasty!"

Left Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, Right Prime Minister Wang Wan, and Court Justice Li Si......

All the civil and military officials bowed to the First Emperor at the same time and said:

"We beg Your Majesty to build this Jingling Hall to consolidate our great Qin country for ten thousand years, ten thousand years, ten thousand years!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng stepped forward and turned around, his eyes sweeping over all the civil and military officials present.

The wind blew, and the emperor's robe fluttered. Qin Emperor Ying Zheng tried his best to keep calm, but at the same time, there was a touch of excitement that was difficult to calm down:


"After the sky curtain falls, we will immediately start building the Jingling Hall!"

"All expenses will be paid for, no need to discuss, I agree to everything!"

"I have only one request, build it as well as you can!"

All the civil and military officials responded:

"I will follow your majesty's wishes!"

【After a long while, Prince Fusu continued,"After the Jingling Hall in Xianyang was built, the King of Qin personally led all civil and military officials, as well as royal relatives, to offer sacrifices on the same day every year!"】

【"At the same time, a small Jingling Temple was built in each county of Daqin."】

【"While the king of Qin, his civil and military officials, and his royal family were offering sacrifices in Xianyang, officials from all counties and prefectures of Qin, as well as local Qin soldiers, also offered sacrifices on the same day."】

【"This example can never be changed!"】

【"As long as the Qin State survives, sacrifices will continue!"】

【"Rest with the country, and worship with the country!"】

【King Qin 670 Ying Zheng nodded seriously and said without any hesitation:"This is as it should be!"】

【The most important affairs of a country are sacrifice and war.】

【After Crown Prince Fusu finished talking about the Jingling Hall, King Ying Zheng of Qin had already realized the role of the Jingling Hall and was even more determined to build it!】

【And the sacrificial ceremony in the Jingling Hall must be extremely grand, solemn, dignified and majestic!】

【What Prince Fusu just said, that the king of Qin, together with all the civil and military officials, royal relatives, officials and soldiers from all over the world, would offer sacrifices on the same day, is in line with the grand, solemn, majestic and majestic vision that King Ying Zheng of Qin had in mind.】

【"The third idea is actually connected to the second idea."】

【"Just build another monument to the heroes outside the Jingling Hall!"】

【"Those who sacrifice their lives for their country are heroes and their spirits live forever."】

【"This monument was built to commemorate the heroes who sacrificed their lives for their country."】

【"Outside the Jingling Hall in Xianyang, build a large monument to the unknown heroes!"】

【"Outside the Jingling Temple in counties and prefectures across the country, a small monument to the heroes was built."】

【"From now on, if soldiers from counties and prefectures across the country die in battle, their names will be engraved on the local monument to heroes!"】

【"All the soldiers who died fighting for Qin will be remembered by Qin forever and will never be forgotten."】

【"When all the people of the Qin State offer sacrifices to the Jingling Temple together, they will also receive sacrifices from the Qin State, and will also share the country's life and immortality!"】

【Prince Fusu expressed his third idea solemnly.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin also did not hesitate at all and nodded, saying:"This is also reasonable!"】

【Since he has agreed to the Jingling Temple, there is no need for a monument to the heroes.】

【Moreover, in his opinion, the role of the Heroic Monument is no less important than that of the Jingling Hall.】

【It can be said that once the Jingling Hall and the Heroic Monument are completed, coupled with the Qin State's military merit system, he dares to say that no country in the world will be able to rival Qin State.】

【At the same time, at this moment, King Ying Zheng of Qin also understood why Prince Fusu repeatedly emphasized that Qin lacked a little love and care for its soldiers and needed to give those soldiers extra honor.】

【Now it seems that this kind of care and honor is really important!】

【For the Qin State, it is no less than the military merit system! 】.

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