【"After that, the Chu State returned to the hereditary aristocracy system."】

【"Of course, it was not only Chu, but other vassal states also basically had a hereditary noble system."】.

【"The so-called hereditary nobles are the nobles below the emperor or the princes, who are appointed to high positions from generation to generation, from father to son."】

【"The so-called hereditary nobility means that the nobles enjoy the land and its tax revenue from generation to generation, from father to son."】

【"For example, the six ministers of the former Jin State"】

【"In the past, Duke Wen of Jin established three armies after returning to his country. Each army had a general and an assistant. They were the Central Army General, the Central Army Assistant, the Upper Army General, the Upper Army Assistant, the Lower Army General, and the Lower Army Assistant. They were called the Six Lords."】

【"These three armies and six ministers served as generals and ministers, ruling the state of Jin and taking charge of all the military and political affairs of the state of Jin."】

【"Moreover, these six ministers adopted a hereditary system, mainly controlled by eleven clans such as the Hu clan, the Xian clan, and the Xi clan. They took turns in ruling according to the principle of"the eldest dies and the second is the last"."】

【"Therefore, in the State of Jin, if it were not for these eleven aristocratic families, it would be impossible to get involved in the positions of the Six Lords!"】

【"Even if someone other than these eleven clans wants to get their hands on the six ministers' positions, they will be attacked by these eleven clans together!"】

【"Even if the king of Jin wanted to let someone outside of these eleven clans take charge of the six ministers, they would be rejected by these eleven clans."】

【"Therefore, under such circumstances, the king of Jin was just a puppet of these eleven clans."】

【"Under the hereditary aristocracy system, the monarch would inherently lose the right to appoint many important positions, and the monarch's power would also be weakened and restricted."】

【"And those hereditary nobles, under the protection of this system, their power and status became more and more stable."】

【"If a few more generations of careful management were to take place, it would be possible for the Three Families to divide Jin and for the Tian Family to replace Qi."】

【"Like the three kingdoms of Wei, Zhao, and Han, they were originally hereditary nobles of Jin. After one or two hundred years of operation and struggle, they finally controlled most of the power of Jin."】

【"Finally, Wei, Zhao, and Han divided up Jin together, making their own home their country."】

【"If the king is like this, let alone the common people at the bottom of society."】

【"Under the hereditary aristocracy system, no matter how many merits the common people have made, they are still enslaved and suppressed by the nobles, and will never be able to make a name for themselves."】

【Prince Fusu did not hide his dissatisfaction with the hereditary noble system, as well as his disgust and fear of the nobles who supported the hereditary noble system.】

【After all, the division of Jin by the three families and the replacement of Qi by the Tian family are things that no monarch wants to see happen to himself or his descendants.

Under the sky, the nobles of the six countries who heard Prince Fusu denounce the hereditary noble system could not help but refute:

"Our ancestors have made contributions to the country and shed blood for the country. If it were not for our ancestors who worked hard and overcame difficulties for the country, how could we have the country we have today?"

"Our ancestors have made such great contributions and achievements, so it is only natural that we should be blessed with noble titles and positions."

"If there were no hereditary nobility and official positions, who would be willing to sacrifice their lives for the country?"

"The country is not only the country of the king, but also the country of us nobles!"

"If the monarch can be hereditary, why can't we, the nobles, inherit the throne as well!"

"Humph, you talk about being so selfless, but why don’t you offer up the throne so that nobles like me can take turns to take it!"

"After all, isn't it all for the king's own selfish interests?"

"How is this different from us?"

"Moreover, even if we give up our throne to the common people, can the common people do our job well?"

"Can the people of Guizhou read? Do the people of Guizhou know etiquette? Do the people of Guizhou know how to govern a country?"

"The common people know nothing. If we allow them to take our places, what else can they do except bring disaster to the country?"

"No matter how many merits the common people have made, isn't it all because of the command and arrangements made by us, the nobles?"

"Without the command and arrangements from you, we will be like headless flies. What can we do?"

"As the common people, they should farm well and listen to the arrangements of the nobles. These are what they should do."

"As long as the people are obedient and follow our governance, the country will naturally be peaceful and the people will be safe, and they will naturally have enough food to eat. This is the right way to govern the country!"......

However, no matter how much the nobles of the six countries said, no matter how"legitimate" their reasons were, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain did not hear a word, and continued with his own thoughts.

【"In contrast, the lower class people had no chance to rise in the other six countries."】

【"In Qin, however, one could truly rely on military merit to be granted a title, and leap from the bottom of the society to become one of the ministers in the Qin court."】

【"This can almost be said to be the only clear upward channel for the current lower-class people!"】

【"However, after Qin conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world,"】

【"The scale of subsequent wars in Qin will gradually shrink, and the number of wars will also gradually decrease. The original military merit system will gradually become outdated and lose the soil on which it depends for survival."】

【"Finally, the military merit system, the only clear channel for the common people to rise, will gradually close to the old Qin people."】

【"This can be said to be something that the old Qin people cannot tolerate."】

【"Because once the upward path of the military merit system is closed to them, they will be like the common people in the other six countries, common people for a while and common people for the rest of their lives."】

【"Even if they are still poor for generations, they can never become nobles."】

【"Therefore, even if the Qin State swept away the six kingdoms and unified the world, in order to change its status as a commoner, in order to make itself and its descendants become nobles,"】

【"The millions of old Qin people who supported the military merit system will still not rest in peace."】

【"Since the scale of Qin's subsequent wars has been reduced, they will find a way to expand the scale of Qin's wars again!"】

【"Since the number of subsequent wars launched by the Qin State decreased, they also tried to find a way to increase the number of wars launched by the Qin State again!"】

【"Since the military merit system lost its soil for survival after the Qin Dynasty unified the world, they recreated the soil for the military merit system to survive!"】

【"In the end, they will force the Qin State to continue its foreign wars, giving them an opportunity to win military merit and be awarded a title!"】

【"If the Qin State does not give them such an opportunity, if the monarch does not give them such an opportunity, then the resentment of millions of old Qin people will not be able to be borne by even the Qin State and the monarch."】

【"In the end, either the Qin State and its king, under the resentment of millions of old Qin people, continued to launch foreign wars."】

【"Either the Qin State and its ruler forcibly suppressed the resentment of millions of old Qin people, and then gradually made millions of old Qin people alienated from the Qin State and the ruler."】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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