The old Qin people who heard the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain reacted more violently than when they heard that Qin was going to distribute land to the people of the six countries.

"What does His Highness Fusu mean?"

"Is the Qin State going to abolish the military merit system?".

"No! The military merit system must not be abolished!"

"I haven't gotten the title yet. If the military merit system is abolished, I will never get the title!"

"I have only obtained the first-class duke rank and have not yet obtained the second-class shangzao rank. The military merit rank system must not be abolished!"

"You are right. I also want to get a higher level of military rank. Now that the military rank system has been abolished, how can I improve my military rank?"

"The Qin State must never abolish the military merit system!"

"We must tell His Majesty the First Emperor our ideas!"

"We went to the officials and told them our ideas, and asked them to convey our ideas to His Majesty the First Emperor, begging Him not to abolish the military merit system!"

"Take me one and I’ll go too!"

"Together! Together! We all go together!"......

Immediately, all the county officials in Guanzhong of Qin State welcomed a large group of old Qin people, and the number was still increasing. The people of the six countries were stunned when they heard the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

Originally, they were very resistant to the military merit system of Qin State. After all, in their opinion, it was no different from forcing them to die on the battlefield.

But now after listening to what Prince Fusu said, and comparing it with the six countries where they were originally from.

Suddenly, it was discovered that the military merit system of Qin State did not seem to be a bad thing. At least they all fought and fought desperately on the battlefield, but in the original six countries, even if they won the war, these soldiers could only get a full meal and a little reward.

As for wanting to become a master like those noble masters, it is almost impossible.

In Qin State, once they win the war, then they really have the possibility of becoming noble masters!

Thinking of this, the people of the six countries suddenly felt that no matter which country they were in, they would have to go to the battlefield to die and fight desperately in the end.

Then it seems that it might be more worthwhile to fight for Qin to die on the battlefield.

But now, even if these former people of the six countries want to fight for Qin on the battlefield, it seems too late.

Prince Fusu on the sky curtain said before that after Qin unified the world, Qin could no longer create so many military merit opportunities for these people of the six countries to go to the battlefield to fight for military merit.

Even for this reason, Qin may have to take the initiative to destroy the fairness of the military merit system and directly give these people of the six countries land.

It is naturally a good thing for them to be able to directly divide the land without going to the battlefield. But there are also some people of the six countries who are not satisfied with the distribution of land.

Compared with continuing to be ordinary people, they also want to fight on the battlefield and use military merit to fight for a title for themselves and their descendants.

They also want to become the nobles of the six countries in their eyes in the past!

And now they are facing two problems. The first is that the military merit system cannot be abolished!

The second problem is how to fight for a chance to fight for military merits on the battlefield among the millions of old Qin people.

How to solve these two problems is a big problem for this part of the six kingdoms..........

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng looked at Prince Fusu on the sky, frowning again.

If it is according to what Prince Fusu said, not only the people of the six countries need a lot of military merit, but also the millions of old Qin people have always needed military merit.

But the problem is, after Qin unified the world, where can there be so many military merit opportunities for the people of the six countries and the old Qin people?

But if the people of the six countries are not given the opportunity to fight for military merit, the military merit system will be destroyed, and if the old Qin people are not given the opportunity to fight for military merit, the old Qin people will be alienated from Qin.

In this case, he can almost predict what choice"him" will make in the future.

That is to continue to wage war!

Since Qin has no opponents in the Central Plains, then go and fight the four barbarians and the Huns!

Keep fighting, so that military merit can be continuously created, and the fairness of the military merit system can be maintained from being destroyed, and the old Qin people can continue to have an opportunity to move up.

Qin will not be alienated from the old Qin people!

The thoughts of Emperor Qin Ying Zheng are also the thoughts of"King Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky curtain.

【"In this case, after unifying the world, the Qin Dynasty continued to attack the four barbarians and continued to create opportunities for the people of the six kingdoms and the Qin people to fight for military merit."】

【"In this way, the fairness of the military merit system would not be destroyed, and the old Qin people would not be alienated from the Qin State."】

【King Qin Ying Zheng said thoughtfully】

【However, Prince Fusu shook his head and rejected his idea:"The old Qin people are not afraid of death, and the people of the six countries can also fight for military merit on the battlefield."】

【"However, the land in this world is always limited!"】

【"And this is also the biggest problem with the military merit system!"】

【"The Qin State can continue to fight the four barbarians, but what will happen after defeating them?"】

【"How can the Qin State and the King reward the hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of people from the six kingdoms and the old Qin people for their military achievements?"】

【"Is there enough land in the Central Plains to reward them?"】

【"not enough!"】

【"Even if it is enough now, in the future, as more and more people from the Qian and Qin dynasties make military achievements, there will never be enough land in the Central Plains."】

【Hearing this, King Ying Zheng of Qin could not help but say:"If there is not enough land in the Central Plains, then divide it among the four barbarians!"】

【"Since the people of the six states and the Qin people were able to make military achievements, it also meant that the four barbarians, and even more and more distant places, were conquered by the Qin State."】

【"At that time, the Qin State could reward the conquered lands to the soldiers who had made military achievements."】

【"Fighting to support war may not be impossible to continue"】

【Hearing his father's words, Prince Fusu also showed a rare look of"Is my father a fool?"】

【Seeing this, King Qin Ying Zheng couldn't help but cough twice and said,"Is there anything wrong?"】

【Hundreds of years since Shang Yang's reform, Qin has always been fighting to support war.】

【Prince Fusu sighed and said,"Father, you awarded the four barbarian lands to the soldiers who had made military achievements. Is this a reward for the soldiers who had made military achievements, or is it a punishment of exile for them?"】

【"The land of the four barbarians is not the wealthy Central Plains, nor is it the livable place like the six kingdoms in the Central Plains that has been managed and transformed by ancestors for thousands of years. Instead, it is a real wilderness!"】

【"To enfeoff soldiers with military merits there is, to put it bluntly, the same as exiling them to barbarians!"】

【"If my father really did this, the day my father issued the order, those soldiers who had made great contributions in conquering the four barbarians would rebel against the Qin Dynasty and my father on the spot."】

【"Even if there was no rebellion, this move was equivalent to completely abolishing the military merit system, and at the same time abolishing the trust of the people of the six states and the old Qin people in Qin, their father, and the military merit system."】

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【"From then on, no one from the six countries or the old Qin people would believe anything that Qin said to the King!"】

【"The final result is that the people of the six countries and the old Qin people are still alienated from the Qin State and their father!"】

【At this point, Prince Fusu concluded:"The military merit system, as well as all the old Qin people who support and uphold the military merit system now, and the people of the six states who will support the military merit system in the future, are like a chariot!"】

【"Before the world is unified, this chariot will carry the Qin State and its king to the battlefield and be invincible!"】

【"But after the unification of the world, if no changes are made, then this chariot will carry the Qin State and its king faster and faster, until the Qin State and its king can no longer control the chariot, and in the end both the chariot and the people will be destroyed!"】

【"That is why I said that after the Qin Dynasty unified the country, it was necessary to reform the law and change the military merit system."】

【"The new system after the reform must take into account the interests of the old Qin people and the people of the six states, and at the same time leave a path for the people at the bottom to continue to move up."】

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【"Only by achieving these two points at the same time can the Qin State and its monarch make the old Qin people and the heads of the six states obey their command stably, and avoid ending up in a situation where the chariot is destroyed and people die."】

【"But I can only think of this. I can't think of a more specific and complete system that can replace the military merit system and meet the two requirements I just mentioned."】

【At the end, Prince Fusu couldn't help but frowned.】

【From the time he was born till now, he could often figure out the answers to many questions as long as he thought about them.】

【This was the first time that he could only think of a general direction but failed to come up with a more specific and complete solution.】

【However, Prince Fusu quickly cheered up and said,"Maybe I haven't read enough books."】

【"Starting next year, I will choose one of the Hundred Schools of Thought to read."】

【"Maybe by then I will come up with a more specific and complete new law that can replace the military merit system."】

【Upon hearing this, King Ying Zheng of Qin could not help but smile and said,"You can think of this, which is comparable to the old Shang Jun."】

【"No, even the former Shang Jun, your father thinks, is far inferior to you!"】

【It can be said that these words of Crown Prince Fusu completely pointed out the direction for him to change the military merit system!】

【If he and all the ministers in the court cannot come up with a new law that can replace the military merit system, then he and all the ministers in the court should not live, and should abdicate in favor of Crown Prince Fusu as soon as possible.】

【"Also, starting next year, which school of thought do you want to study?"】

【"Father will find you a great sage who is related to this to teach you."】

【At the same time, King Ying Zheng of Qin was also thinking about which great sages of the Hundred Schools of Thought in the Great Qin could teach Prince Fusu.】

【Prince Fusu also showed hesitation. He wanted to learn the Legalist doctrine so that he could improve the specific new law from the Legalist doctrine.】

【But at the same time, he wanted to learn Mohist doctrine or agricultural doctrine, because it would help him improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters of the people.】

【After a long while, Prince Fusu finally shook his head and said,"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll tell my father when I have thought about it."】

【King Qin Ying Zheng nodded slightly, indicating his agreement:"Okay!"】Shao.

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