The doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought who were standing by could not help but sigh secretly when they saw that Emperor Qin Yingzheng ordered to change the law of the military merit system. The sky of Qin was about to change.

Then, the doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought became excited again. Emperor Qin Yingzheng wanted to change the law of military merit, so could they also participate in it, or even make their own doctrines one of them?

After all, the military merit system representing the Legalists was no longer suitable for the unified Qin.

If they could take their own school of thought as the core and propose a new legal system suitable for the unified Qin for Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

Then maybe their school of thought could replace the current Legalist theory and become the new mainstream of Qin's thought!

And their school of thought would also be further developed and learned by the whole Qin.

This can be said to be the fundamental purpose and ideal of the doctors of the Hundred Schools of Thought to enter Qin!

However, the current priority is to let Emperor Qin Yingzheng see the excellence of his own school of thought and give them the qualifications to participate in the reform.

Thinking of this, all the doctors of the Hundred Schools could not help but turn their eyes to Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

After the age of five, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain will choose another school of thought to learn.

With the intelligence of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, if he studies their school of thought, he will definitely be able to understand the excellence of their school of thought.

And if Prince Fusu on the sky curtain praises their school of thought, will Qin Emperor Ying Zheng be indifferent to their school of thought?

After watching the 17th curtain of the sky, all the doctors of the Hundred Schools have seen a little bit.

That is, Prince Fusu is really smart, and he has seen all kinds of shortcomings of the Qin State and all the suggestions he has put forward.

Whether it is"King Qin Ying Zheng" on the sky curtain or"Qin Emperor Ying Zheng" under the sky curtain, they will almost listen to and refer to one or two.

So in this case, if their doctrines can be praised by Prince Fusu, it is equivalent to being valued by Qin Emperor Ying Zheng in disguise.

Therefore, all the doctors of the hundred schools of thought looked at the Prince Fusu on the sky with burning eyes, and prayed in their hearts that the Prince Fusu would choose their school's doctrine to study after the New Year.

At the same time, the old Qin people who had been in a turmoil and surrounded the Qin officials and clerks from all over the country, hoping that the Qin officials and clerks could write to the First Emperor on their behalf and ask the First Emperor not to abolish the military merit system, calmed down a little after seeing the words about"reform" behind the Prince Fusu on the sky.

Seeing this opportunity, the Qin officials and clerks who were surrounded by them also hurriedly said:

"Everyone has heard what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said. Even if there are reforms, the new laws will take into account the interests of us old Qin people and will also leave us old Qin people with a path for continued promotion!"

"Therefore, you don’t have to worry that you or your descendants will not have the opportunity to be awarded titles or land for military merits in the future!"

"Even if there is no more opportunity to confer titles and lands for military merit, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely come up with a new opportunity for us to confer titles and lands!"

"So now everyone should disperse, disperse, and go back to your homes!"

"I have written down all the words you asked me to write to His Majesty the First Emperor. I will convey your thoughts to His Majesty the First Emperor later."

"Your Majesty loves us Qin people and will definitely consider your opinions seriously."

"This way you don't have to worry anymore, right?"

"If you continue to surround us, you will be violating Qin law. We will deprive you of your titles and lands according to the law!"......

Under the combination of soft and hard tactics of the Qin officials, the large group of old Qin people who had originally surrounded them finally slowly dispersed.

Seeing this, the Qin officials and Qin officials could not help but sweat.

Just now, they were really afraid that they would be pushed to the ground by accident and then trampled to death by the swarm of people.

They had seen a lot of things like this on the battlefield before.

It can be said that even if you are the first to charge into battle on the battlefield, you may not die.

But if you accidentally fall down during the charge and do not roll forward and get up quickly at the first time, then basically there is no chance to get up again.

Because the thousands of soldiers behind basically cannot see whether there are any comrades in front who have fallen, they will only keep stepping on them until they trample the comrades to death alive, or even into meat paste.

So when they saw countless people rushing in, the first thing they worried about was a stampede, and the second thing they worried about was that they would accidentally become the unlucky ones in the stampede.

Thinking of this, a group of Qin officials looked at Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, and immediately decided to run to a deserted place to hide and look at the sky curtain.

Otherwise, who knows if they will be surrounded by the old Qin people for the second time.

In the old land of the old Han, Zhang Liang looked at Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but also with a touch of complexity.

Although Prince Fusu on the sky curtain has not yet come up with a specific new law that can replace the military merit system.

But Prince Fusu has already figured out the general direction of the new law!

And with the direction of the reform, is it still far from Prince Fusu to sort out a complete new law?

Especially in the case of Prince Fusu being so smart, Zhang Liang is almost certain that Prince Fusu will be able to come up with a specific new law that can replace the military merit system in the future.

Not to mention Prince Fusu, even Zhang Liang himself, after having the clear direction of reform given by Prince Fusu.

He is also confident that he can come up with a new law that can almost replace the military merit system after studying it painstakingly for a period of time.

So for him, the anti-Qin plan seemed to still have hope, but it also seemed to be hopeless.

It felt like he had been sentenced to death, but now he had been temporarily sentenced to suspended death sentence.

"Forget it, forget it. Even if the tyrannical Qin Dynasty really came up with a new method to replace the military merit system, so what!"

"Being able to come up with a new law to replace the military merit system does not mean that the new law can be implemented, nor does it mean that the new law can be implemented well."

"If the Qin officials who were responsible for implementing and promoting the new law could be encouraged to deliberately misinterpret the new law, then there might be hope to arouse the resentment of the people and overthrow the tyrannical Qin."

Zhang Liang no longer cared about the problems of Qin's governance and whether Qin had come up with a solution.

Anyway, even if Qin had any problems in governing the country, or had not come up with a solution, Prince Fusu on the sky curtain might have seen it and come up with a solution.

So instead of digging holes in the decision-making plan, it is better to find a way to dig holes in the specific implementation.

Xiao He, the chief clerk of Pei County, had been watching the sky curtain until now, and then he sighed:

"Qin is now very different!"

Long before the Qin State was unified, he had already seen that only the Qin State could be unified.

But at the same time, he also saw that after the Qin State was unified, if the military merit system continued, it would not last long.

But if you want to change the military merit system, in a sense, you are against all the vested interests of the military merit system. This includes both the generals in the court and millions of old Qin people.

He may have the ability of Shang Jun, but he does not have the courage of Shang Jun, so he has never been too tied to the Qin State, which seems to be rising, but in fact it may capsize at any time.

So even if there were censors who wanted to recommend the conquest to the court in the past , He was transferred, but he resigned again and again, so he was not allowed to serve in the court.

But now such an incredible thing has happened on the sky curtain, and Prince Fusu on the sky curtain has pointed out the shortcomings of the Qin State one by one, and even said the general solution.

As long as the First Emperor and the ministers in the court are not fools, they will basically find a way to solve the current shortcomings of the Qin State.

In this way, the big ship of Qin will become more and more stable.

If this is the case, what about his future? He needs to think about it again.

After all, he is not willing to be a chief clerk all his life.

In the same county, Cao Shen, who is in charge of the prison, also came over, looked at Xiao He and said:

"What do you think?"

In Pei County, he was relatively familiar with Xiao He, and naturally knew that Xiao He was a rare talent in the world, at least he was probably not as good as Xiao He.

So before he wanted to do anything, he would first see how Xiao He did it. If Xiao He didn't do it, then he would most likely not do it either.

Just like Xiao He had always refused to take up a post in Xianyang, he had always refused the opportunity to be promoted, and stayed in this small Pei County with Xiao He.

Xiao He shook his head slightly and sighed:

"Lets see"

"Do you think we still have a choice?"

"With your and my talents, if we really have the chance, we will either appear in the sky on the left or in the sky on the right!"

"Once you and I really appear in the sky, no matter if we are on the left or the right, we will eventually attract the attention of the First Emperor."

"At that time, unless we leave Daqin now and hide in the mountains, our future will be determined by the arrangements of the First Emperor."

"This world, after all, is still the world of the Great Qin Shi Huangdi!"

Cao Shen was silent for a moment, then smiled and said:

"No choice is also a choice!"

"In that case, I won't think about it any more, let's drink and watch the sky together!"

Speaking of this, Cao Shen took out a small jar of wine from somewhere, looked at Xiao He and invited him.

Xiao He also smiled and said:

"It's what I want, but I don't dare to ask for it." It just so happens that he is a little upset now and wants to drink a little wine.

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