【After talking about the military merit system, King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at Prince Fusu and asked,"Didn't inspecting and comforting the old Qin people in Guanzhong bring two benefits?"】

【"In addition to the military merit system, what are other benefits?"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and said,"The second thing I learned is that the current clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming of the Qin people are too monotonous and too poor."】

【"At the same time, the trial and error cost of ordinary people is too high, and the fault tolerance is too low."】

【"So I want the imperial court to take the lead and let the imperial court bear the cost of trial and error and tolerance on behalf of the people."】

【"After effective results were achieved, the imperial court would further popularize it to ordinary people."】.

【"This will reduce the risks that ordinary people need to bear, and thus improve their clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming methods."】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin thought for a moment, then tapped the table with his index finger, looked at Crown Prince Fusu and asked,"Where does this view come from that the cost of trial and error for the common people is too high and their tolerance for error is too low?"】

【"And why must the imperial court bear the costs of trial and error and fault tolerance for the people?"】

【Prince Fusu replied with a serious face:"I have read in the past history books that using plant ash to assist farming can fertilize the land and increase grain production."】

【"When I was inspecting and visiting the old Qin people in Guanzhong, I also saw that a very small number of them used plant ash to assist farming."】

【"Then I asked other old Qin people why they didn't use wood ash to assist farming."】

【"They either told me that they didn't know that using wood ash can fertilize the land and increase food production."】

【"Or tell me that although they know that using wood ash can fertilize the land and increase the per-acre yield of grain,"】

【"But they don't know how to use wood ash to assist farming, so as to make the land fertile and increase the per-acre yield of grain.〃 "】

【"Even after I told them how to use wood ash to assist farming, it could make the land fertile and increase food production."】

【"Most of them were silent for a while, and then told me that they thanked me for my kindness, but they still didn’t dare to practice the cultivation method of wood ash I provided."】

【At this point, Prince Fusu sighed and continued,"Because their family's food and drink for the whole year depend on their few acres of thin land."】

【"If something unexpected happened to their few acres of thin land, resulting in a loss of harvest,"】

【"Then their whole family, young and old, would have to endure hunger when they were young, or even sell their children just to survive."】

【"This price is too high for them, so high that they cannot afford it."】

【"So even if they know what I said about using wood ash to assist farming, it can make the land fertile and increase food production."】

【"But after the initial excitement, they will eventually continue to choose conservative, existing farming methods."】

【"So I think the court could arrange a demonstration field in the local area, and show everyone in front of them step by step how to use wood ash to assist farming."】

【"In this way, once the demonstration planting is successful, all the people in Guizhou will see with their own eyes that the method of using wood ash to assist farming in accordance with the court's instructions can indeed obtain more grain yield per mu."】

【"Then in the following year, without the court saying anything, all the people of Guizhou would carefully watch how the court used wood ash to assist farming."】

【"In the third year, some bold people will start to use wood ash to assist farming."】

【"Once the Qians used wood ash to assist farming in the third year, the harvested grain yield increased"】

【"Then in the fourth year, almost all of Guizhou will start using wood ash to assist farming."】

【"Finally, the grain yield per mu of all Guizhou people can be increased safely and steadily in a way that is almost risk-free."】

【"If the imperial court's demonstration fields using wood ash to assist farming failed"】

【"So for the imperial court, it was just a loss of a few hundred acres of farmland, or a thousand acres of farmland."】

【"If such a loss happened to an ordinary family, it would be enough to crush the whole family."】

【"However, if such a loss were placed on the Qin State or on my father, it would be nothing more than a tiny speck of dust, not worth mentioning."】

【"In the same way, ordinary farmers do not have enough time, energy and resources to study how to improve the farming tools they usually use and improve the efficiency of farming."】

【".」 However, the Qin State and the King could mobilize hundreds or thousands of people to brainstorm and study how to improve the farming tools used by the people and improve their farming efficiency."】

【"There doesn't need to be a big improvement, but as long as there can be a little improvement, it can improve the farming efficiency a little bit."】

【"If expanded to the entire Qin State, it would mean an improvement in the farming efficiency of millions of people!"】

【"The improvement in farming efficiency means that people can cultivate more land and produce more grain in the same amount of time!"】

【"Eventually, it will also be expanded to the entire Qin State, which means that the grain output of millions of people will be increased a little bit again!"】

【"If the grain output of millions of people in Qin State increases a little bit, then the overall grain harvest of Qin State will also increase a little bit."】

【"Compared with such benefits, the trial and error costs of mobilizing hundreds or thousands of people to conduct research can almost be said to be negligible."】

【"Similarly, in other aspects such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation, the people of Guizhou do not have the cost of trial and error and tolerance to study and improve.】

【"Only the imperial court has such tolerance and can easily bear the cost of research and trial and error in these areas."】

【"In these areas, as long as there is a little progress and benefit, it will be the progress and benefit of millions of people in the entire Qin State, and even more so the progress and benefit of the Qin State and the King."】

【"This only requires the father and the court to spend a little bit of resources in the early stage and bear a certain amount of research and trial and error costs."】

【"Therefore, I think it would be better for my father and the court to bear the research and trial and error costs for improving the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming methods of ordinary people."】

【"Because the ultimate beneficiaries are not only the people of Qian, but also the Qin State and the King."】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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