After realizing that the Qin State might perish in his own hands in the future, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng now pays more and more attention to Prince Fusu on the sky.

After all, the Qin State where Prince Fusu on the sky is located will not perish in the future!

This alone is enough for him to put down his pride as the first emperor and learn seriously from Prince Fusu on the sky.

And what Prince Fusu said is indeed reasonable. Ordinary people cannot afford the cost of research and trial and error, but it does not mean that Qin State and he, as the King of Qin, cannot afford it.

Even if the human resources of only hundreds of thousands of people and hundreds of thousands of acres of land and fields and other resources are all gone, he will not feel the slightest bit of pain.

But as long as a little bit of results can be achieved, the beneficiaries will be the millions of old Qin people in Daqin and tens of millions of people from the original six countries.

And the old Qin people and the people from the original six countries who have benefited from this will naturally support Qin State and him, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng!.In this way, the old Qin people should not be alienated from him, and the former six states of Qian should be more likely to submit to him and be more willing to become the new"old Qin people" of Daqin.

Coupled with the previous reforms, the two superimposed, he did not believe that Daqin would die in"his" hands in the future!

The old Qin people from all over the world, as well as the former six states of Qian, were all enlightened after hearing Prince Fusu on the sky curtain say"using plant ash to assist farming, can fertilize the land and increase grain production"!

In this era, the Qians were all illiterate.

For example, when to water, when to sow, when to weed, etc. during farming.

These farming experiences are basically passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth from Qians father and son in the process of repeated farming year after year.

And this way of inheriting farming experience 473 can be said to be very unstable.

Sometimes it is even not surprising that the farming experience passed down orally is incomplete, which leads to the farming method regressing.

In addition, climate conditions are not static. Perhaps the same farming experience was suitable two or three hundred years ago, but it may not be suitable two or three hundred years later.

In addition, the trial and error cost of ordinary people is too high, and the fault tolerance is too low.

Generally, there are not many people who are brave enough to take their family's food and clothing for the next year as a bet to experiment with new farming methods.

Therefore, if ordinary people want to optimize their farming methods a little bit and increase their grain production a little bit, it basically needs to be accumulated slowly over a long period of time.

Once the people really succeed in the experiment and master a little bit of ways to increase grain production, almost 99% of them will choose to hold it firmly in their hands. Treat it as a farming experience that will never be passed on to others, and then carefully pass it on through the way of father-to-son and son-to-grandson.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult for the people of the world to find a truly reliable, clear, and effective way to increase their grain production.

Unless they can meet the help of intellectuals who specialize in farming like farmers.

After all, compared with ordinary farmers, farmers know how to actively summarize farming experience, and they also know how to record this farming experience in bamboo slips, and then pass it on to the next generation of farmers.

This stable and effective way of inheriting farming experience that is updated from generation to generation can be regarded as a dimensionality reduction attack for ordinary farmers.

But the problem is, how many farmers are there, and how many farmers are there in all parts of the world!

Even if all farmers know that using plant ash to assist farming can fertilize the land and increase grain production.

But even if they spend their entire lives, they may not be able to really teach this little bit to all the farmers in the world.

Now, with the convenience of the sky curtain, at least all the farmers in the world know at this moment that using plant ash to assist farming can fertilize the land and increase grain production.

It's just that the specific way of using it may still require the farmers in the world to explore carefully.

And with the affirmation of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, even if they don't know the specific way to use plant ash, there will be more or less some bold people who dare to try it.

This is much, much better than the previous situation where I had no idea about wood ash and didn't dare to try using it.

"Just this one word is enough to benefit all living beings in the world!"

"Prince Fusu is truly a virtuous man!"

In a village somewhere, Chen Xiang, who was over 60 years old, was sitting on the edge of a field wearing coarse linen clothes, his feet still stained with congealed mud. He looked up at Prince Fusu on the sky screen and nodded his head in praise.

"Prince Fusu paid so much attention to the common people and wanted to improve their clothing, food, housing, transportation and farming. I believe that the First Emperor would also pay more attention to our farmers."

"My farming family may also become the national law of Qin and be highly valued by the Qin Emperor!"

Chen Xin, who was also dressed as a farmer, couldn't help getting excited.

He and his elder brother Chen Xiang were originally disciples of the Confucian scholar Chen Liang, but later they were attracted by the agricultural school's thoughts and convinced by Xu Zi.

So they changed Confucianism to agriculture and became the disciples of Xu Xing of the agricultural school. It even led to a debate between the Confucian Mencius and the agricultural school Xu Zi!

They couldn't say who won the debate.

Anyway, in the end, the agricultural school became a sensation and became one of the more famous schools of thought among the hundreds of schools of thought.

Unfortunately, after that, no vassal state paid more attention to the agricultural school's doctrine.

In addition, Xu Zi paid more attention to the common people rather than the nobles.

Therefore, he didn't care that the vassal states and nobles did not pay attention to the agricultural school's doctrine. He turned around and took a group of agricultural school students to travel around the world, teaching the common people how to farm more effectively.

After Xu Zi's death, he and his elder brother Chen Xiang were regarded as the new leaders of the agricultural school.

Only However, compared with the hundreds of disciples of the Nong family when Master Xu was here, their current Nong family disciples only have more than ten middle-aged people and three or five young people.

Chen Xin is really worried that after he and his elder brother die one after another, the Nong family may disappear completely in the next generation or the next generation.

Such worries are not unreasonable.

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there have been hundreds of schools of thought.

But now there are probably only dozens of schools of thought that are still stable and passed down.

Among these dozens of schools, only the Legalists, Mohists, Confucians, Military Strategists, Taoists, Yin-Yangists, Diplomats, and Miscellaneous Schools are still prosperous.

Other schools of thought, such as the Ji Ran School (studying national economy), the Mingjia (studying logical thinking and rigorous debate), novelists, etc. are basically the same as their Nong family, that is, three or five big cats and one or two kittens. Maybe one day they will be buried in the dust of history.

"The success of a government lies in following the will of the people; the failure of a government lies in going against the will of the people; the will of the people lies in encouraging agriculture and sericulture, and having enough food and clothing!"

"When it comes to farming, food and clothing, who in this world knows better than farmers like us?"

"Agriculture is the foundation of the country. As long as people in the world need food, clothing and farming, then my farming family will not really die out."

Chen Xiang saw his brother's worry and comforted him in a gentle voice.

But then, Chen Xiang smiled and said:

"Of course, if farmers can prosper now, it would be better to prosper now!"

"As long as the First Emperor and all the ministers in the court are not stupid, they will probably send someone to invite us to Xianyang after the curtain falls."

"But before that, we have to release the news to the outside world, and let the Emperor know that we are here."

Like when the Emperor welcomed the various philosophers to Qin a few years ago, did they look down on Qin, or did they not want to go to Qin, so they did not go?


That's because the place they stayed was too remote. When they received the news, it had been several months since the various philosophers entered Qin.

By this time, if they rushed to Xianyang, at least one or two months would have passed.

Before and after this, more than half a year had passed.

Thinking that the other doctors of the various philosophers had been in Qin for more than half a year, if they, the farm students, hurried over.

On the one hand, it might give the other doctors of the various philosophers a false impression that they, the farm students, were arrogant.

They thought that they, the farm students, looked down on the Qin State, the King of Qin, and other There were many schools of thought, so they came late.

Secondly, the other schools of thought might think that the farmers were greedy for fame and fortune, so when they heard the call of the First Emperor, they immediately ran to Qin no matter how far away they were.

As the only school among the hundreds of schools of thought that could really go down to the fields and farm with the people.

Although they were not interested in fame and fortune, they could not let the other schools of thought think that they were fame-seekers.

So after thinking it over again and again, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other disciples of the farmers pretended not to have seen the edict issued by the First Emperor, and chose to continue staying in the countryside to teach the people how to farm.

In order to avoid the same thing from happening again this time, Chen Xiang decided to take the initiative this time so that the First Emperor could find them faster.

"Okay, I will let someone tell Qin Li later, and let Qin Li tell the news of the farmer's son here to the First Emperor." Chen

Xin nodded and responded.

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