"Understand the rise and fall, know the gains and losses, learn from the past and look to the future......"

Qin Taishi Ling kept repeating these words silently, and finally he couldn't hold back his excitement anymore and laughed out loud:

"Hahaha, historians should flourish, and Fusu is the one who flourished!"

The duties and functions of historians have never been summarized so clearly and concisely as they are now!

With this sentence, even if the years change in the future, historians will be passed down for thousands of years, and even all students in the future will learn the history of historians before learning the words of various schools of thought!

Without learning the history of historians, how can you know the rise and fall, understand gains and losses, learn from the past, and look to the future!

That's why Qin Taishi Ling said"Historians should flourish, and Fusu is the one who flourished."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also turned around, his eyes fell on Fusu and paused, then swept his eyes over his other children, and finally ordered:

"Afterwards, Fusu copied the history books from the Zhou Dynasty to the present ten times!"

"Everyone else, copy the history books as well. I will check them myself!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng suddenly felt that it might be because he had not let Fusu study the history of historians seriously in the past, and had not let Fusu truly understand the five hundred years of war brought about by the Zhou Dynasty's feudal system.

So when discussing the feudal system and the county system before, Fusu would choose to support the feudal system without a clear mind!

He has always been a person who listens to advice and corrects his mistakes.

Since Fusu had missed a part of the education about"History" before, he would make up for it now.

Fusu was stunned when he heard this, but then he understood what his father meant, and immediately bowed his head and saluted in response:

""Yes, father!"

Let him go and see what the other self said,"Reading history can understand the rise and fall, understand gains and losses, learn from the past, and look into the future." What exactly is going on.

Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Princess Ying Yinman and others who were eating melons on the side were stunned when they heard their father's order.

No, what does the other four-year-old brother say have to do with them?

Father, if you want to punish them, wouldn't it be enough to punish their current brother?

Why do you have to punish them?

Copy history books, or copy all the history books from the Zhou Dynasty to the present!

I'm afraid you will copy until your wrists are broken!

God knows how many history books there are from the Zhou Dynasty to the present.

Oh, God doesn't need to know, the historian should know it too.

However, even if the princes and princesses were full of resentment, when they met the calm and unquestionable eyes of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, the princes and princesses could only respond obediently:

""Yes, father!"

The historian beside him stroked his beard with a smile.

What did he just say?

The historian should flourish, and the flourishing is Fusu. Isn't it flourishing immediately?

From then on, the history of the historian should become an indispensable part of the enlightenment learning of the princes and princesses.

Of course, not only the princes and princesses have such treatment.

Civil and military officials with children, such as Tongwu Hou Wang Ben, Tingwei Li Si, Zuo Prime Minister Wei Zhuang, and You Prime Minister Wang Wan, after hearing the arrangements made by the First Emperor for their children, were also ready to make the same arrangements for their children when they returned.

Not to mention copying it ten times like the eldest prince Fusu, but copying it once like the other princes and princesses should not be too much. It is better to copy the history books carefully to save the bunch of bastards at home from jumping around with excessive energy.

Don't expect those bastards to be able to understand the rise and fall, know the gains and losses, learn from the past, and look to the future. As long as they can be quiet for ten days or half a month, it will be enough.

Even they themselves are ready to take a good look at the history books later. After all, knowing the rise and fall, knowing the gains and losses, learning from the past, and looking to the future sounds amazing.

【After Fusu decided to give priority to reading history, King Ying Zheng of Qin also began to tell him history.】

【From the ancient Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, to the Xia, Shang, Zhou, and then to the Qin Dynasty】

【It started when our ancestor Qin Feizi was appreciated for raising horses for King Xiao of Zhou, and was granted the land of Qin and became the first king of Qin.】

【After nearly a hundred years of enduring frost and dew and cutting through thorns, the Qin Marquis, Qin Gongbo, Qin Zhong, Qin Zhuanggong and the Qin people of all generations gradually adapted to the harsh environment of the western frontier, and the national strength also grew day by day.】

【Then, in the generation of Qin Xianggong, relying on his merits in saving and protecting the king, he was made a vassal by King Ping of Zhou, and Qin finally became one of the vassal states.】

【After that, Qin Xianggong......Qin Xiaogong......Thanks to the efforts of our predecessors, including King Zhaoxiang of Qin, King Xiaowen of Qin, and King Zhuangxiang of Qin, the ambition of the Qin Dynasty to unify the world is unstoppable!】

【After telling the history of the Qin State, King Qin Ying Zheng did not stop.】

【Because as early as when he was teaching Fusu to learn to read, Qin King Ying Zheng discovered that Fusu was born with the gift of photographic memory.】

【Therefore, King Ying Zheng of Qin not only told Fusu the history of Qin, but also the history of Chu, Qi, Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Han.】

【Even some other miscellaneous vassal states, such as Yue, Lu, Zheng, etc., all the past histories of the vassal states that could be found and recorded by Qin Taishiling were recorded.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin told Fusu everything. Fusu had a natural memory anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to remember more.】

【After a year, Fusu finally finished learning all the ancient and modern history that he could find!

Prince Jianglu, Prince Gao, Princess Ying Yinman and others, looking at the five-year-old Fusu in the sky, all showed envy.

No matter what history book it is, as long as you read it once, you can remember it, and you can recite it after hearing it once. What an enviable talent!

Thinking of how he usually recites a book for ten days or half a month, he may not be able to recite it completely, and his heart suddenly feels more bitter.

If they also have such a talent of photographic memory, then they don’t have to worry about memorizing and learning.

Even the eldest son Fusu is a little envious of his other self, because he doesn’t have such a talent of photographic memory.

【After spending a year reading through the history of ancient and modern times, Qin King Ying Zheng could clearly feel���The difference between the eldest son】

【If Fusu's eyes a year ago looked like a pool of well water, clear and pure but bottomless,】

【Now, Fusu's eyes looked like a quiet lake, peaceful, deep, and calm, as if he could see through everything.】

【This made Qin Wang Ying Zheng, who had only read history to Fusu for a whole year without asking Fusu what he had learned from it, very curious about what his eldest son had gained from reading history in this year and why he had changed so much.】

【So King Ying Zheng of Qin specially set aside half a day of free time to talk with Fusu.】

【"Have you learned anything from history books this year?"】

【Fusu, who was only five years old, sat upright like a little adult, looked up at his father sitting opposite him, nodded, and replied calmly:"It's a great harvest!"】

【The look of anticipation in Qin King Ying Zheng's eyes grew even stronger:"What did you gain?"】

【Fusu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:"The first thing I learned is that power comes from the people!"

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