"Does power come from the common people?"

"What power do the common people have?"

"What nonsense is he talking about!"

"I thought the tyrant's other son was really a prodigy, a genius, but it turns out he is just a little fool!"

After watching the prodigy Fusu who had a photographic memory on the sky screen for a long time, Xiang Liang, who felt a little aggrieved, finally found a place to mock.

To him, the common people were just pariahs who knelt at his feet and begged for his grace to survive. With just one word, he could let such pariahs live, and with the same word, he could let them die.

What power do such pariahs, whose life and death are all controlled by him, have?

That Fusu actually said that"power comes from the common people", which is simply the biggest absurdity in the world.

The other nobles of the six countries basically had a similar mentality. In this era, kings, princes

, generals and ministers have"seeds". Without"seeds", you can't be kings, princes, generals and ministers at all!

And what Fusu said,"power comes from the common people", is essentially the same treasonous words as the"kings, princes, generals, are there any seeds" shown on the sky screen before.

If such treasonous words were spoken by other common people, then perhaps... Maybe it's reasonable.

After all, other lowly people don't have"races", so in order to discredit these nobles who have"races", they say such treasonous words as"kings, princes, generals, and ministers, do they have races?"

Although it's unexpected, it can be barely understood.

However, as the eldest son of the king, who is almost the most honorable in Qin State after Ying Zheng, he also said similar words.

This is somewhat incomprehensible in the eyes of the remaining nobles of the six countries, and even in the eyes of the Qin nobles.

Because this is equivalent to another Fusu refuting and overthrowing the naturalness and correctness of his own power.

In other words, another Fusu betrayed his own class!

Or in another way, that is: Why did your majesty rebel?

So let alone the Qin nobles and the remaining nobles of the six countries in this world, even the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng in this world frowned, and also couldn't understand why another Fusu would say such words.

【King Qin Ying Zheng raised his sword-like eyebrows. He did not expect that his eldest son Fusu's first gain after a year of studying history was:"Power comes from the people of Qian."】

【Qin Wang Ying Zheng found it difficult to understand, but he knew that his eldest son Fusu was born smart.】

【He must have his own reasons for saying so.】

【So King Qin Ying Zheng also wanted to hear why Fusu came to such a conclusion or gain.】

【"Why do you have such an idea?"】

【Fusu thought for a moment, and then said:"After reading history, I have been thinking about where my power comes from?"】

【"I am the eldest son of my father, the eldest son of the Qin Dynasty. My power comes from the gift of my father and the Qin Dynasty."】

【"After all, if I didn’t have my father, if I wasn’t his eldest son, if I wasn’t the eldest son of the Qin Dynasty, then I wouldn’t have my current status and power."】

【"And if my power comes from my father and from the Qin Dynasty, then where does my father's power come from?"】

【"Just as my power comes from my father, my father's power obviously comes from his father's father, that is, from the affirmation and grant of King Zhuangxiang of Qin."】

【"Because if the great father had not appointed the father as the crown prince, then the father would not have been able to become the new king of Qin after the great father."】

【"Tracing back to the past, our ancestor Qin Fuzi was appreciated for raising horses for King Xiao of Zhou, and was granted the land of Qin and became the first king of Qin."】

【"In other words, the power of the ancestors and other princes came from the affirmation and grant of the Zhou emperor."】

【"So where did the Zhou emperor's power to enfeoff princes come from?"】

【"The same tracing back to King Wu of Zhou"】

【"It can be said that the reason why the Zhou emperor was able to have the power to enfeoff princes was because King Wu of Zhou overthrew the rule of Emperor Xin of the Shang Dynasty."】

【"After replacing the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Emperor finally gained the same power as the Shang Emperor."】

【"The fact that the Zhou emperor was able to replace the Shang emperor shows that the emperor's power is not innate, fixed and untransferable."】

【"The power of the Zhou emperor came from the overthrown Shang emperor Di Xin. So where did the power of the Shang emperor originally come from?"】

【"Similarly, the reason why the Shang emperor was able to have such power was because Shang emperor Tang overthrew the rule of Xia Jie."】

【"So where did the power of the original Xia Dynasty emperor come from?"】

【"Originated from Qi, who founded the Xia Dynasty, and after that, the throne was passed down from father to son in the same family."】

【"But before Qi, the last person to be king was Yu!"】

【"Yu's throne was passed down from Shun"】

【"The so-called abdication refers to the king at that time holding a tribal alliance council, and the leaders of each tribe nominate a wise and fair person who can convince everyone to be the king's successor."】

【"When Emperor Shun was old, he held a tribal alliance meeting and all parties jointly recommended Dayu, who had made great contributions to flood control, as king."】

【"Emperor Shun then held a ceremony of abdication and recommended Dayu as his successor in front of the ancestral tablets in the ancestral temple."】

【"Thus, Dayu became the successor of Emperor Shun and the new ruler of the world."】

【"Similarly, Yao also used the same method to select Shun as the new common ruler of the world together with the tribes of the four directions."】

【"In other words, the original source of power for ancient sages like Yao, Shun, and Yu, or the reason why they were able to become kings, was not because they had a father or ancestor who was already a king."】

【"Instead, they relied on their own achievements, and then received the joint recommendation and recognition of the tribes and people in all directions of the world. Finally, Yao, Shun, and Yu became the common rulers of the world and possessed the power of the king."】

【"In other words, power did not originally come from the king, but from the common people!"】

【"Only with the common recognition of the people of the world can a king truly become a king!"】

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