"Household, Official, Agriculture, Industry, Rites, Punishment......"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng silently repeated the six departments mentioned by Prince Fusu twice, and then looked up at Prince Fusu with undisguised admiration.

Although it was not the first time that he realized the excellence of Prince Fusu, every performance of Prince Fusu would often break his perception of his excellence again.

As the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng who had been in charge of the Qin Empire for many years, he knew very well that if he wanted to form a country, then the most basic and core team actually only needed four to six people.

The first core personnel needed to manage financial revenue and expenditure.

If there was no clear and clear understanding and planning of the country's fiscal revenue and expenditure, then the country would not be able to go far, and one day it might suddenly be out of money and could no longer maintain the normal operation of the entire country.

The second core personnel needed to manage laws and regulations.

As long as there are people gathering, there will be a distinction between superiors and subordinates. Even if there is no superiority and inferiority in name,"853" will inevitably elect a leader in reality.

Then, whether it is for his own enjoyment or for leading everyone to better development, this leader will inevitably formulate a series of rules in the end.

There are rules for managers, such as rules for officials.

At the same time, there are rules for those who are managed, such as rules for ordinary people.

This is legislation!

After the laws are established, someone needs to urge everyone to abide by these rules.

And when managers or those who are managed violate these rules, they need to be punished accordingly as a warning.

This is official administration!

Only by establishing good laws and managing official administration, can the country have the most basic order!

The third core personnel need to manage government affairs.

After a country is formed, there will inevitably be a large number of various affairs to be handled.

Naturally, there is a need for someone who can handle these affairs and arrange for their execution.

The fourth core personnel need to manage internal affairs and logistics.

Similarly, after a country is formed, someone needs to manage and guarantee the clothing, food, housing, and transportation of the entire country's personnel.

Only by managing and guaranteeing the clothing, food, housing, and transportation of the country's personnel can the country operate well.

With these four core personnel, there are dozens of middle-level personnel who can convey the arrangements and orders of these four people, as well as hundreds of people who can execute the orders of the middle and upper levels, or even more lower-level personnel.

Then a most basic, or the most rudimentary framework of the national operation organization came out.

Sometimes it is said that the talents of a county can form a country, that is because the organizational framework of a county is really the organizational framework of a super-small country.

In the future, even if the scale of the country is larger, the core is still expanded on the basis of this framework.

And now the six ministries of"household, official, agriculture, industry, ritual, and punishment" mentioned by Prince Fusu.

In fact, it can be said that it is a core organizational framework of a country that covers the above requirements, which is small but complete.

So from this perspective, it is not an exaggeration for the"self" on the sky to evaluate Prince Fusu's six ministries as a small court.

Even in the eyes of Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, if there is another"Ministry of War" that specializes in military affairs, then Prince Fusu's"seven ministries" can be directly said to be a large court.

After all, military force is the foundation for a country to truly survive for a long time.

If there is no military force to protect itself, then no matter how well the country develops, it is just meat on someone else's chopping board.

So generally speaking, when the country develops to a certain extent, it will often naturally have a fifth core person in charge of the military.

And now among the"six ministries" mentioned by Prince Fusu, the only one missing is the"Ministry of War". Is it that Prince Fusu did not realize it?

Or is it that Prince Fusu realized it, but felt that the"Ministry of War" might be too sensitive, or it might not be used for the time being, so it was temporarily or intentionally omitted?

Of course, whether it is the former or the latter, there is actually not much difference.

The former is nothing more than proving that Prince Fusu is a genius among geniuses, and the latter is nothing more than proving that Prince Fusu is a genius among geniuses.

But for ordinary people, this is already a kind of natural intelligence that is out of reach.

"If Prince Fusu is really my real son, how great it would be!"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng once again sighed in his heart for who knows how many times.

Envy! Jealousy!

How could the"self" on the sky be so lucky to have a son who is born to be an emperor!

"Ministry of Justice: To make laws, supervise and punish lawbreakers. This is obviously a department set up for the legalists."

"It seems that even among the six ministries established by Crown Prince Fusu, our Legalists still occupy an important position!"

Tingwei Li Si looked at the Ministry of Justice among the six ministries listed by Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, nodded slightly, and a look of satisfaction flashed across his face.

"Ministry of Industry: Responsible for the research and update of tools!"

"It seems that the status of our Mohist School in the eyes of Prince Fusu has not only not declined, but has even improved!"

The Mohist Xiang Liji looked at the Ministry of Works among the six ministries listed by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, with an obvious smile on his face, and his sense of recognition of Prince Fusu was further deepened.

"Ministry of Rites: in charge of reading, literacy and etiquette!"

"This must be the department set up for our Confucianism!"

Looking at the Ministry of Rites among the six departments listed by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors directly labeled it as their Confucianism....

At the same time, a group of Confucian doctors also have more confidence in the Confucianism of another world.

Although the Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain now seems to be somewhat inclined to the Legalists, judging from the"Ministry of Rites" established by Crown Prince Fusu, their Confucianism is not without a chance.

When they start to come into contact with Crown Prince Fusu in another world and tell him about the superiority of Confucianism, then it is still very likely that they will make Crown Prince Fusu support their Confucianism just like they have influenced the current eldest son Fusu.

On the other side, Chen Xiang and Chen Xin of the Farmers' Family looked at the"Six Ministries" listed by Crown Prince Fusu, looked at each other, and said with excitement on their faces:

"The Ministry of Agriculture! It's the Ministry of Agriculture for us farmers!"

"The Nong family is one of the six tribes of Crown Prince Fusu!"

"Farmers should prosper!"

""The Nong family will prosper under the leadership of Prince Fusu!"

After so many years, their Nong family has finally become an important part of a country.

Even if this scene now only appears in the Qin State on the sky, and only appears under the Prince Fusu on the sky.

But after appearing under the Prince Fusu on the sky, is it still far from them truly ascending the court of Qin and becoming one of the important parts of the current Qin State?

Not far!

As long as the Nong family on the sky show their due value under the Prince Fusu, then the present on the sky is the future of their Nong family! As long as the Nong family occupies a clear place in the court, then in the future, no matter whether other people are for fame or for profit, there will naturally be people who continue to learn the words of the Nong family.

Similarly, as long as there are people who continue to learn the words of the Nong family, then in the future, the words of the Nong family will not only overshadow the words of the Legalists, but also become the new mainstream of the Qin State, But at least it will become one of the important branches of Qin's thought.

And this is actually enough for Chen Xiang and Chen Xin of the Agricultural School. As for the other doctors of the Hundred Schools who were not listed among the six departments, they looked at the Legalists, Mohists, and Agriculturalists who were"on the list" with envy and jealousy.

Why didn't their school's doctrine become one of the six departments established by Prince Fusu?

Obviously, the six departments established by Prince Fusu will definitely be reused by Prince Fusu in the future!

If the disciples of their school can become one of the six departments, then the doctrine of their school will definitely be reused and carried forward in the future!

Feeling that they have missed an opportunity to carry forward and promote their own school's doctrine again, the other doctors of the Hundred Schools prayed in their hearts that Prince Fusu could discover their school's doctrine quickly.

Then realize the excellence of their school's doctrine, and finally value and reuse their school's doctrine!.

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