【King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at the Crown Prince Fusu in front of him with a complicated expression, and he didn't know what to say.】

【Is there something wrong with Prince Fusu’s thinking logic?】

【completely fine!】

【At least if we follow the way of thinking of Prince Fusu, then the emergence of the six ministries of"household, official, agricultural, industrial, ritual, and criminal" is just as it should be.】

【But the problem is, this is Prince Fusu’s own way of thinking!】

【Shouldn't a normal person's way of thinking be to directly collect money, food, and supplies, and then bring relevant personnel to start research?】

【As for money, food, and supplies, once they're all spent, just report to your superiors and apply for more.】

【There are also promotions and demotions. If you have achieved results, you will be promoted. If you have not achieved results, you will be demoted.】

【In addition, is there any need to establish laws, supervision, etc.?】

【As long as it doesn't violate Qin law, isn't that enough?】.

【In a word, once you get the task, just start working on it.】

【However, Prince Fusu's approach was to first build an organizational framework, and then fill in various personnel according to this organizational framework.】

【After the 21st session, various related research activities will be carried out under the institutional arrangement of this organizational structure.】

【This approach is not problematic, but it will inevitably give people a feeling of"Is it really that serious?""、"Is this a bit of an exaggeration?"、"Is it too serious and solemn?"】

【But thinking about how seriously Prince Fusu treated this matter, and the fact that King Ying Zheng of Qin was not incapable of establishing such a six-department system for Prince Fusu,】

【Moreover, King Ying Zheng of Qin also wanted to see how many tricks the Crown Prince Fusu could come up with after the establishment of the six ministries.】

【So after thinking about it, King Qin Ying Zheng finally agreed.】

【"There is no problem in establishing six ministries!"】

【"Also, do you have any requirements for the candidates for the six departments?"】

【"Or can you just let your father arrange it for you?"】

【Since it was decided to set up six ministries for Crown Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin would naturally not be stingy.】

【So King Ying Zheng of Qin would see if Prince Fusu had any other requests. If so, he would arrange it for him immediately.】


【Prince Fusu replied with shining eyes】

【"I hope my father can let my subordinate Zhang Han take the position."】

【"I hope my father can help me find a mature and prudent minister to take the position."】

【"However, I don't need the ministers in the court now. They all have their own affairs to deal with. If I ask them to serve as the head of my Ministry of Personnel, I am worried that it will affect their normal affairs."】

【"I hope that my father can arrange for a Mohist disciple to take the position and assign a group of Mohist disciples to be his subordinates."】

【"I hope that my father can arrange for a farmer's son to take the position and assign a group of farmers' sons to be his subordinates."】

【"For the head of the Ministry of Rites, there are no special requirements, as long as you can read the written books of the seven countries."】

【"If you are the head of the Ministry of Justice, there are no special requirements. You just need to understand the law."】

【Prince Fusu snapped his fingers and spoke out his requirements for the six heads of the six ministries one by one.

The eyes of all the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty, either envious or jealous, once again focused on Zhang Han, who was currently the Zhongshu Yezhecheng.

Zhang Han, who was only the Zhongshu Yezhecheng now, was not only the lowest in status among all the civil and military officials present, but he could also be regarded as one of the officials with the lowest status.

However, such a Zhongshu Yezhecheng was fortunately selected as the first subordinate of Prince Fusu more than ten years ago on the sky curtain.

Now he has become the only one who has been named and requested to be the designated head of the six ministries among the six ministries established by Prince Fusu.

Although Prince Fusu is still young now, it can be predicted that as Prince Fusu grows older, the status of the six heads of the prince will definitely rise accordingly!

Even to put it bluntly, even if it is just the newly established six ministries of the crown prince, the status of the six ministries' chiefs is comparable to Zhang Han's current position as the Zhongshu Yezhecheng.

In other words, the"Zhang Han" on the sky is equivalent to taking a detour for more than ten years.

After that, as long as the"Zhang Han" on the sky does not make mistakes, then when the"Zhang Han" on the sky reaches the current age of Zhang Han, his status is at least equivalent to the Shaofu Ling.

For example, if Zhang Han, the current Zhongshu Yezhecheng, is promoted to the next level, he will be the Zhongshu Yezheling, also known as the Shaofu Ling.

Of course, there are more than ten Shaofu Lings like this under the Shaofu Qing.

It seems to be quite ordinary, but this is already a high-ranking official from the first to the second sequence under the Nine Ministers in the court.

Among the civil and military officials present, his status is enough to be called an upper-middle-level official.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no special opportunity.

As the Zhongshu Yezhe Cheng, if Zhang Han wants to become Zhongshu Yezhe Ling, or Shaofu Ling, he will have to endure at least another ten or eight years.

If the"Zhang Han" on the sky can successfully follow the crown prince Fusu on the sky to ascend the throne and succeed the King of Qin, then according to the importance that the crown prince Fusu attaches to the"Zhang Han" on the sky.

One of the nine ministers in the future must be one of them.

In other words, the position of Shaofu Qing is equivalent to being specially prepared for the"Zhang Han" on the sky.

Even if the"Zhang Han" on the sky is capable enough, then even the position of the left and right prime ministers in the future, the"Zhang Han" on the sky may not be unable to sit!

From the head of the six ministries, to the Shaofu Qing, one of the nine ministers, and finally to the left and right prime ministers.

The future career of"Zhang Han" on the sky can almost be said to have been paved.

The rest depends on his personal ability and whether he can keep going.

What is a broad road?

This is definitely a broad road!

More importantly, this is not only the smooth road for"Zhang Han" on the sky, but also very likely the smooth road for the current Zhang Han!

Although because of the Qin State's unrewarded and unpromoted, the current Zhang Han is only a Zhongshu Yezhe Cheng.

But there is no doubt that Zhang Han must have been remembered by the First Emperor.

Next, as long as Zhang Han makes a little more meritorious service, he will give the First Emperor a legitimate excuse for promotion.

Then everyone is almost certain that Zhang Han will be further promoted by the First Emperor to Zhongshu Yezhe Ling, or other positions with the same status as Zhongshu Yezhe Ling.

For the current Zhang Han, this is also a detour of ten or eight years!

If the eyes of envy and jealousy can kill, then the eyes of the other middle and lower-level civil and military officials present are afraid that they will kill Zhang Han a hundred and eighty times.

At the same time, the other middle and lower-level civil and military officials also hope that the"self" on the sky can become one of the six heads of the six departments set up by Prince Fusu.

After all, the position of the head of the Ministry of Revenue was taken by"Zhang Han" on the sky curtain.

At the same time, it sounds like they have no chance of taking the position of the head of the Ministry of Personnel.

The positions of the head of the Ministry of Works and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture were also taken by the sons of the Mohists and the farmers respectively.

However, the requirements for the remaining positions of the head of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishments are not high, and Prince Fusu has no clear requirements for the candidates.

If they were lucky more than ten years ago on the sky curtain, they might still be able to occupy a position of the head of the Ministry of Rites, or the head of the Ministry of Punishments. As long as they on the sky curtain more than ten years ago can occupy the position of the head of Prince Fusu, and then be remembered by the current Majesty the First Emperor.

Then now they can also get the light of"themselves" on the sky curtain, and have a smooth career.

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