【After thinking for a while, King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at Prince Fusu and said,"Except for the Ministry of Agriculture, there are no problems with the other five ministries."】.

【"There are no farmers' children in Qin at present, but father can send someone to help you find their whereabouts"】

【"After finding it, the king will send someone to inform you, but whether you can persuade the children of farmers to work and study in your Ministry of Agriculture depends on your own ability."】

【Prince Fusu nodded and said confidently:"Okay, I will definitely persuade them to come to my Ministry of Agriculture to work and conduct research!"】

【At this point, the conversation between the father and son about the gains from their inspection and condolences to the old Qin people in Guanzhong has come to a preliminary end.】

【Afterwards, in the Qilin Hall, King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at the list of officials passing by one by one and fell into deep thought.】

【Prince Fusu wanted to appoint six officials from the Ministry of Agriculture. He had already sent people to inquire about the agricultural department. It was estimated that there would be news back soon.】

【The Mohists in the Ministry of Works were also easy to deal with. He could select a group of Mohist Xiangli's descendants who were currently serving Qin and give them to Crown Prince Fusu.】

【It would be fine if the official under the crown prince named Zhang Han was appointed as the head of the Ministry of Revenue.】

【As for the remaining Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Rites and Ministry of Justice, the candidates for the heads of these three ministries made King Qin Ying Zheng temporarily undecided.】

【Especially the head of the Ministry of Personnel, who is required to be mature and prudent, and at the same time, it is best not to be a minister in the court.】

【This can only be chosen from among the old ministers who have retired from the court and are enjoying their old age.】

【But firstly, these old officials are either too old or have been or are currently unwell.】

【If they were allowed to serve as the officials in the Ministry of Personnel under Prince Fusu, King Ying Zheng of Qin was a little worried that these old officials might suddenly die one day.】

【By then, it would more or less be a stain on the reputation of Crown Prince Fusu.】

【Secondly, even if King Qin Ying Zheng had this idea, it was hard to say whether those old officials would be willing to serve as the head of the Ministry of Personnel for Prince Fusu.】

【After all, these old ministers can basically be said to have made contributions to the Qin State, and they are also old.】

【If they are unwilling to work hard, even King Qin Ying Zheng cannot persuade them.】

【After much deliberation, King Ying Zheng of Qin finally circled the name of one of his old ministers.】

【At the same time, King Qin Ying Zheng looked at the eunuch Zhao Gao and ordered:"Go to Gang Chengjun's residence in person and tell him that I will visit Gang Chengjun privately later to discuss something with him.〃〃 business"】

【Zhao Gao immediately responded respectfully:"Yes, Your Majesty!"】

【Looking at Zhao Gao who was ordered to leave, Li Si, the court judge who was assisting King Ying Zheng of Qin in handling government affairs,���He couldn't help but put down the brush in his hand temporarily, and said in surprise:"I don't know what your majesty wants that you have to trouble Lord Gangcheng?"】

【As the newly promoted Tingwei of King Qin Ying Zheng, Li Si can be said to be the most trusted and important official of King Qin Ying Zheng.】

【So Li Si can still ask about things like this.】

【Meng Tian on the other side also looked at Qin King Ying Zheng with some curiosity.】

【After all, Gang Chengjun can be said to be an old minister of the Qin State who worked hard and made great contributions. In addition, he had just resigned from office a few years ago to enjoy his retirement.】

【Normally, if there is nothing particularly important, or urgent, or something that cannot be helped,】

【Then the King of Qin Ying Zheng should not bother an old minister like Gang Chengjun again. But now the King of Qin Ying Zheng wants to visit Gang Chengjun privately.】

【So even Meng Tian couldn't help but feel a little curious.】

【King Ying Zheng of Qin looked at Li Si and Meng Tian, and then told them that he was going to set up six ministries for the crown prince Fusu, and he was hesitating about who to choose as the head of the six ministries.】

【After all, if this really needs to be said, it is not a big deal, and naturally there is nothing that cannot be said to Li Si and Meng Tian.】

【And he just happened to be hesitating about who to choose as the remaining head of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Justice. He could see if Li Si and Meng Tian had any suggestions for suitable candidates.】

【After listening to the King of Qin's story, Meng Tian hesitated for a moment, and then recommended:"If Your Majesty does not mind, although my younger brother Yi is young, he also knows the law and knows how to act. He may be the head of the Ministry of Justice for Your Majesty.""】

【After escorting Prince Fusu on a tour and visiting the old Qin people in Guanzhong last time, Meng Tian's favorability towards Prince Fusu can be said to be very high.】

【In addition, Prince Fusu was also very favored by the King of Qin and was made the crown prince early on. Moreover, his old father at home also told them to interact more with Prince Fusu.】

【So Meng Tian thought about it and decided to let his younger brother Meng Yi take on the post of Chief of the Ministry of Justice for Prince Fusu.】

【After all, his brother is only about 20 years old now, and he still lacks a certain level of maturity in both literature and martial arts.】

【It would be better to send him to Prince Fusu to hone his skills for a few years, to establish a good relationship with him and get closer to him.】

【As a brother of the Meng family whom he valued very much, King Qin Ying Zheng had naturally met Meng Yi before.】

【Compared with the brave and capable Meng Tian, Meng Yi was more literary, but he was also very intelligent, well-versed in criminal law, able to make decisions and act in an orderly manner.】

【Except for the lack of experience due to being young, all other aspects are very good】

【It is also appropriate to use him as the head of the Ministry of Justice for Prince Fusu.】

【So after thinking about it, King Ying Zheng of Qin decided:"Then let your brother Meng Yi temporarily serve as the head of the Ministry of Justice for Crown Prince Fusu."】

【"After he has trained himself for a few years, I will make further use of him!"】

【Meng Tian immediately thanked him and said:"¨. On behalf of my younger brother Yi, I would like to thank Your Majesty!"】

【Li Si, who was standing by, saw that the Meng brothers had taken up one of the six ministerial positions, and could not help but say,"I have a junior fellow student named Zhang Cang, who once studied with Master Xun."】

【"He likes reading, has read all kinds of classics, and is proficient in music and calendar. He may be the Minister of Rites for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."】

【Although the six ministries established by Crown Prince Fusu seem insignificant at the moment】

【However, considering how favored Prince Fusu was and the goodwill he had shown to him, Li Si felt that it was necessary to further deepen his relationship with Prince Fusu.】

【Originally, he was going to recommend one of his own officials to serve as the head of the Ministry of Justice for Crown Prince Fusu.】

【After all, he was a court judge and a disciple of the Legalists, so he had no shortage of people who knew the law.】

【However, he was a step too slow to speak, so the King of Qin gave the position of the head of the Ministry of Justice to Meng Tian's younger brother Meng Yi.】

【In this case, he could only settle for the second best and choose the last remaining position of the head of the Ministry of Rites.】

【But if the head of the Ministry of Rites recommends the disciples of the Legalists, it would be more or less inappropriate (Liaonuo's)】

【Fortunately, he had studied under Xunzi in the past, and he also knew many Confucian disciples.】

【Although most of his Confucian brothers cut off contact with him after he switched to the Legalist school,】

【However, there are still a few fellow disciples who still keep in touch with him.】

【Among the few fellow disciples who had contact with him, only Zhang Cang received the highest evaluation from Master Xun.】

【In addition, even if Zhang Cang went to Qin, he would be a disciple of Prince Fusu and would not conflict with him.】

【So Zhang Cang, don’t say that I, your senior brother, don’t take care of you. I will find a good future for you!】

【Although Qin King Ying Zheng had never heard of Zhang Cang's name before, since Li Si had recommended him, he was willing to give him a chance.】

【So after a brief pause, King Qin Ying Zheng nodded and said,"First summon him to see me. After I have examined him, if he is suitable, I will appoint him as the head of the Ministry of Rites, one of the six ministries of the crown prince.""】

【Li Si also thanked him and said,"On behalf of my junior brother Zhang Cang, I would like to thank Your Majesty for giving me this opportunity!"】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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