Under the sky, the civil officials and military officers of the Qin Dynasty looked at the three people who were confirmed as the heads of the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Rites, all with astonishment.

The head of the Ministry of Personnel was obviously Gang Chengjun.

Gang Chengjun, also known as Cai Ze, was born in Gangcheng, Yan State. He was eloquent and wise, and was well aware of the idea that the moon will wane when it is full.

In the past, he pointed out the principle of Fan Ju that the cunning rabbit dies and the running dog is cooked, which made him retire after success. He was recommended by Fan Ju to serve as the new prime minister of King Zhaoxiang of Qin.

Later, he advised King Zhaoxiang of Qin to alienate the relationship between King Anxi of Wei and Lord Xinling and destroy the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and was named Gang Chengjun in one fell swoop.

However, after Cai Ze served as prime minister for a few months, someone slandered him.

Cai Ze, who was worried about being harmed by the slander of villains, pretended to be sick and sent back the seal of prime minister, indicating that he would not be the prime minister anymore.

After that, he lived in Xianyang, Qin State for more than ten years. He was once an envoy of Qin to Yan State. Three years later, Prince Dan of Yan State went to Qin State as a hostage.

He served King Zhao, King Xiaowen, King Zhuangxiang, and finally the First Emperor.

He can be said to be an old minister who has experienced the four kings of Qin, and until now, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze is still living in Xianyang City.

But what I didn't expect was that the"King of Qin" on the sky would let Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, an old minister of the four kings, be the head of the Ministry of Personnel of Prince Fusu.

But if you think about it carefully, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze just happens to perfectly meet the requirements of Prince Fusu.

First, he is not a minister in the court now.

After all, even the"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" on the sky requested to resign and live in Xianyang City when Prince Fusu was two or three years old.

Second, he is mature and prudent.

You know, the prime minister of Qin can be said to be a high-risk job!

One generation of kings and one generation of ministers, and the kings of Qin from generation to generation abandon the old ministers!

This is what the king and prime minister of Qin are talking about!

Counting the fates of the prime ministers of the Qin Dynasty, Shang Yang was torn to pieces, Zhang Yi was expelled, Gan Mao fled for fear of slander, Fan Ju resigned in fear and retired, and Lu Buwei also drank poison and committed suicide.

Cai Ze not only served as the prime minister of Qin, but also served four generations of Qin kings.

In a sense, Cai Ze has a lot of curses on him!

However, Cai Ze was not only named Gangcheng Jun, but he was even able to lie in Xianyang City and live a long and prosperous life until now.

Just talking about maturity (fear of death, prudent), it is estimated that no one in the entire Qin Dynasty can compare with him.

However, it may also be because Cai Ze served as prime minister for a short time, so the position of prime minister of Qin was less cursed to him.

After all, Cai Ze only served as prime minister for a few months, and then he was afraid of death and quickly resigned from his position as prime minister.

But anyway, although it is a bit shocking.

However, with Cai Ze's status, qualifications, and ability, he was more than qualified to be the head of the Ministry of Personnel.

It just depended on whether the"King of Qin" on the sky could persuade Gang Chengjun, an old minister.


In Xianyang City, in the backyard of Gang Chengjun's mansion, Cai Ze, who had long since retired from the Qin court and was now nearly seventy years old and enjoying his retirement, looked at the sky curtain, nodded and said to himself.

Based on his understanding of"himself" (fear of death, prudent, would not explicitly refuse the monarch, and would not embarrass the monarch), if the King of Qin really came to his mansion in person and asked him to serve as the head of one of the six ministries of the crown prince.

And he knew that the so-called head of the Ministry of Personnel was to help the five or six-year-old crown prince Fusu simply manage the promotion and demotion of minor officials. If he could do such a small thing.

Then I guess"I" would agree after a little thought.

After all, such a small thing is not an exaggeration for him to say that it is a piece of cake, and there is no need to worry about causing any trouble.

He would not refuse the King of Qin for this reason and lose face for the King of Qin. Besides, he is also very interested in the Prince Fusu on the sky.

After all, he has never seen such a smart young man in his life. He is simply a natural emperor!

If he can teach such a prince while serving as the head of the Ministry of Personnel, If he could not be the son of Fusu, then perhaps all his life's learning would not have to go into the coffin with him.

It didn't matter if he died, but he was a little worried that the Ji Ran family would be extinct.

Among the hundreds of schools of thought, he, Cai Ze, was a very rare disciple of the Ji Ran family (who studied national economic development issues). It was different from the Nong family, which was in decline but still had three or five big cats and seven or eight small cats.

In addition to him, he had not seen any other students who were proficient in the Ji Ran family's doctrines in the past thirty years.

Even his children and grandchildren, although Ji Ran had also been taught the Ji Ran family's teachings by himself, but it can only be said that his children and grandchildren were not suitable for learning Ji Ran

's family's teachings. And now, maybe Prince Fusu on the sky can inherit his Ji

Ran's family's teachings. On the other hand, after a brief surprise about Gang Chengjun Cai Ze being the head of the Ministry of Personnel for Prince Fusu, all the civil and military officials of Qin focused their attention on Meng Yi.

Meng Yi also looked at his brother Meng Tian beside him with a little surprise and smiled,"I didn't expect that my elder brother would recommend me to be the head of the Ministry of Justice."

Meng Tian on the side also smiled and said,"You were just right more than ten years ago."

After all, if Meng Yi was really unsuitable, he would not have recommended him.

Otherwise, instead of getting closer, the relationship between the two sides might be damaged due to incompatibility in other aspects such as ability.

The other middle and lower-level officials present looked at the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi with resentment.

You know, the Meng family was very favored by the First Emperor.

Among them, the two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi, one was the internal historian, and the other was the senior minister.

It can be said that even if the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi had no dealings with the Crown Prince Fusu, they would have had a smooth career just by relying on the trust that the First Emperor had in them.

However, the"Meng Tian" on the sky curtain helped"Meng Yi" grab the position of the head of the Ministry of Justice among the six ministries of the Crown Prince.

This allowed these middle and lower-level officials to improve their careers. The opportunity to be exposed before and to take the opportunity to cling to the thigh of Crown Prince Fusu has been reduced.

So how could the middle and lower-level officials not feel resentful about this.

Even if it weren’t for the fact that the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi had prominent family backgrounds, outstanding achievements and abilities, and were deeply trusted by the First Emperor.

Then now the eyes of the middle and lower-level officials looking at the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi are not just resentful, but jealous.

However, they didn’t dare to be jealous of the brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi, so could they not dare to be jealous of Zhang Cang?

So all the middle and lower-level officials focused their envious and jealous eyes on Zhang Cang, who had a slightly confused look on his face at the moment.

During this period, Zhang Cang served as a censor in the State of Qin, responsible for managing various documents and archives in the palace.

In the original history, in a few years he would have violated the Qin law and fled back to his hometown. Stay in Yangwu County.

When Liu Bang passes by Yangwu County during his conquests, Zhang Cang will follow Liu Bang to attack Nanyang as a guest.

But these are all things in the original history. Now Zhang Cang is just an ordinary Imperial Censor.

In terms of status and position, he is probably similar to Zhang Han, the former Secretary of the Central Secretariat.

He also stands at the back of all the civil and military officials during court meetings, and basically has no chance to speak or show his face.

At this moment, Zhang Cang looked blankly at the Court Justice Li Si who was standing at the front.

To be honest, although he and Li Si were from the same school and studied under Xunzi together.

But in fact, he and Li Si were not very familiar with each other. After all, when he was studying with Xunzi, Li Si had almost finished his studies and went to Qin to teach.

The two of them were at most briefly. When Master Xun was still alive, he and Senior Brother Li Si had several correspondences.

After Master Xun's death, he and Senior Brother Li Si gradually stopped communicating.

Even when he entered Qin as an official, he did not visit Senior Brother Li Si on purpose.

Even the position of Imperial Censor Lang was obtained by his own ability, and he did not seek help from Senior Brother Li Si.

Usually, he and Senior Brother Li Si occasionally met outside the palace, and at most they would nod to each other slightly, which was considered a greeting, and they would not even say a few more words.

So Zhang Cang thought that his relationship with Senior Brother Li Si was probably the kind of general relationship between brothers who had some relationship but no friendship.

Otherwise, if the friendship between the two brothers was better.

Then in these years, with the special support of Senior Brother Li Si, who was in the position of Nine Ministers, his current official position could at least be raised by one level. Similarly

, if he had a good relationship with his senior brother Li Si, then in the original history, he would not have chosen to flee back to his hometown immediately after violating Qin law.

���Lieutenant, in charge of Qin's criminal law.

To put it bluntly, except for the First Emperor, Qin's criminal law is up to him!

If he wants to pardon or protect Zhang Cang, his junior brother, he can just move his fingers or say a word.

However, Zhang Cang did not go to Li Si for help.

Similarly, Li Si did not know whether he did not know that Zhang Cang, his junior brother, had violated Qin law, or whether he knew that Zhang Cang, his junior brother, had violated Qin law, but was unwilling to lend a hand to Zhang Cang, his junior brother.

So Zhang Cang had to abandon his official position and flee back to his hometown in order to escape the punishment of Qin law.

However, the"Li Si" senior brother on the sky is different. He really wants to help his junior brother with a good future!

Maybe the"self" on the sky more than ten years ago did not know what the position of the head of the Ministry of Rites, one of the six ministries of the prince, meant.

But the current self is very clear about what the position of the head of the Ministry of Rites, one of the six ministries of the prince, means.

That means holding the thigh of Prince Fusu in advance, and the future career will be prosperous!

To put it bluntly, the"self" on the sky also took less than ten years of detours.

And as long as he has outstanding abilities, it is not impossible for him to be one of the Nine Ministers in the future.

In comparison, Zhang Cang envied the"self" on the sky.

Fortunately, the"self" on the sky eats meat, and he can at least drink some soup.

The"self" on the sky showed up in front of Prince Fusu in advance, so he was also showing up in front of the current Emperor Qin Shi Huang. As long as the"self" on the sky performs well, the probability of being promoted and reused by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang in the future will be greater.

And all this has to be thanked to the"Li Si" senior brother on the sky!

At the same time, Zhang Cang couldn't help but start to reflect on whether he had misunderstood the current senior brother Li Si before?

Maybe Senior Brother Li Si is actually a person with a cold face and a warm heart!

It's just that I always thought that Senior Brother Li Si was high above and disdained to interact with me, so I didn't take the initiative to interact with Senior Brother Li Si. When

Senior Brother Li Si saw that he did not take the initiative to interact with him, he also did not interact with him.

Just as Zhang Cang was daydreaming, the First Emperor, who was standing at the front, turned his head and looked at Li Si and said:

"Li Qing, Zhang Cang is your junior fellow apprentice?"

"Where is he?"

Li Si immediately bowed and replied:

"Your Majesty, Zhang Cang is my junior brother, and he is here right now."

After saying that, Li Si turned to Zhang Cang and said with a smile as warm as spring breeze:

"Junior Brother!"

Zhang Cang immediately came to his senses, looked up and saw the warm and gentle smile and greeting of his senior brother Li Si, and immediately sighed in his heart that he had indeed misunderstood his senior brother Li Si before. At the same time, Zhang Cang immediately stepped forward, bowed to the First Emperor and said:

"Your Majesty, I am here!"

Then Zhang Cang turned around again, bowed slightly to his senior brother Li Si, and said with a sincerity that he had never had before:

"Senior Brother!"

Li Si said again���He smiled in a friendly way.

If he didn't care much about Zhang Cang, his junior brother, before, when Zhang Cang appeared on the sky curtain and was recommended by"himself" on the sky curtain to become one of the six heads of the prince's department,

Li Si immediately paid attention to Zhang Cang, his junior brother.

After all, although Zhang Cang was his junior brother before, on the one hand, Zhang Cang did not actively visit and contact him, so he naturally could not condescend to visit and contact Zhang Cang.

On the other hand, although Zhang Cang has talents, his talents are not yet to the point that he thinks Zhang Cang is very important.

So Li Si has maintained a strange attitude of indifference towards Zhang Cang, his junior brother, over the years.

But it's different now. Now that Zhang Cang has shown his face on the sky curtain, it is equivalent to showing his face in front of the first emperor.

As long as Zhang Cang performs well next time, and then he creates a little opportunity for Zhang Cang to make meritorious deeds, Zhang Cang will be quickly promoted and reused by the first emperor.

In addition, he and Zhang Cang have a brotherly relationship and he promoted Zhang Cang.

It can be said that even if Zhang Cang is promoted and reused, it will only be the personnel of his faction who will naturally support him.

At that time, he will also have an extra strong supporter in the court, and it may even be helpful for him to become the prime minister of Qin in the future.

This is why Li Si suddenly showed a very friendly attitude towards Zhang Cang.

After looking up and down at Zhang Cang, the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng standing in front asked:

"What is your current position?"

Zhang Cang bowed his head and answered respectfully:

"Your Majesty, I am currently serving as the Imperial Censor."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded slightly. This was a position similar to the Secretary of the Central Secretariat, so it was no wonder that he had no impression of it. After briefly encouraging Zhang Cang

, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's attention returned to the sky again.

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