【After the preliminary finalization of the candidates for the six ministries of the crown prince, King Ying Zheng of Qin also talked to Meng Tian and Li Si about the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes.】

【As soon as he heard it, Meng Tian was so excited that he couldn't help but said:"Your Majesty, the Jingling Hall and the Heroic Monument must be built!"】

【"Once the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes are completed, we Qin people will no longer fear death!"】.

【"I would like to request that I be personally responsible for supervising the construction of the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes!"】

【After saying this, Meng Tian immediately knelt down and asked for his orders.】

【The Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Yingling Monument mentioned by the King of Qin just now are the three things. Among them, the Great Qin Medal is not bad. It can be said to be a icing on the cake and supplement to the military merit system.】

【It's the kind of thing that's OK to have or not to have.】

【But the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes are different. Once they are completed, the entire Qin State will be united and unstoppable!】

【If the Nine Cauldrons of King Yu were the sacred artifacts of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, then once the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes were built, they would be equivalent to the sacred artifacts of the Qin state!】

【It can be said that it is of extraordinary significance and plays a significant role!】

【Li Si, who was standing by, also nodded, and said with a look of excitement that was difficult to conceal:"After the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes are completed, it will be equivalent to the military and people's hearts of the Qin Dynasty.-"】

【"As long as the Jingling Palace is not destroyed and the Monument to the Heroes remains forever, the military and people's morale of the Great Qin will never be shaken!"】

【"The great Qin dynasty will last for thousands of years and endure forever!"】

【"I would also like to personally be responsible for supervising the construction of the Jingling Hall and the Monument to the Heroes!"】

【After that, Li Si bowed down and asked for his order.】

【After listening to what the King of Qin said, Li Si realized the great role and significance of the Great Qin Medal, the Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes!】

【In other words, if anyone can be responsible for the construction and repair of Jingling Hall and Yingling Monument】

【Then for this person, it is also a good opportunity to enhance his reputation and make his name go down in history.】

【As for this aspect, Li Si can be said to be very enthusiastic.】

【Otherwise, Li Si would not have boldly written a letter to King Qin Ying Zheng,"Remonstrance Against Expelling Foreigners" when King Qin ordered the expulsion of foreigners from the six states.》】

【Seeing Meng Tian and Li Si's eager expressions, King Ying Zheng of Qin smiled and said,"I'm telling you that I want you to be in charge of this matter."】

【"The design and construction of the Jingling Hall will be handed over to you, Li Si."】

【"The design and construction of the monument to heroes will be left to you, Meng Tian."】

【"As for the design of the Great Qin Medal, you two will be responsible for completing it together."】

【At this point, King Qin Ying Zheng paused and said,"Besides, before designing the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Heroic Monument, you can also go and ask the Crown Prince if he has any suggestions."】

【"After the preliminary designs of the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Heroic Monument are ready, you can show them to the Crown Prince to see if he has any additional comments."】

【After hearing the last two words from King Qin Ying Zheng, Meng Tian and Li Si opened their eyes wide, and an incredible guess flashed through their minds.】

【Then Meng Tian couldn't help but ask curiously,"Could it be that the construction of the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Yingling Monument came from His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's idea?"】

【King Qin Ying Zheng nodded with a smile on his face, and Meng Tian and Li Si were both shocked.】

【Whoever comes up with such exciting ideas as the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Heroic Monument can immediately gain huge fame and fortune.】

【So normally, no one would be willing to give up such fame and fortune to someone else, even if that person is the King of Qin.】

【After all, most people live for fame or profit.】

【There are very few people who are willing to work in the fields without seeking fame or profit like the children of farmers.】

【Moreover, for King Qin Ying Zheng, he did not need to covet this little fame and fortune, because he would be the one who benefited from it in the end.】

【Therefore, King Qin Ying Zheng did not need to hide who proposed the idea of building the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes.】

【In addition, Prince Fusu is only five years old this year. Even if King Ying Zheng of Qin wants to pave the way for Prince Fusu to become famous in advance,】

【At that time, simply giving Crown Prince Fusu a title would be enough.】

【Why should they ask Prince Fusu for his opinion before designing?】

【And why should they ask Prince Fusu for his opinion after the initial template is out?】

【Therefore, the only possibility is that such exciting ideas as building the Great Qin Medal, the Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes really came from the hands of Crown Prince Fusu!】

【And Crown Prince Fusu may really have unique ideas about this!】

【That is why King Ying Zheng of Qin asked them to consult the Crown Prince Fusu before starting.】

【However, Crown Prince Fusu is only five years old this year!】

【How smart it is to come up with such an idea at the age of only five!】

【Even Meng Tian, who had had some contact with Prince Fusu before and knew that Prince Fusu was born intelligent, could not help but be shocked by his intelligence again at this moment.】

【As for Li Si, who had only had a brief relationship with Prince Fusu, it goes without saying that】

【At this moment, the status and importance of Prince Fusu in Li Si's heart rose rapidly, even to the point that he was second only to King Ying Zheng of Qin.】

·· ·Request flowers····· ·······

【This didn't exist before.】

【Because Li Si thought that Prince Fusu was young, instead of being too close to him, it would be better to try to show more in front of Qin King Ying Zheng.】

【After all, Prince Fusu is just an uncertain future, while King Ying Zheng of Qin is the real present.】

【However, the intelligence of Prince Fusu now made Li Si feel that even though Prince Fusu was young, he was worthy of his careful consideration and investment.】

【Thinking of this, Li Si had already begun to think about how he should advise his junior brother Zhang Cang after he arrived, so that he could pass the test of meeting the King of Qin.】

【And how to further improve the friendship between himself and Prince Fusu through his junior brother Zhang Cang】

【Finally, King Qin Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian and Li Si and said calmly:"After you go back today, you two should prepare a general charter and then present it to me."】


【"After I have read and confirmed it, you two can jointly raise this matter in the court."】

【"However, there is no need to say in the court that this matter came from the idea of Prince Fusu. He is still young, and it is not a good thing to become famous too early."】

【"Later, when you two go to consult Prince Fusu, you can add a sentence about this matter. Prince Fusu also proposed very useful additional ideas on this matter. In the end, just let him have a name."】

【"Do you understand?"】

【Meng Tian and Li Si responded in unison:"We understand!"】

【Meng Tian and Li Si, who received the task, went back to perfect their ideas on the same day, and then came up with a preliminary feasible plan the next day.】

【Then the King of Qin Ying Zheng read it the next day and nodded his approval.】

【Then on the third day, Meng Tian and Li Si jointly proposed to build the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Yingling Monument.】

【As soon as this suggestion came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the court.】

【Meng Tian and Li Si then debated with the court officials and quickly gained the approval of the majority of civil and military officials. Finally, King Ying Zheng of Qin made the final decision and approved the bill.】

【Three days later, with the joint efforts of all civil and military officials, on the seventh day, a complete and executable plan for the construction of the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and the Monument to the Heroes came out.】

【In the meantime, Meng Tian and Li Si also visited Prince Fusu and asked for his opinion.】

【Then on the eighth day, the construction of the Great Qin Medal, Jingling Hall, and Yingling Monument officially began in Xianyang City.】

【The whole process highlights the efficiency and speed of the Lao Qin people in doing things. 】义.

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