Under the sky, the kings and ministers of the Qin Dynasty looked at the"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" who was coaxed by Prince Fusu and couldn't help sighing again. Prince Fusu really knew how to win over others.

Among the six heads of the prince, there is no doubt that"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" has the highest status and the most outstanding vision and ability. After all, he was once the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty.

Such an old minister who has made outstanding contributions and knows how to retreat bravely.

Even"King Qin Ying Zheng" must treat him with courtesy and cannot force him, let alone Prince Fusu, a five-year-old child.

In this case, if"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" only completes the work of the head of the Ministry of Personnel, and then ignores other things and is dedicated to fishing for retirement, then even Prince Fusu can't say anything, let alone force anything.

However, Prince Fusu took the opportunity to ask for advice and treated"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" as a half-teacher, and gave"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" the title of"Cai Shi".

Even though"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" clearly refused at the beginning, Prince Fusu still did not give up.

Every time they met afterwards, Prince Fusu would call"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze""Cai Shi", and he called it in a way that everyone knew.

""Gang Cheng Jun Cai Ze" could deny it once, twice, or three times, but after denying it so many times,"Gang Cheng Jun Cai Ze" himself was tired.

In addition, Prince Fusu was really talented, well-behaved and cute, and treated him with special respect and courtesy, so"Gang Cheng Jun Cai Ze" really liked Prince Fusu.

So after Prince Fusu called him more and more,"Gang Cheng Jun Cai Ze" no longer denied it and acquiesced.

You have to know that the"teacher-student" relationship is a very important relationship in this era.

In a sense, the"teacher-student" relationship is no less than the"father-son" relationship, and it may even be closer than the ordinary"father-son" relationship.

For example,"Gang Cheng Jun Cai Ze", who is the head of the Ministry of Personnel, can just complete his work as the head of the Ministry of Personnel and then ignore other things and start to slack off in his retirement.

But"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze", who was the"Master Cai" of Prince Fusu, was not able to do so. In addition to completing his work as the head of the Ministry of Personnel, he also had to make suggestions for Prince Fusu, strive for and safeguard Prince Fusu's interests and reputation, etc.

This was also the reason why"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" took the initiative to ask for help when Prince Fusu invited the Nong family for the first time.

After all, he couldn't really watch Prince Fusu, a student, recruit disciples from the Nong family by force, even though Prince Fusu was only five years old and his behavior could not be explained by childish behavior.

In this regard, Prince Fusu only paid the title of"Master Cai" in exchange for the help of a great talent who could become the prime minister of Qin.

It can be said that there is no better deal than this.

On the other side of Xianyang City, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze looked at the"himself" on the sky curtain, and also He let out a light sigh and curled his lips.

Others don't know him, so doesn't he know"himself"?

It seems that Prince Fusu on the screen has relied on"himself" in a rogue way, but in fact,"himself" has gone with the flow.

After all, Fusu was able to be named prince at the age of five, and was also allowed to establish six ministries privately.

All these things show that"King Qin Ying Zheng" dotes on Prince Fusu.

In this case, there is no harm in"himself" being on better terms with Prince Fusu.

After all, although he retreated from the vortex of the court.

But his descendants are still in Qin, and may even work under Prince Fusu in the future.

Now that he has a good relationship with Prince Fusu, maybe his descendants will be able to get a share from Prince Fusu in the future. Unexpected rewards.

Moreover,"King Qin Ying Zheng" personally went to"his" house and asked"him" to be the head of the Ministry of Personnel, one of the six ministries of the crown prince.

This itself also implies that"I" should teach the crown prince Fusu well, but it is not directly stated.

In addition, the performance of the crown prince Fusu in all aspects is indeed quite satisfactory to"I".

So under multiple factors,"I" took advantage of the situation and recognized the crown prince Fusu as a student.

It can only be said that the crown prince Fusu may make a lot of money, but"I" will not lose.

After all, the relationship between teachers and students is a relationship of prosperity and loss.

On the other side, on the ridge of the country field.

Farmers Chen Xiang and Chen Xin looked at the crown prince Fusu on the sky curtain and really sent a thousand Daqin sharp soldiers and Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze to accompany him, preparing to tie them up directly if the invitation failed.

The corners of their mouths couldn't help but twitch slightly.

No need!

Really no need!

If you want them to enter Qin, just talk to them.

If it doesn't work once, try twice. After persuading them a few more times, they will definitely be willing to enter Qin.

This method of kidnapping people directly when the invitation fails is still a bit too rough after all.

More importantly, if they are really tied up by Prince Fusu and taken to Qin, then if it gets out, their face as a farmer will be completely lost.

And even if they feel resentful after being tied up, it's just like what Prince Fusu said.

After knowing that the person who tied them up behind the scenes is a five-year-old child, can they still be angry with a five-year-old child?

That is naturally impossible.

Otherwise, their farmer family will lose even the last bit of face.

So Chen Xiang and Chen Xin can only pray in their hearts, hoping that the"Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze" on the sky curtain is worthy of his name and can successfully persuade"them" on the sky curtain to enter Qin.

They don't want"themselves" on the sky curtain to be tied up and taken to Qin, otherwise they and others will really have no face to enter Qin again.

【Cai Ze, the Lord of Gangcheng, was indeed a great debater. He successfully persuaded Xu Zi and his party to go to Qin to observe the】

【As for whether they would agree to serve Qin in the future, they would have to wait until they had visited Qin and seen the whole thing before deciding.】

【But this was enough for Gang Chengjun Cai Ze, otherwise he was really afraid that Xu Zi and his group would not agree, and then they would be directly kidnapped and taken away by the group of Daqin elite soldiers behind him.】

【After all, before coming here, Prince Fusu really ordered the Qin elite soldiers to kidnap people if persuasion failed.】

【When Xu Zi brought Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other disciples to Qin, they felt cheated when they saw that the person who greeted them was the five-year-old Crown Prince Fusu.】

【"Lord Gangcheng, didn’t you say that it was the King of Qin who invited us to Qin?"】

【Xu Zi frowned and looked unkindly at Gang Chengjun Cai Ze who was sitting next to Crown Prince Fusu.】

【Cai Ze, the Lord of Gangcheng, said with a smile:"I am naturally following the order of the King of Qin to invite you to enter Qin."】

【"However, the idea of studying how to improve the clothing, food, housing, transportation, and farming of the people was first proposed by Crown Prince Fusu."】

【"At the same time, it was Prince Fusu who begged the King of Qin to send me to Qin to find the farmers."】

【"All subsequent matters related to this matter were also approved by the King of Qin and were fully responsible by Prince Fusu."】

【"In other words, after the Nong family entered Qin, they also served under the name of Prince Fusu."】

【"So if you have any requests, you should naturally raise them with Crown Prince Fusu, and then Crown Prince Fusu will decide whether to agree or not."】

【Xu Zi looked at the extremely young Crown Prince Fusu in front of him and asked doubtfully,"Are you sure that this Crown Prince can make the decision?"】

【But this time, there was no need for Cai Ze to answer. Crown Prince Fusu calmly replied,"I am the current Crown Prince of Qin and will be the King of Qin in the future!"】

【"Moreover, I have the full authorization from my father, and Master Cai is there to testify!"】

【"How can Xu Zi think that I can't make the decision?"】

【Hearing what Prince Fusu said, Xu Zi also became interested:"Since you can make the decision, what can you give to the farmers?"】

【"And how will you reuse farmers?"】

【Prince Fusu shook his head and said:"I can't give anything to the farmers, but I can give people all over the world enough food and warm clothes!"】

【"I cannot guarantee how to make use of the Nong family, but it is said that Confucius had three thousand disciples in the past. I can promise that the Nong family will have thirty thousand disciples in the future!"】

【Hearing this, Xu Zi immediately looked serious, sat upright and looked at Prince Fusu and asked further:"How do you ensure that the people of the world have enough food and clothing?"】

【Compared to making the number of farming disciples exceed that of Confucian disciples, Xu Zi paid more attention to how to ensure that everyone in the world has enough food and clothing!】

【In other words, the ultimate goal of farmers is to ensure that everyone in the world has enough food and clothing!】

【Prince Fusu also answered seriously:"Send people to search for crops all over the world, imitate Shennong's act of tasting hundreds of herbs, and find more edible grains and vegetables, or more high-yield crops for the people of the world.""】

【"At the same time, we called on many farmers to breed and improve existing crops, optimize and improve existing farming methods, and find ways to increase the per-acre yield of grain crops."】

【"After finding new food crops and improving and optimizing breeding and farming methods, the imperial court would organize a large number of farmers' children to go deep into various counties and villages to guide the people in farming."】

【"In addition, he called on the disciples of the Mohist School to vigorously improve the existing farming tools and strive to develop and research more labor-saving and more convenient farming and irrigation tools to improve the farming efficiency of the people."】

【"In short, the Qin State was willing to spend a lot of time, energy, manpower and material resources to study how to improve the people's clothing, food, housing, transportation, farming and other matters in order to ensure that the people had enough food and clothing!"】

【Prince Fusu's words were very simple, without any high-sounding principles. He simply and straightforwardly said what he was going to do, and his approach sounded feasible.】

【If it were any other philosopher, they would definitely think that Prince Fusu's answer was not good enough, not exciting enough, not sonorous enough, and too straightforward and vulgar.】

【But farmers are different. They don't like things that are complicated.】

【For farmers, no matter how nice your words are, it is better for you to go to the fields and cultivate them yourself.】

【Similarly, if Prince Fusu really started talking about all kinds of great truths, then after Prince Fusu finished speaking, Xu Zi would take all the Nong family disciples away.】

【But now after hearing Prince Fusu explain so simply and clearly what he was going to do, and it sounded very feasible, Xu Zi decided to stay and see for a while.】

【If Prince Fusu does not practice what he preaches, then he will leave with his disciples.】

【Of course, if Prince Fusu's words and deeds are consistent, then he will naturally be willing to contribute his own strength and that of the farmers to the ultimate goal of ensuring that all people in the world have enough food and clothing.】

【So Xu Zi also bowed to Prince Fusu and said,"Please let the farmers participate as well!"】

【Prince Fusu also stood up, walked forward and helped Xu Zi667 up, saying:"Please stand up quickly. It is a blessing for me to have the help of Xu Zi and the farmers! It is a blessing for all the people in the world!"】

【After that, the two sides exchanged simple courtesies, and this first meeting came to a brief end.】

【At this point, the six heads of the crown prince's ministries are all ready. 】

Under the sky, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors opened their eyes wide, their faces twisted with envy and jealousy.

What did they just hear?

Crown Prince Fusu promised that the Nong family would have 30,000 disciples in the future?

30,000 disciples!

Is his Nong family worthy?

Even Confucius, the former master, only had 3,000 disciples.

But these 3,000 disciples alone supported the reputation of Confucianism as one of the three major schools of thought in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The other two major schools, Legalism and Mohism, were just like Confucianism at their peak, with only a few thousand disciples at most.

But now Crown Prince Fusu promised that the Nong family could have 30,000 disciples in the future. If the Nong family really has 30,000 disciples, then will there be a place for them in the Confucian school in the future?

Could it be that the Nong family will surpass Confucianism, Legalism, and Mohism in the future and become the new mainstream of Qin's thought?

Previously, the Confucians had always tried to replace the Legalists, but they never expected that before they succeeded in attacking the Legalists, the Nongjia from nowhere would steal their home!

If there were no Nongjia doctors around, Chunyu Yue and other Confucian doctors might have a physical"debate" with each other. On the other side, Chen Xiang and Chen Xin on the ridge of the field were already hugging each other excitedly.

They've waited!

They've waited!

They've finally waited for the opportunity to prosper!

Sure enough, the Nongjia should prosper, and the prosperity lies in Prince Fusu!

Prince Fusu promised the Nongjia that he would have 30,000 disciples in the future, and they didn't dare to imagine what an incredible picture that would be!

You know, when the Nongjia was at its peak, there were only a few hundred disciples.

And Prince Fusu also said that he wanted to make everyone in the world well-fed and clothed, which is the ultimate ideal of their Nongjia!

They Nongjia can finally wait for a monarch who is willing to realize the ultimate ideal of the Nongjia and make all the people in the world well-fed and clothed!

Even if this monarch is only a prince now, and he is only five years old.

But the prince will eventually ascend the throne and become king, and he will eventually grow up, just like the ultimate ideal of the Nongjia that they have always believed in, which will eventually come true.

Prince Fusu said that it was his blessing and the blessing of all the people in the world to get help from Xuzi and Nongjia.

But Xuzi, Nongjia and all the people in the world can be valued by Prince Fusu, which is also a blessing for Xuzi, Nongjia and all the people in the world!

Prince Fusu, Xuzi and Nongjia on the sky, it is really great that they can meet each other!.

Added by: Naruto789

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