【After the Chinese New Year, it was the twelfth year of Qin Wangzheng, and Prince Fusu was finally six years old.】

【After the beginning of the new year, Prince Fusu also held his first formal meeting of the six ministries in the East Palace.】

【Among them, Crown Prince Fusu sat on the main seat in the hall, wearing a black crown and robes, with a calm and serious expression.】

【On the table in front of Prince Fusu, there was a tray covered with dark silk, making it difficult to see what was inside.】

【Under the crown prince Fusu, the heads of the six ministries sat opposite each other.】

【Among them, the right is respected in the Qin Dynasty, so Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, who is the head of the Ministry of Personnel and the"Cai teacher" of the crown prince, sits in the first seat on the right.】.

【Zhang Han, the head of the Ministry of Revenue who was in charge of money and grain and the first confidant of Prince Fusu, sat in the first seat on the left.】

【Afterwards, Xu Zi, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture, sat in the second seat on the right.】

【As for the Mohist Xiang Liji, who was in charge of the Ministry of Works, he sat���Second position from the left】

【After that, Meng Yi, the head of the Ministry of Justice, sat in the third seat on the right.】

【Finally, Zhang Cang, the head of the Ministry of Rites, sat in the third seat on the left.】

【However, compared with the five people in front who were either calm and composed, or silent and unperturbed by fame or disgrace, Zhang Cang, who was sitting at the end, was obviously a little uneasy.】

【After all, compared with the previous five, he is inferior in status, ability, reputation, experience, family background, etc.】

【Even now he can sit here, that is because he was recommended by his senior brother Li Si, otherwise he would not have the opportunity to sit here.】

【Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of his senior brother Li Si】

【Earlier, he had received a letter from his senior brother Li Si, in which he said that he was now serving as the Minister of Justice, one of the Nine Ministers of Qin State, and that there was a position that was very suitable for him, so he should hurry up and take it.】

【Although his senior brother Li Si abandoned Confucianism and turned to law, which led to his very bad reputation among the Confucian disciples,】

【However, Zhang Cang did not have much prejudice against his senior brother Li Si. After all, his teacher Xunzi did not say that he would expel Li Si from the sect, and still acknowledged Li Si as his disciple.】

【So Zhang Cang naturally still recognized Li Si as his senior brother.】

【What's more, even after Li Si became a minister in Qin, he still cared about his junior brother and wanted to help him. Zhang Cang was naturally even more moved.】

【So after receiving the letter from his senior brother Li Si, Zhang Cang packed his luggage and rushed to Xianyang, Qin State that day.】

【What if that position, which was very suitable for him, was given to someone else by his senior brother Li Si because he arrived too late?】

【What he never expected was that after he went to Xianyang, Qin State and met his senior brother Li Si, his senior brother Li Si actually told him that King Ying Zheng of Qin wanted to meet him and test him!】

【When Zhang Cang heard the news, he was stunned.】

【Isn't there a position that is perfect for him?】

【Could it be that this position has not been already decided for him by his senior brother Li Si behind the scenes?】

【He was already prepared to take office before he came.】

【Moreover, what kind of position did his senior brother Li Si prepare for him that he even had to be personally assessed by King Ying Zheng of Qin?】

【I'm afraid the position of Nine Ministers is no more than this!】

【But the problem is, if it is really the position of the Nine Ministers, then I am afraid that his senior brother will not be able to give it to him"behind the scenes".】

【Moreover, he himself is not sure whether he can be qualified for the position of Nine Ministers based on his current ability.】

【Although he still had many doubts and uneasiness, he still went into the palace alone to meet Qin King Ying Zheng under the advice of his senior brother Li Si.】

【After all the tests by King Qin Ying Zheng, he still didn't know whether King Qin Ying Zheng was satisfied with him or not.】

【Anyway, after the test, King Qin Ying Zheng did not tell him the result directly, and let him leave the hall.】

【A day later, his senior brother Li Si told him happily that he had successfully passed the interview with the King of Qin. From now on, he would be the head of the Ministry of Rites, one of the six ministries under the Crown Prince Fusu.】

【The other five leaders were Cai Ze, the former prime minister of Qin, Zhang Han, a close official of Prince Fusu, Xu Zi of the Nong family who had debated with them about Confucianism, Meng Yi of the Meng family, a family of Qin generals, and Xiang Li of the Mohist school.】

【Each of them is either famous, or has an amazing family background, or has a lot of experience.】

【Anyway, just hearing the names of these people, he felt pressured.】

【Finally, Senior Brother Li Si patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him,"Do a good job. His Royal Highness is naturally intelligent. If you can follow him now, you will definitely have a bright future.々` !"】

【"If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. As long as I can help you and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, I will do my best!"】

【After that, he was sent by his senior brother Li Si to the Crown Prince Fusu to serve as the head of the Ministry of Rites.】

【Just as Zhang Cang was thinking about it, Prince Fusu, who was sitting on the main seat, slowly said:"Although I have appointed you as the heads of the six ministries,"】

【"However, it was only a verbal appointment after all, so at the first small court meeting of the six ministries since the beginning of the year, I want to make a formal appointment again!"】

【At this point, Prince Fusu slowly pulled open the dark silk covering the tray in front of him, revealing six one-inch-sized official seals carved from white jade.】

【Then, Crown Prince Fusu's eyes fell on Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze, and he said solemnly:"Master Cai!"】

【Cai Ze, the Lord of Gangcheng, immediately stood up and walked quickly to the front of Crown Prince Fusu. He bowed with a serious expression and said,"I am here!"】

【Crown Prince Fusu held up a jade official seal with the eight characters"Crown Prince's Six Departments - Minister of Personnel" in both hands and walked to Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze.】

【Then, Prince Fusu looked at Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze who was prostrating on the ground, and said word by word:"I appoint you as the Minister of Personnel, in charge of the promotion and demotion of the officials of the six ministries of the prince, recommend talents for my use, and fill in the gaps and give me advice!"】

【After saying this, Prince Fusu handed the official seal of the Minister of Personnel to Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze.】

【Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze also took the official seal with both hands and replied in a deep voice:"I will definitely live up to your trust!"】

【Prince Fusu walked back to the main seat again, holding up a jade official seal with the eight characters"Prince's Six Departments·Minister of Revenue" in both hands, and his eyes fell on Zhang Han on the left, and said in a gentle voice:"Zhang Han"】

【Zhang Han also stood up, walked quickly to the front of Crown Prince Fusu, bowed deeply, and replied respectfully:"I am here!"】

【Prince Fusu held the official seal in his hand, walked up to Zhang Han and said softly,"I appoint you as the Minister of Revenue, in charge of the financial revenue and expenditure of the six ministries of the prince, in charge of all logistics and internal affairs, and be my support behind the scenes!"】

【Zhang Han raised his head and took the official seal given by Crown Prince Fusu with both hands, and said in a very serious manner:"I am willing to die for Your Highness!"】

【As the saying goes, a man will die for his friend. Zhang Han knew very well who gave him everything he has now.】

【If he had not been favored by the Crown Prince Fusu, he would have been just an ordinary Zhongshu Yeshi, and it would have been impossible for him to be appointed as the Minister of Revenue of the Crown Prince's Six Ministries at the age of fifteen.】

【I am not even qualified to stand here with anyone present.】

【After all, among all the people present, even Zhang Cang, who looks the most ordinary, has a senior brother who is one of the Nine Ministers behind him.】

【It was Prince Fusu who gave him everything he has today, and all he can do is to do his best to repay Prince Fusu's trust in him.】

【Even if it means sacrificing his life for this, he would do it!】

【Prince Fusu nodded and responded solemnly:"I trust you!"】

【Then, Prince Fusu walked back to the main seat, held up a jade official seal with the eight characters"Prince's Six Departments - Minister of Agriculture" in both hands, looked at the farmer Xu Zi and said with a smile:"Xu Zi"】

【At this moment, Xu Zi also walked up to Prince Fusu with a serious expression and bowed, saying,"I am here!"】

【"I appoint you as the Minister of Agriculture, in charge of the cultivation and improvement of grain crops, the optimization and improvement of farming methods, and the discovery of new grain crops that can be planted and eaten!"】

【"I hope that Xu Zi and I can realize the dream of all people in the world to have enough food and clothing as soon as possible!"】

【Prince Fusu handed over the official seal with a sincere look on his face.】

【Xu Zi took the official seal handed over by Crown Prince Fusu with both hands, nodded, and said solemnly:"It is what I wish for, but I dare not ask for it!"】

【Prince Fusu walked back to the main seat again, held up a jade official seal with the eight characters"Prince's Six Departments - Minister of Works" in both hands, looked at Mohist Xiangli Ji and said,"Xiangli Lord��"】

【Xiang Liji walked directly to the front of Prince Fusu and bowed straightforwardly, saying:"I am"】

【"I appoint you as the Minister of Works, in charge of the improvement of farming and irrigation tools, the supervision of the construction of vehicles and ships, and the construction of bridges and water conservancy projects!"】

【Prince Fusu looked at Xiang Liji with a serious face and said】

【Xiang Liji directly took the official seal handed over by Prince Fusu and said the same two short words:"OK.""】

【However, this is not to say that Xiangliji does not respect Prince Fusu.】

【But in Xiang Liji's understanding, if you ask me to be responsible for something and I am sure I can take responsibility for it, then I will agree to it.】

【Any questions?】

【No problem at all!】

【As for the flattery in interpersonal relationships, taking the opportunity to show loyalty, etc., in Xiang Liji's mind, most of the time there is no such concept.】

【Xiang Liji's mind is mostly filled with various mechanical research】

【Of course, it's not just him. The descendants of Xiangli's lineage in the entire Qin Mo family are basically of this nature.】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu was not annoyed by this. In the half month since Xiangli Ji came here, he had already understood the temperament of the Mohist Xiangli clan's children.】

【Prince Fusu then walked back to the main seat, held up a jade official seal with the eight characters"Prince's Six Departments - Minister of Justice" in both hands, looked at Meng Yi with a hint of intimacy and said:"¨々 Meng Qing"】

【Meng Yi also walked quickly to the front of Crown Prince Fusu, bowed and said:"I am here!"】

【"I appoint you as the Minister of Punishment, to isolate the law, be in charge of supervision, and punish lawlessness!"】

【Prince Fusu held the official seal in both hands and handed it over.】

【Meng Yi took the official seal with a serious face and said solemnly:"I will not let your highness down!"】

【Prince Fusu also patted Meng Yi on the shoulder and said with a smile:"I also believe in you!"】

【The Meng family has always been loyal to the Qin State and the King of Qin, and has won the trust of successive Kings of Qin.】

【Moreover, his father also valued the Meng family, so Prince Fusu naturally had a certain affinity and favor towards the Meng family.】

【Finally, Crown Prince Fusu returned to the main seat and held up the last jade official seal with the eight characters"Crown Prince's Six Departments - Minister of Rites" in his hands. His eyes fell on Zhang Cang, the last one."Zhang Qing"】

【Zhang Cang immediately walked up to Prince Fusu and bowed, saying,"I am"】

【"I appoint you as the Minister of Rites, in charge of all matters concerning education and etiquette in the six ministries of the Eastern Palace!"】

【Prince Fusu held the official seal in both hands and handed it over, saying solemnly】

【Zhang Cang took the official seal with both hands, nodded quickly and said:"I will do my best to help Your Highness!"】

【Prince Fusu also smiled and nodded, expressing his approval.】

【Then, when Prince Fusu walked back to the main seat (good for Zhao), Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze's eyes swept over Zhang Han, Xu Zi, Xiang Li Ji, Meng Yi, and Zhang Cang one by one, and signaled with his eyes】

【At this moment, Xiang Liji, whose mind was filled with all kinds of mechanical things, also briefly turned on his emotional intelligence and understood the meaning of Gang Chengjun and Cai Ze's eyes at this moment.】

【As for the others, they had already understood everything when Gang Chengjun and Cai Ze looked at them.】

【When Prince Fusu just returned to the main seat and sat down, Cai Ze, Zhang Han, Xu Zi and other six ministers stood up, holding the official seals of the six ministers in their hands, and bowed to Prince Fusu and said,"Your Highness, I am the Minister of Personnel Cai Ze, the Minister of Revenue Zhang Han, the Minister of Agriculture Xu Xing, and...

and Xu Xing, the Minister of Revenue Xu Xing, and I are the Minister of Personnel Cai Ze, the Minister of Revenue Zhang Han, and Xu Xing, the Minister of Agriculture......

Meet His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!


【"May His Royal Highness live forever! Live forever! Live forever!"】

【Crown Prince Fusu, who had just sat down, was stunned when he heard the words, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he raised his hand and said:"Gentlemen, please stand up!"】

【The six ministers said in unison:"Thank you, Your Highness!"】

【This scene was also completely seen by the three people, Qin Wang Ying Zheng, Meng Tian, and Li Si, who were watching through the window outside the palace.】

【At this moment, the king and his ministers all seemed to see the future king of Qin and the future court of Qin.】

【After a long while, King Ying Zheng of Qin finally sighed and said,"In the future, this will be the center of the world!"】

【Then the King of Qin Ying Zheng did not stay here to watch any more, and turned around and left.】

【He believed that Prince Fusu would handle everything that happened next, because Prince Fusu would definitely be the future king of Qin!】

【Meng Tian and Li Si, who had been lost in deep thought because of the comment made by the King of Qin, saw the King of Qin turn around and leave. They had no time to continue thinking about the meaning behind the comment, so they hurriedly followed him.】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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