Agriculture Department, Forestry Department, Animal Husbandry Department, River Department, Textile Department, Herb Department!

Weather Group, Fertilizer Group, Farming Method Group.......

Calendar comparison research team, new calendar derivation research team, four-season solar term derivation research team......

Looking at the subordinate departments of the Ministry of Agriculture divided by Crown Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, Wucheng Hou Wang Jian raised his own unbelievable question:

"Is this farming?"

He has lived for most of his life. Although he has never farmed himself, he has seen many people farming.

However, no one farmed like this!

In his opinion, this is no longer farming. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is marching and fighting!

No, even his marching and fighting are not as detailed as the division of the Ministry of Agriculture on the sky.

"Or is this how those so-called farm kids farm?"

At this moment, Wang Jian, Marquis of Wucheng, became extremely curious about the disciples from the farming family who had not yet entered Qin.

Far away in other counties and villages in Qin State, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farmers' children who were actively packing their luggage and preparing to pack themselves up and send themselves to Xianyang hurriedly shook their heads and said:

Don't believe in rumors!

Don't spread rumors!

They, the farmers' children, don't farm like this!

Well, at least they didn't farm like this before and now.

But after they enter Qin to meet the First Emperor and are valued by the First Emperor, it's hard to say.

After seeing the detailed division of the various departments and groups of the Ministry of Agriculture by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farmers' children's eyes lit up!

As the saying goes, there is no gap without comparison.

Once compared, there is a world of difference.

Compare the farming method proposed by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain with the previous farming method of their farmers' children.

Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farmers' children have only one feeling in their hearts, that is, backwardness!

The way they studied farming in the past was too backward!


They are both studying how to farm. I am afraid that the research method of farming proposed by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain will yield more results in one year than the research results of the farmers in the past for hundreds of years!

If the farmers on the sky curtain follow the research method of farming proposed by Prince Fusu and study it for ten years, or even twenty years, what will be the grain yield per mu in the world?

Will it increase from the current three shi per mu to four shi per mu?

Or will it increase from four shi per mu to five shi per mu?

Or even from five shi per mu to six shi per mu, which they dare not imagine?

When they thought of this, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farmers could not help but breathe fast and pant like cows.

One thing that needs to be explained here is that although the names of the weights used in different dynasties are the same, the actual weights they correspond to are different in different periods.

For example, it is mentioned in"Huainanzi·Zhushuxun":"The annual yield of ten mu of land is no more than 40 shi."

This means that the yield of rice per mu is 4 shi, which is equivalent to 2.4 shi of rice.

However, in the"Book of the Later Han Dynasty·Biography of Zhong Changtong" it is mentioned:"According to the rate of fertility and the income from crops and walls, the yield per mu is three shi."

This means that the per-acre yield of wheat is 3 dan.

However, one dan in the Qin and Han dynasties is approximately equal to 14 kilograms, and one mu is approximately 0.69 mu.

In other words, if we look at it from the current measurement standard.

During the Qin and Han dynasties, 0.69 mu of wheat produced about 84 jin of grain, and 0.69 mu of rice produced about 67.2 jin of grain.

In other words, the per-acre yield of grain during the Qin and Han dynasties was: 120 jin/mu for wheat in the north; 96 jin/mu for rice in the south.

In the Sui and Tang dynasties, the weight and size represented by the dan and mu units actually changed.

Among them, 1 dan in the Sui and Tang dynasties was about 42 kilograms, and 1 mu was about 0.8 mu.

It can be calculated from Di Renjie's"Petition for Exemption of Rent from the People", the per-acre yield of rice in the south is about 1.5 dan.

The"New Book of Tang Dynasty·Food and Goods Records" records:"One hectare of one hundred mu, produces more than 50 hu (dan) of rice."

The yield of corn per mu is more than 5 dou, and if converted into wheat, it is about 1 dan (wheat does not need to be hulled).

Therefore, the per mu yield of grain during the Sui and Tang Dynasties was: 105 jin/mu for wheat in the north; 157 jin/mu for rice in the south.

Among them, the yield of rice can be seen to have increased significantly, which is mainly due to the reunification of the country and the development of the south by the Southern Dynasty, which created favorable conditions for the increase of per mu yield of rice.

In the Song Dynasty, the weight and size represented by the measurement units of shi and mu actually changed again.

One shi in the Song Dynasty was 49 kilograms, and one mu was 0.9 mu.

According to Fan Zhongyan's"Reply to the Imperial Edict on Ten Things","The benefit of the harvest is two to three shi of rice per mu."

Zhu Xi mentioned in"A Memorial on Famine Relief":"Two shi of rice per mu."

It can be roughly inferred that the per mu yield of rice in the south during this period should be 2 shi of rice.

And Fan Zhongyan's"Book to the Executive" mentioned:"I think that one mu of medium-sized fields can only produce one hu (shi) of millet."

From this we can roughly see that the per-acre yield of millet is 1 dan, and wheat is similar.

Therefore, the per-acre yield of grain during the Song Dynasty was approximately: wheat in the north, 110 jin/mu; rice in the south, 220 jin/mu.

From this we can see that the per-acre yield of rice in the south has further increased.

This is mainly because agriculture continued to move south, the two Song Dynasties built a large number of water conservancy facilities in the south, and the introduction of high-yield rice varieties such as Champa rice.

Eventually, the output of grain, especially rice, increased significantly, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions around Taihu Lake gradually became the granary of the Song Dynasty.

Finally, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the weight and size actually represented by the measurement units of shi and mu changed again.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, 1 dan was 70 kilograms, and 1 mu was 0.92 mu.

According to Gu Yanwu's"Rizhilu":"The common people rent the fields of the rich, and the private rent is one shi per mu."

Among which, the rent and tax is 50%, which can be roughly inferred that the yield per mu is 2 dan of rice.

According to the"Hejian Chronicles","A man cultivates thirty to fifty mu of land, and harvests more than one dan of wheat per mu." The wheat output during this period exceeded 1 dan.

Therefore, the grain yield per mu in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was roughly: 155 jin/mu of wheat in the north; 305 jin/mu of rice in the south.

Whether it is rice in the south or wheat in the north, grain output has been further improved during this period.

This is mainly due to the fact that the double-season rice and wheat-rice rotation systems were promoted in this era, and agricultural technology has reached a peak.

Therefore, if you only look at the grain yield per mu in the past dynasties based on the apparent"stone" and"mu", you will find a very strange thing.

That is, in the Qin and Han Dynasties, the grain yield per mu was often"three dan per mu.""、"Four dan per mu", or even"five dan per mu".

How come after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the grain yield per mu dropped to"one or two dan per mu"?

Wasn't it said that the grain yield per mu was getting higher and higher, and agricultural technology was developing more and more advanced?

The fundamental reason for this is that after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the weight and size represented by"shi" and"mu" changed.

In particular, the weight unit of"shi" soared from 14 kilograms in the Qin and Han Dynasties to 70 kilograms in the Ming and Qing Dynasties!

Therefore, what Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and others said about"three dan per mu""、"Yield of four stones per mu"、"Yield per mu: 5 shi"、""Six dan per mu" actually refers to 84 jin, 112 jin, 140 jin, and 168 jin per mu.

However, even if it was only 168 jin per mu, it was already a grain yield per mu that people of this era could not imagine.

After all, three dan per mu (84 jin per mu of 0.69 city) was the normal average yield per mu of this era, and four dan per mu could only be grown in fertile fields or by farmers who were proficient in farming.

As for five dan per mu, even with fertile fields and farmers who were proficient in farming, it would be difficult to grow it. If someone can achieve a yield of six stone per mu, then there is nothing to say, the six stone of grain produced by this mu of land is a good omen!

And as long as you can stably and repeatedly grow six stone of grain per mu, you are the agricultural saint of this era!

As the head of the farming family, if Xu Zi is still alive at this time.

Then he will respectfully pull you and let you sit in the position of the leader of the farming family.

Then he will add a"zi" or"gong" after your surname or name to show respect, and finally lead a large group of farmers' disciples to call you"so-and-so Zi"."、""Mr. So-and-so".

If Xu Zi is dead, then other farm children will complete the above process on his behalf.

And if you spread the farming method that can stably grow grain per mu.

Then in the future, unless others don't know your name, or even if they know your name, they can't match this name with you.

So they may accidentally offend you out of ignorance.

But as long as others know that you are the great sage who can make all the land in the world grow six stones of grain stably, and you have told this method to everyone in the world.

Then in this era, you will definitely You will not encounter any danger.

In other words, even if you encounter any danger, as long as the people who know your name and recognize your value are not completely dead, you will not be in real danger!

At least the children of farmers and Mohists, after knowing your existence and confirming that you can really grow six stones of grain per mu repeatedly, will immediately get close to you and protect you silently.

And when you are in danger, they will risk their lives to protect you!

If the people who protect you are dead at this time, and as long as you are not killed on the spot, but are only imprisoned.

Then use In less than a day, a large group of righteous men and chivalrous men from all over the world will come to rescue you upon hearing the news.

Or the jailer who is holding you will release you secretly when his superiors are not paying attention.

In addition to the farmers' sons, the Mohists' sons, and the chivalrous men and righteous men from all over the world.

When other schools of thought hear the news of your arrest, they will also do their best to mobilize their disciples to help you when you are in trouble.

After all, even if other schools of thought do not agree with what you say, they themselves will also eat the wheat rice grown by you, the farmer's son.

And the schools of thought also know better. , how important is a person who can feed everyone in the world to this world!

This is the significance of increasing the grain yield per mu from the current three stones per mu to six stones per mu!

Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farmers are now studying the more advanced farming research method proposed by Prince Fusu.

They see the hope of increasing the current average grain yield of three stones per mu to an average of four stones per mu, five stones per mu, or even six stones per mu!

If they could fly, at this moment they really wanted to fly directly to Xianyang City and hug the First Emperor's thigh so that the First Emperor could allocate money, food, people, and land.......

In a word, just like the prince Fusu on the sky, support their farmers, let them also set up six departments , each group and team, and then each do their job and each do their duty to study how to increase food production!: ꧁༺Đế༒Vũ༻꧂

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