Li Si, who was standing by, heard Wang Jian's sigh and shook his head slightly.

"This is not just about farming. Farming is just one of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture."

"The research scope of the farmers on the sky is much broader than we thought!"

Although he had never dealt with the disciples of the farmers before, he still knew a thing or two about what the disciples of the farmers were generally researching. In the past, farmers generally studied two or three aspects, such as how to increase the grain output of the fields and how to avoid various disasters during farming.

However, the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture established by Prince Fusu not only have a farming department that specializes in studying how to increase the grain output of the fields and avoid various disasters during farming.

There is also a forestry department that specializes in studying and optimizing the specific planting methods of various fruit trees! The animal husbandry department specializes in studying and optimizing the breeding methods of various poultry and livestock!

The river department specializes in studying and optimizing the specific breeding methods of various fish, shrimps, crabs and other aquatic products in rivers and lakes!

Specializes in studying and optimizing the current weaving methods of silk and linen to improve silk , the current weaving efficiency of linen, and looking for other clothes that can be made like silk and linen - the Textile Department!

And the Herb Department, which specializes in studying other food that can be promoted for large-scale planting and consumption in addition to the current five ancient and five vegetables!

The breadth of the scope and the number of studies involved can be said to be beyond his imagination!

No, it should be said that it is beyond everyone's imagination!

At least before Prince Fusu proposed it, most people in this era only focused on land and fields. But now Prince Fusu has further broadened their horizons, allowing them to focus not only on land and fields, but also on forests, fruit trees, livestock, aquatic products, and other textiles. In the future, in addition to continuing to study farming, they can also try large-scale research on forests, fruits, and crops.

Trees, animal husbandry, aquatic products and river fish, etc.

As long as they can gain a little from it, it will be a huge progress for themselves, and even for this country and this era.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that this era is a blank field in terms of how to plant and cultivate forests, fruit trees, animal husbandry, aquatic products and river fish on a large scale and in a systematic manner.

At the same time, Li Si also believed that Prince Fusu on the sky curtain was definitely an outstanding Legalist seedling!

Because generally only the disciples of the Legalists will require the arrangements of any things to be well-organized, clear, specific and perfect.

Even for some disciples of the Legalists, they can't wait to make detailed arrangements for you, even how many mouthfuls of food you eat in a meal, how much spacing there is between each step of your walking, etc.

In short, for For the disciples of the Legalists, they hate any affairs with unclear regulations and unclear requirements.

On the other hand, the Legalists like all affairs with clear regulations and clear requirements.

The detailed division of duties and responsibilities of each group and team of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, as well as the clear requirements for behavior.

In Li Si's view, it is very much in the style of the disciples of the Legalists, and is very popular with the disciples of the Legalists such as Li Si.

In addition, the comparative farming method proposed by Prince Fusu also gave Li Si some reference and inspiration.

Since the cultivation of fields can be seen through the comparative farming method, can the implementation of laws also be seen through this comparative method?

For example, before preparing to implement some new laws and systems, select a county to implement them separately.

Then see which county has implemented certain laws and systems separately, and compare it with other counties that have not implemented the laws. Which one of the two runs better in the end.

If some counties that have implemented the new laws run better, then these new laws can be further promoted throughout the country.

If some counties that have implemented the new law have not achieved the expected goals, we can further study and summarize the reasons.

On the one hand, we can learn from the experience and lessons, and on the other hand, we can minimize the impact of the unfavorable implementation of the new law.

"Perhaps, when we change the military merit system later, we can try this."

Li Si lowered his head slightly and thought.

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng, who was standing in the front, saw the division of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. Then he turned around and looked at the grain official next to him and said:

""Zhi Su Nei Shi!"

Hearing the Emperor's call, Zhi Su Nei Shi quickly responded:

"I am here!"

Emperor Qin Ying Zheng nodded slightly and ordered:

"After the Tianmian, a new department was set up under the Ministry of Grain, called the Ministry of Agriculture.’!"

"Under the Ministry of Agriculture, six departments, groups and teams are set up in imitation of the sky curtain, and various materials such as money, food, manpower, etc. are allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture to prepare for research by each department and group."

As the first emperor, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng naturally saw the importance of the six departments and teams of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Although now, and even for a long time in the future, the six departments and teams of the Ministry of Agriculture may not have any output.

However, once the six departments and teams of the Ministry of Agriculture have some output, it will benefit the people of the world.

And if the people of the world, including the original six countries, are blessed by his Qin State and Qin Emperor Ying Zheng.

Then, can the hearts of the people of the world not be held in his hands?

Even if the remnants of the six countries rebel in the future, will the people of the six countries still be willing to continue to follow the remnants of the six countries to rebel?

Of course they are unwilling!

After all, the people of the six countries used to follow the six countries and starve for three days. Meals.

If the people of the six countries now follow the Qin State and follow Emperor Qin Ying Zheng, and eat three meals a day.

Then even if the leaders of the six countries choose with their feet, they will know who to choose.

And even if there is no other gain from setting up the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture, at least it can help the Qin State verify whether the"Zhuanxu Calendar" they are currently using is the correct calendar.

In case the"Zhuanxu Calendar" that the Qin State has been using is not the correct calendar, then the trouble will be big.

So whether it is to find other ways to increase the grain production of the people of the world, or to verify whether the"Zhuanxu Calendar" currently used by the Qin State is wrong.

The establishment of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture can be said to be very necessary.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhisu Neishi nodded in agreement, then asked hesitantly:

"Are the official positions related to the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture directly assigned to the children of farmers after they enter Qin?"

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded and said affirmatively:

"Of course!"

Let professionals be responsible for professional things. Qin Emperor Ying Zheng knew this.

When this was said, a group of Confucian doctors such as Chunyu Yue and even other doctors of other schools of thought showed envy and jealousy.

They had been in Qin for so long, and Qin Emperor Ying Zheng only gave them a nominal position of doctor.

·· ····Request flowers· ·····

It can be said that Emperor Qin Shi Huang did not give them any real positions of power in the court.

Now that the Nong family has not yet entered Qin, Emperor Qin Shi Huang has already prepared a powerful department for the Nong family that is only below the Nine Ministers.

This differential treatment made all of his doctors from hundreds of schools feel sad and aggrieved.

The Internal History of Grain, who received an affirmative reply from the First Emperor, had no doubts. After all, the framework of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture had already been given by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain.

Similarly, he did not have to worry about the officials related to the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture. He was responsible for preparing the relevant money, food, manpower and other materials.

Then, after the children of the Nong family entered Qin, he would directly stuff all the children of the Nong family into the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Such things were still very simple for him.

And the common people from all over the world, after seeing the groups and teams of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture divided by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, opened their mouths in shock.

They have also been farming for a lifetime, and it can even be said that they have been farming for generations.


But they had never thought that there could be such a way of farming. While they did not quite understand it, they could clearly feel that the farming method on the sky was very powerful.

To describe it in one word, it was"unclear but powerful"!

Although they did not quite understand it, it was precisely because of this incomprehension that it perfectly matched their imagination of the farming methods of the nobles, or the farming methods of the legendary disciples who were good at farming.

After all, if the farming methods of the nobles and the disciples of the farmers were the same as the farming methods of the common people, would they still be called nobles or children of farmers?

So the common people from all over the world exclaimed:

"Wow, he is indeed worthy of being the Crown Prince Fusu. This farming method is extraordinary!"

"It turns out that this is how the legendary farmers' sons farm. No wonder they are said to be good at farming!"

"Wow, they not only study farming in the fields, but also how to plant fruit trees, how to raise livestock, how to capture and farm aquatic products and so on. The scope of these farmers' research is really wide!"

"Hey, does any of you know any farmer’s kid?"

"I want to join a farming family and learn how to farm and raise livestock from the farmers’ children!"

"I also think that this farmer’s research sounds really amazing. It would be great if I could join them!"...

Even the scholars who were originally studying the theories of other schools of thought had the idea of abandoning Confucianism, Legalism, Taoism, Yin-Yang and other theories and joining the Nong family.

After all, the six divisions of the Nong family's Ministry of Agriculture sound very high-end.

If they could join one of the groups and be responsible for studying a specific thing, maybe one day they would be famous all over the world.

The resulting changes were that Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other Nong family children who were heading to Xianyang later accidentally exposed their identities as Nong family disciples on the road, and immediately attracted many people or scholars to join.

After figuring out the reasons why these people and scholars chose to join their Nong family, Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other Nong family children once again sighed in their hearts about the influence of Prince Fusu, and thanked Prince Fusu for supporting their Nong family.

: ꧁༺Đế༒Vũ༻꧂

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