Chen Xiang, Chen Xin and other farm boys who had packed their luggage and were heading towards Xianyang while looking at the sky were also stunned.

"Hiss, the group of disciples from the farming family that I had at my peak can’t even fill the gap in the number of disciples from the farming family needed by each group and team of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture?"

Chen Xiang stroked his beard and said in astonishment.

You should know that at the peak, there were nearly three hundred disciples of the Farmer's Family.

Don't think that this number is small, these nearly three hundred people are all people who know how to read and write.

Just by knowing how to"read and write", these nearly three hundred disciples of the Farmer's Family can be called talents in this era.

Even if we only talk about the field of farming, these nearly three hundred disciples of the Farmer's Family are still high-end talents in this field!

After all, in this era, although there are philosophers who spread knowledge and culture to the people, the real knowledge and cultural subjects of this era are still in the hands of the nobles.

In addition to the nobles, the people who have the opportunity, conditions, and ability to"read and write" can be said to be rare.

And there are nearly three hundred such rare talents in the Farmer's Family!

To put it bluntly, just relying on these nearly three hundred disciples, the Farmer's Family can find a A small vassal state.

Then all the original officials of this small vassal state were cleared out, and then replaced with nearly 300 disciples of the Nong family, and finally this small vassal state was successfully operated.

This is what the Nong family, which has nearly 300 disciples, can do. With such a number of disciples, even among the hundreds of schools of thought, only a few of them, such as Confucianism, Legalism, Mohism, and Taoism, can clearly exceed the Nong family.

The number of disciples of the other schools of thought is far less than that of the Nong family. At the peak, there were only dozens of people.

There are even some disciples of the hundreds of schools of thought that are passed down from generation to generation!

However, even with so many disciples, the Nong family can only fill two or three of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture at most, and the rest may not be filled.

And the Nong family at its peak in the past was still like this. Now there are only more than ten big cats and three or five kittens left. Isn’t it far from filling the Agricultural Department?

"Brother, before we go to Xianyang, we have to gather all the other farm boys together."

"Otherwise, if we go to Xianyang like this, I'm afraid that our Nong family will be laughed at!"

Chen Xin looked at his elder brother with a serious expression and said.

In the past, when Xu Zi was there, the Nong family had hundreds of disciples.

However, with the death of Xu Zi, and the purpose of the Nong family is to teach the people of the world how to farm better.

Therefore, the two or three hundred Nong family disciples in the past, like a ball of fire when gathered together and stars in the sky, scattered all over the world, teaching the people of all directions how to farm more productively.

So now, around Chen Xiang and Chen Xin, there are only a dozen young and middle-aged Nong family disciples who can go out to teach, and three or five young Nong family disciples who are learning the words of the Nong family.

If they go to Xianyang like this, I'm afraid that even if the First Emperor builds the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture for them, their Nong family will not be able to support such a big scene!

"You are right. How many of our former farming brothers can we still contact?"

Chen Xiang also nodded.

It is indeed too shabby for them to go to Xianyang with only a dozen or twenty farming disciples.

Not to mention two or three hundred farming disciples, but at least a hundred people are needed to support the most important agricultural department among the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture.

"There are probably dozens of people. If they have been recruiting disciples in recent years, then they should be able to gather more than a hundred people."

Chen Xin thought for a moment and then replied.

"Okay, let's go find them first, and then go to Xianyang!"

Chen Xiang nodded decisively, and then all the disciples of the Farmers' Family immediately changed direction and rushed towards the direction of the nearest Farmers' Brothers.

【As the division of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture was completed, Prince Fusu's attention once again fell on the Minister of Works Xiang Liji.】

【The Minister of Works Xiang Liji immediately bowed respectfully to the Crown Prince Fusu and said,"Your Highness, please divide the various departments of the Ministry of Works into different departments."】

【With the previous reminders from the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenue, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Xiang Liji naturally knew that his Ministry of Works needed to be further divided into lower-level departments.】

【In addition, Xiang Liji himself actually had a general idea of which subordinate departments the Ministry of Industry should be divided into.】

【After all, even if Xiang Liji himself couldn't figure it out, he had worked in other nine departments before, and knew how other nine departments divided and arranged their Mohist disciples.】

【Therefore, he directly divided the Mohist disciples according to the previous divisions of the other nine ministries, and then applied them to the Ministry of Industry, and finally divided them into several subordinate departments of the Ministry of Industry. There was no problem.】

【But after seeing how Prince Fusu divided the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Agriculture, Xiang Liji thought that he should just throw aside the subordinate departments he had in mind and stick to Prince Fusu's thighs.】

【It is obvious that Prince Fusu's division is many times better than what he thought.】

【So instead of wasting time and energy thinking about how to divide the various departments under the Ministry of Works, it would be better to let Prince Fusu divide the various departments for him.】

【In this way, he can save some time and energy to think about other mechanical problems.】

【Facing the"frank words" of the Minister of Industry Xiang Liji, Prince Fusu was not annoyed. After all,���Before that, he had indeed carefully thought about how the various departments under the six ministries of the crown prince should be divided.】

【Therefore, Prince Fusu directly divided it up:"Under the Ministry of Works, there are also six departments."】

【"First, the Smelting Department"】

【"The department is mainly responsible for all metal smelting matters. In the future, all metal tools needed by the six departments will be supervised by the smelting department."】

【"The second one is called the Farming Equipment Department"】

【"The department is mainly responsible for studying how to optimize the various farming tools currently used by the people."】

【"In this regard, the relevant researchers of the department can communicate more with the relevant researchers of the Ministry of Agriculture and listen to their feedback on the farming tools currently used."】

【"See what aspects they hope the current farming tools can be improved in, and then the relevant researchers of the Farming Equipment Department will find ways to meet their needs."】

【"The third one is called the Irrigation Equipment Department"】

【"Farming on land and fields is inseparable from water, but not all land and fields are close to water sources."】

【"If the field is close to a water source, it is better. You can directly dig a short distance canal to divert water for irrigation."】

【"However, if the land is far from the water source, it will take a lot of manpower to dig long-distance canals or carry buckets of water to irrigate the land."】

【"The task of the Irrigation Equipment Department is to research various irrigation equipment that can save manpower and material resources and be used in Guizhou.���Irrigation of land and fields, and irrigation equipment that is convenient for the people's land and fields"】

【"To put it bluntly, it is to study how to divert water, including but not limited to how to divert water from far away, how to divert water from low places to high places, how to divert water from underground to above ground, etc."】

【"Compared with the wide variety of farming tools, the current irrigation tools are only known to be the lever (a water-drawing machine that uses the principle of leverage) and the windlass (a tool for drawing water from a well)."】

【"The responsibilities and tasks of the Irrigation Equipment Department are extremely important!"】

【"In this regard, Xiang Liqing needs to pay more attention."】

【Xiang Liji immediately bowed again and said solemnly:"We will work hard to research more irrigation tools!"】

【Prince Fusu nodded and continued,"The fourth is the Shipbuilding Department."】

【"There are hundreds of animals in the mountains and forests, and fish and turtles in the rivers."】

【"However, compared to the animals that we have hunted generation after generation, the fish and turtles in the rivers have rarely been caught by us throughout the ages."】

【"Is it because there are few fish and turtles in the rivers?"】

【"I don't think so. For thousands of years, the fish and turtles in the rivers have been undisturbed by humans, multiplying and thriving generation after generation. Today, their number is probably too numerous to count."】

【"It's just that people are not good at swimming, and there are few good fishermen, so there are few fish caught."】

【"The responsibility of the Shipbuilding Department is to study how to build ships."】

【"Build the most stable ship!"】

【"Build a big boat that can catch the most fish and turtles!"】

【"Build a big ship that can catch all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and reservoirs in the world!"】

【"If one day he has caught all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and reservoirs, he will continue to catch fish and turtles in the East China Sea!"】

【"I've heard that the East China Sea is vast and boundless, so the number of fish and turtles in it must be countless as well!"】

【"If we catch all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and seas, I wonder if the people of our Great Qin will be able to eat meat!"】

【As soon as these words came out, Gang Chengjun Cai Ze, Zhang Han, Xu Zi, Xiang Liji, Meng Yi, and Zhang Cang all took a deep breath.】

【They never expected that Crown Prince Fusu had such huge ambitions!】

【Is it really possible to catch all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and seas of the world?】

【But when they thought of Prince Fusu's last words,"Let everyone in the Qin Dynasty eat meat," they felt that no matter whether they could do it in the end, they had to at least give it a try.】

【After all, what Prince Fusu said makes sense. For thousands of years, no one has disturbed the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and seas.】

【Nowadays, there must be countless fish and turtles in rivers, lakes and seas, but it is difficult for ordinary people to catch them.】

【If they could really build such a large ship, they might be able to catch all the huge amounts of fish and turtles accumulated over thousands of years.】

【By then, maybe everyone in the world will be able to eat meat!】

【Even if it was just fish, in this era when people all over the world could not even get enough food, it was an unprecedented achievement, and no one knew if there would be anyone who could surpass it in the future.】

【At this moment, under the words of Crown Prince Fusu, the six ministers all cast their eyes on the rivers, lakes and seas that had not been truly visited by people in this era, and set their sights on the fish, turtles and other river and lake seafood that had been thriving and multiplying for thousands of years.】

【The Minister of Works Xiang Liji even swore:"I and the sons of the Ministry of Works swear to build a big boat for Your Highness to catch all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and seas of the world!"】

【Although the Mohists were good at inventing machinery, their main idea was actually the same as that of the agriculturalists, which was to love the people.】

【So after hearing Prince Fusu say that he wanted to build a big ship to catch all the fish and turtles in the rivers, lakes and seas in the world, so that all the people in the world could eat meat,】

【Xiang Liji wanted to go back immediately and lead a group of Mohist disciples to build the big ship that Prince Fusu wanted.】

【Hearing Xiang Liji's decisive voice, Prince Fusu also said in a gentle voice:"Just do your best. In addition to shipbuilding, I have many other things to benefit the people.、**The tools you need to make for me"】

【"There are also many projects to be built, which require you to research and complete them for me, the Qin State, and the people of the world."】

【"For example, the Fifth Department of the Ministry of Industry is called the Engineering Department."】

【"The department is mainly responsible for researching the construction of houses, cities, bridges, water conservancy facilities, etc."】

【"The houses that the people now live in are too simple and fragile, with no protection against the cold in winter and no insulation in summer."】

【"Therefore, the Ministry of Industry needs to allocate some personnel to study how to use various low-cost materials while making the houses of the people more solid, cold-proof, heat-insulated, etc."】

【"Only when the houses are built solidly, cold-proof and heat-insulated, can the people of Qian live more comfortably. Only then will they truly have a home of their own and have a stronger sense of belonging to the Qin State!"】

【"The city involves the security of a town or even a country."】

【"Therefore, how to further build the city more solid and reliable is also the top priority of the Ministry of Industry."】

【"In addition, bridges are related to the convenience of people's travel."】

【"If there were no bridge, the people on both sides of the river would have to take a ferry or take a long detour to get to the other side, which would be extremely inconvenient for the people to travel."】

【"If the people are separated by two mountains, they don’t even have the chance to take the ferry. They can only choose to go around the long mountain road to reach the destination on the other side."】

【"Therefore, in terms of bridge construction, the Ministry of Industry also needs to allocate some manpower to study how to build bridges between large rivers and how to build bridges between mountains and valleys."】

【Hearing this, Xiang Liji couldn't help but interrupt and said,"Your Highness, it's no problem to build bridges between big rivers, but how can we build bridges between mountains and valleys?"】

【After all, even if it is a big river, at least you can still build bridge piers underneath.】

【But the mountains and valleys are thousands of feet deep. How can we build a bridge?】

【Even if we want to build bridge piers, we can't build piers that are thousands of feet high!】

【However, upon hearing Xiangli Ji's words, Prince Fusu asked back,"Has Lord Xiangli never encountered a river that was impossible to build a bridge over?"】

【Xiang Liji nodded and said,"Of course I have encountered"】

【Prince Fusu further asked:"Has the bridge been successfully built across such a river?"】

【Xiang Liji nodded proudly and said,"Of course it was a success!"】

【The amazing skills of the Mohists are not just boasting, they are real skills.】

【"Since bridges can be successfully built across rivers where piers are not possible, why can't bridges be built between mountains and valleys?"】

【"If the water is removed from those rivers that cannot be bridged, wouldn’t the situation be the same as the situation between the mountains and valleys?"】

【Prince Fusu looked at Xiangli Jidao with a strange look on his face.】

【Xiang Liji wanted to say that this was different, but if you think about it carefully, those rivers that cannot be bridged would be】

【So in essence, it's the same as building a bridge between mountains and valleys.】

【Since it is possible to successfully build bridges across rivers where piers cannot be built, why can't we build bridges between mountains and valleys?】

【Hiss, could it be that all of them, the Mohists, had their knowledge and views become obstructed in the past?】

【After thinking carefully, Xiang Liji felt that it was feasible, so he looked up at Prince Fusu and said,"According to your Highness, building a bridge between the mountains and valleys should be feasible."】

【"However, we Mohists still need to study and discuss the specific matters carefully."】

【Prince Fusu nodded and said,"It's okay, this is one of the things the Engineering Department needs to study."】

【"In addition to building bridges, there are also various water conservancy facilities to be built, which is also something that the Engineering Department needs to study."】

【Hearing this, Xiang Liji said a little embarrassedly:"Your Highness, we Mohists may not be very good at water conservancy."】

【This is true. After all, the main research of the Mohists was on mechanical inventions and creations. Water conservancy construction was not within the scope of their research.】.

This is my mother: Naruto789

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