【When Prince Fusu heard Xiangliji's words, he was stunned.】

【He had not yet started to study the Mohist school, so he did not know that water conservancy construction was not part of the Mohist school's research field.】

【When he heard his father introducing the Mohist school, he said that any equipment, construction and other matters could be completed by the Mohist disciples.】

【Therefore, when he divided the responsibilities of the Engineering Department of the Ministry of Industry, he also included the water conservancy construction into the Engineering Department of the Ministry of Industry.】

【"So among the hundreds of schools of thought, which one is more proficient in water conservancy construction?"】

【Prince Fusu looked at the six ministers in front of him and asked】.

【However, in response to the inquiry of Crown Prince Fusu, Gangcheng Lord Cai Ze shook his head and replied:"Among the hundreds of schools of thought, there is no school that truly studies how to control floods."】

【"However, there are still some people who are good at controlling floods."】

【"For example, Li Bing, the former governor of Shu, was an expert in water control."】

【"The Dujiangyan Irrigation System he built made Shu a major granary for the Qin State."】

【"Although he has passed away, his descendants, influenced by Li Taishou, should be well versed in flood control."】

【"There was also an imperial censor in the court named Lu, who was also said to be good at flood control."】

【"If Your Highness is interested in how to control the flood, you can directly ask Yushi Lu to come over later."】

【"Or I can write a letter to Shu County and ask the governor to send three or five Li family members who are good at flood control."】

【Since he has become the teacher of Prince Fusu, Cai Ze will naturally take responsibility.】

【Therefore, Cai Ze basically memorized all the information about the ministers inside and outside the court.】

【So when he heard Prince Fusu ask which family was better at making water, Cai Ze immediately gave two examples:】

【Then, Cai Ze paused and added:"There is also Zheng Guo, who is now in charge of digging the Guanzhong Canal. He is also quite good at water control."】

【"If you think about it carefully, the Guanzhong Canal will soon be completed."】

【Speaking of Zheng State, Gangcheng Jun Cai Ze's face also flashed a complicated expression.】

【Ten years ago, in order to prevent Qin from going east to destroy the vassal states, Han sent Zheng Guo as an envoy to Qin to lobby King Ying Zheng of Qin, advocating that canals could be dug to irrigate the fields, in an attempt to weaken Qin's national strength and make it unable to conquer.】

【At first, the Qin State was unaware of the hidden"evil intention" behind this advice, so King Ying Zheng of Qin adopted Zheng Guo's suggestion and ordered him to dig a canal to divert the Jing River.】

【Later, Qin realized that this was a conspiracy by Han and wanted to kill Zheng.】

【Seeing this, Zheng Guo also confessed:"At first, I was a spy, but it turned out to be beneficial to Qin."】

【He also said that building this canal would only"extend Han's life for a few years", but would"build a great achievement for Qin for eternity"."】

【In the end, under Zheng Guo's words, King Ying Zheng of Qin still let him continue to be responsible for the major project of digging the Guanzhong Canal.】

【In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. Although the Guanzhong Canal has not been completely completed, it has been basically completed.】

【The canal is more than 300 miles long and irrigates more than 40,000 hectares of land, increasing the yield per mu by one cubic meter.】

【It can be said that the originally arid Guanzhong was instantly transformed into a fertile field that was no less than that of Shu after the construction of this canal.】

【The effect of the Guanzhong Canal is much more than that of Zheng Guo's lobbying in Qin.】

【Such a great achievement, if placed in the Qin State, is basically equivalent to guaranteeing a position as one of the Nine Ministers.】

【But, Zheng State is a spy!】

【When the Guanzhong Canal was completed, how to deal with Zheng State would become a big problem for the Qin State.】

【Prince Fusu, who was standing by, also noticed the complicated look on Cai Ze's face and asked,"Why does Master Cai look like this?"】

【"But what was wrong with Zheng State?"】

【When Cai Ze heard Prince Fusu's question, he looked at the people present. Basically, anyone who could serve as the six ministers of the Crown Prince was also branded by Prince Fusu.】

【Therefore, Cai Ze did not hide anything and directly told the whole story of Zheng State.】

【After hearing what Cai Ze said, Prince Fusu immediately realized the importance of the Guanzhong Canal to the Qin State and asked in surprise,"Spider?"】

【"Where is the gap?"】

【"I have never seen such a space!"】

【"Zheng Guo is a great contributor to our Qin State!"】

【"The ones who spoke of this must be the bad guys from the six countries who are united in causing chaos in the Qin State!"】

【"Even if we take a step back and say that Zheng was a spy, does that mean that Qin is not at fault?"】

【"If the Qin State had conquered the Han State earlier and allowed the Zheng State to be annexed by the Qin State sooner, would the Zheng State still need to be a spy?"】

【"If great sages like Zheng are all spies, then among the six countries, as many spies as there are in Zheng, I will take as many as they are!"】

【"Judging from actions, not hearts, no one is perfect in the world!"】

【"No matter what Zheng Guo's original intention was, the Guanzhong Canal he dug really benefited the millions of people in Guanzhong of Qin State, so he did make a contribution!"】

【"In the Qin State, those who make mistakes must be punished, but those who make contributions must also be rewarded!"】

【At the end, Prince Fusu directly expressed his admiration for Zheng State.】

【In the eyes of Prince Fusu, a great talent like Zheng Guo, who was able to turn the arid area of Guanzhong into fertile fields, was actually still entangled in whether it was a spy at the beginning. He was simply mentally ill.】

【Such a great talent should be given a position of one of the Nine Ministers, or a position comparable to one of the Nine Ministers should be created specifically for him, and he should be responsible for water conservancy construction in various parts of Qin.】

【After all, the Dujiangyan Irrigation System turned Shu into a granary, and the Guanzhong Canal turned Guanzhong into fertile fields.】

【If there were a few more such dams or canals, would the people of Qin still have to worry about not having enough food?】

【Therefore, a great talent like Zheng Guo, let alone not really harming the Qin State.】

【Even if Zheng Guo really harmed Qin, as long as the damage he caused to Qin was not greater than the Guanzhong Canal he dug, and was not greater than the value of more similar Guanzhong Canals he might dig in the future,】

【So considering the value Zheng has created now and the huge value it can create in the future, Qin has to hold its nose and treat it as if nothing happened.】

【After all, the number of people who are truly good at flood control seems to be even smaller than the number of disciples of the various schools of thought.】

【If we encounter a talented person like Zheng Guo who truly knows how to control floods, and we don't quickly recruit him and make good use of him, it would be a heartbreaking waste of talent!】

【The six ministers present were all stunned when they heard what Prince Fusu said.】

【They also didn't expect that Prince Fusu's attitude towards Zheng would be so clear and friendly, and they didn't expect that Prince Fusu's mind would be so broad.】

【But it must be said that Prince Fusu's attitude and mind really impressed them.】

【After all, Prince Fusu was able to affirm the achievements of a person who was originally a spy, and believed that he should be treated accordingly.】

【So, as people who are loyal to Crown Prince Fusu, are they still worried that they will not be recognized and treated well by Crown Prince Fusu after they have made achievements?】

【As subjects, they naturally want to work under a broad-minded monarch.】

【And Crown Prince Fusu is obviously such a young monarch!】

【Cai Ze silently repeated twice what Prince Fusu had just said."¨」 Judging from deeds, not hearts, there is no perfect person in the world." Then, he looked up at Prince Fusu and said with a smile:"With your words, Zheng State is safe."】

【After all, the Qin people had a complicated attitude towards Zheng. They wanted to treat Zheng well, but he was originally a spy, so it seemed a bit unreasonable to treat him well.】

【But if we don't treat Zheng well, the Guanzhong Canal and the fertile fields are all there for us to see. If we don't treat him well, it seems a bit unreasonable.】

【However, what Prince Fusu said now,"Judging by deeds, not by heart, no one in the world is perfect", can give the Qin people a way out.】

【Besides, even if there was no such sentence, according to how much Prince Fusu valued Zheng State and how much he was loved by the prince himself】

【If Prince Fusu himself asked to save Zheng, then King Ying Zheng of Qin would most likely agree.】

【After all, if Zheng Guo really wanted to say���The Qin State also had more merits than faults.】

【By then, even if Zheng Guo could not become one of the Nine Ministers of Qin, he would still have a position in the six ministries of Crown Prince Fusu!】

【Even if Crown Prince Fusu directly set up another ministry specifically for Zheng State in addition to the current six ministries, Cai Ze thought it was very likely.】

【After all, Zheng Guo was indeed a great talent in water control.】

【After remembering Zheng Guo, Prince Fusu also looked at Xiang Liji and continued the previous topic:"Since the Mohists are not good at flood control, let's put this research on hold for the time being."】

【"However, the Mohist disciples of the Engineering Department can also further study what tools can be used to make digging channels and reservoirs more labor-saving and convenient."】

【"There are also issues such as how to make the excavated reservoirs better store water and prevent water leakage, which are also studied in depth."】

【Xiang Liji nodded and replied,"Yes, Your Highness!"】

【The Mohists were not good at water conservancy construction, but if we go back to the digging tools and how to make the excavated reservoirs more water-storing and leak-proof,】

【Then this is not only a return to their comfort zone, but also a return to their ruling area! 】.

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