Listening to the words of Prince Fusu on the sky curtain,"Let's take a step back and say, even if Zheng is a spy, does that mean that our Qin is not wrong?", Qin Emperor Ying Zheng couldn't help but twitch his mouth slightly.

This rebellious son, what nonsense is he talking about!

What could be wrong with their Qin?

He even said that if they, Qin, had conquered Han early, then Zheng would not have to be a spy.

Is Han so easy to attack?

What's more, when Zheng Guo went to Qin to lobby, he had just ascended the throne.

Even if he wanted to attack Han, he didn't really have the final say in Qin at that time.

However, thinking of Zheng Guo, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng couldn't help but sigh:

"Zheng Guo......"

As Cai Ze said, the attitude of the Qin State towards Zheng Guo was also very complicated.

On the one hand, Zheng Guo was initially a spy, and wanted to use the excavation of the Guanzhong Canal to exhaust Qin, and his heart was worthy of death!

So after knowing the"evil intention" contained in Zheng Guo's lobbying for the excavation of the Guanzhong Canal, many civil officials and generals in Qin proposed to kill Zheng Guo.

Even he himself wanted to kill Zheng Guo first, and then use this as an excuse to attack South Korea.

But on the other hand, under Zheng Guo's frank words. In the end, he still chose to believe Zheng Guo and continue to let him be responsible for the excavation of the Guanzhong Canal despite the opposition of the civil and military officials.

And the facts proved that his choice was right.

Repairing the Guanzhong Canal did extend the life of South Korea for several years, but it also made a real contribution to the Qin State.

The completion of the Guanzhong Canal turned the arid plains of Guanzhong into thousands of miles of fertile fields, and also directly increased the grain production of Qin.

Since then, the Guanzhong Canal and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System have echoed each other from north to south, like two wings spread out, leaving the remaining six countries under the shadow of Qin's unification.


In a sense, with the completion of the Guanzhong Canal, the Qin State's destruction of the six countries has also come to a natural and ripe moment.

From this perspective, the Guanzhong Canal dug by Zheng State played an indispensable role in Qin's unification of the six countries!

If Zheng Guochu was not a spy, then with the merits of Zheng Guochu's digging of the Guanzhong Canal, he would at least give Zheng Guo a position of Jiuqing.

But unfortunately, the fact that Zheng Guochu was a spy was a stain that was difficult to get around for the monarchs and ministers of Qin at that time.

So after the Guanzhong Canal was completely completed, the monarchs and ministers of Qin discussed it.

In the end, they decided not to pursue Zheng Guochu's original intention to use the digging of the Guanzhong Canal to exhaust Qin.

But there was no high official position or generous salary for Zheng Guo, so it was barely offset.

However, the Guanzhong Canal, which was dug by Zheng Guo, was finally named"Zhengguo Canal" by the Qin people.

This can be regarded as the last"name" for Zheng Guo, and his achievements in digging the Guanzhong Canal were not completely erased.

However, since then, Qin has not reused Zheng Guo, but chose to let Zheng Guo go free directly.

There are three main reasons for such a decision:

First, Zheng Guo, as mentioned above, has made contributions to Qin, and killing him will inevitably chill people's hearts.

Second, after spending ten years to dig the Guanzhong Canal, Qin will not organize large-scale water conservancy projects such as digging the Guanzhong Canal for a long time in the future.

Therefore, even if Zheng Guo is forced to stay in Qin, there is no other use for Qin except for having one more mouth to eat dry rice.

Third, Qin also wants to see if Zheng Guo, a great water conservancy expert, will be reused after returning to South Korea or going to the other five countries.

After all, the Guanzhong Canal that Zheng Guo was responsible for digging actually turned Guanzhong into another major granary outside of Qin Shu, which directly enhanced the national strength of Qin.

If South Korea, or the other five princes, were also jealous of Qin's Guanzhong Canal, and then let Zheng Guo be responsible for a large project like Guanzhong Canal again.

Then, they Qin could come up with a reverse"Qin Exhaustion Plan" to let the other six countries spend most of their energy on large projects like Guanzhong Canal.

Then, they Qin could take the opportunity to attack it!

After all, they Qin would not be stupid enough to give the other six countries ten years of development time. But what disappointed the monarchs and ministers of Qin was that after they released Zheng Guo, a great talent for water control, they returned to their country.

South Korea did not reuse Zheng Guo, but treated him coldly, and did not let Zheng Guo be responsible for any large-scale water conservancy projects.

At the same time, the other five countries did not invite Zheng Guo to serve their countries.

So far, Qin's reverse"Qin Exhaustion Plan" has failed!

However, the Qin State did not care about this. After all, this was just a calculation made by the Qin State.

If it succeeds, it will be the best.

If it fails, it will not be a loss for the Qin State.

After that, neither Emperor Qin Ying Zheng nor the Qin State paid much attention to the news of Zheng Guo.

Today, more than ten years have passed, and it is unknown whether Zheng Guo is still alive.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng turned his head and looked at Li Si and ordered:

"After the curtain fell, an imperial decree was issued to find Zheng Guo to see if he was still alive?"

"If he is still alive, he will be summoned to Xianyang, and Qin will reuse him!"

More than ten years ago, Qin was busy destroying the six kingdoms and had no time or energy to build major projects such as Zhengguo Canal.

But now Qin has unified the world and can spare time and energy to build major projects such as Zhengguo Canal.

In addition, the scene of Qin's demise indicated by the"Fusu, the eldest son of Qin" sky curtain also made Qin Emperor Ying Zheng feel uneasy.

So now Qin Emperor Ying Zheng also wants to do more to benefit the people's livelihood construction, so as to win the hearts of the people for him and Qin.

Upon hearing this, Li Si also stood up and saluted in response:

""Yes, Your Majesty!"

After Prince Fusu on the sky curtain clearly expressed his importance to Zheng Guo, he knew that if Zheng Guo was still alive, he would definitely be reused.

And now, as expected, the First Emperor ordered to find Zheng Guo in Xianyang. Even more than ten years have passed, and it is not known whether Zheng Guo can be found.

I hope that after seeing the sky curtain, Zheng Guo can take the initiative to re-enter Xianyang, otherwise he will be looking for a needle in a haystack.

On the other hand, the former land of the old Han is now Yingchuan County and Xinzheng County of Qin. Zheng Guo, who is over fifty years old and has gray hair, looked at Prince Fusu on the sky curtain and said,"Judging from deeds, not from the heart, there is no perfect person in the world if you judge by the heart", and that he is one of the great contributors to Qin When he thought about this, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

The only thing he was truly proud of in his life was that he was responsible for the construction of the Guanzhong Canal in the Qin State.

But unfortunately, he was a traitor to the Han State, so after the construction of the Guanzhong Canal, he was no longer valued by the Qin State.

And even if the Qin State set him free, but he returned to the Han State, the Han State still didn't like him.

Because the Guanzhong Canal he dug for the Qin State, although it did extend the national life of the Han State in disguise, caused the Qin State to temporarily postpone its attack on the Han State.

But it also further strengthened the national strength of the Qin State, making the six countries, including the Han State, more difficult to resist the Qin State's attack in the future.

So after he returned to the Han State, he was directly attacked by the Han State. The cold storage of the country.

And this cold storage lasted for more than ten years until the demise of Han.

And because of his spying in the past, he never entered Qin again.

And now Prince Fusu on the sky curtain did not blame him too much for being a spy, but strongly affirmed his achievements in building the Guanzhong Canal.

This made Zheng Guo, who had been unable to let go of the spying and the construction of the Guanzhong Canal for more than ten years, feel a little rare comfort in his heart.

Zhang Liang looked at the Guanzhong Canal that Prince Fusu and Cai Ze talked about on the sky curtain, and couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows.

In order to make Qin use this"plan to exhaust Qin", Han naturally seriously considered the feasibility of digging the Guanzhong Canal, as well as the feasibility of digging the Guanzhong Canal. After the success of the Guanzhong Canal, how much benefit can it bring to the Qin State.

After all, if even the initiator of the"Qin Exhaustion Plan" of South Korea does not believe and is not sure about the feasibility of digging the Guanzhong Canal, and the huge benefits that can be brought to the Qin State after the success of digging the Guanzhong Canal.

Then how can the Qin State, as a tiger and wolf country, believe it!

So from the beginning, there was no problem with the plan for digging the Guanzhong Canal provided by South Korea to Qin State. It was truly feasible, and after its implementation, it could indeed bring huge benefits to Qin State.

The only problem is that the plan is too large and requires almost the entire country's strength to implement it.

And the time required for the plan is���, as long as ten years, or even longer.

Fortunately, everything is as expected by South Korea. Faced with the practical plan provided by South Korea and the huge benefits brought to Qin after the excavation of the Guanzhong Canal.

Qin finally couldn't help but be moved and decided to use the whole country's strength to complete the major project of excavating the Guanzhong Canal.

So at this point, if we look at it from the original intention of"exhausting Qin".

Then this strategy is indeed successful, and it has indeed tied up Qin for ten years.

But what the kings and ministers of South Korea did not expect was that Qin could actually spend more than ten years unswervingly to complete the major project of excavating the Guanzhong Canal!

This can be said to be impossible for them in South Korea!

It is precisely because of judging others by oneself that Qin can't do what they can't do.

So South Korea doesn't mind coming up with such a plan that may greatly enhance Qin's national strength.

After all, no matter how beautiful the vision is, if it cannot be truly realized, it does not exist.

Similarly, after the canal was dug, the Guanzhong area of Qin State would have fertile fields and a large increase in grain.

However, if Qin State could not really mobilize the whole country and spend more than ten years to do this, then the so-called fertile fields and a large increase in grain in Guanzhong would be nothing more than a mirage in the end. It was precisely because of underestimating the firmness and execution ability of Qin State that the original"strategy to exhaust Qin" turned out to be a

"strategy to benefit Qin".

This drink and this bite also made Zhang Liang not know what to say.

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