【After talking about the Engineering Department, Prince Fusu finally said:】

【"The sixth department of Mohism is called Wuding Department"】

【"The main research direction of the department is not fixed. The relevant Mohist disciples can freely study according to their own interests and hobbies, or conduct special research according to the needs raised by me and other personnel in the future."】

【"In this way, if something needs to be studied by the Ministry of Industry in the future, there is no need to transfer personnel from the other five departments to avoid affecting the research progress of the other five departments."】

【"The above are the six departments that I roughly divided the Ministry of Works into. Minister Xiangli, please take a look and see if there are any mistakes or omissions that need to be corrected."】

【Xiang Liji immediately shook his head and said,"Your Highness's division of the six departments of the Ministry of Works is very complete, and I have nothing to add.-!"】

【Prince Fusu had already helped him divide the six departments of the Ministry of Works. All he had to do next was to stuff all the Mohist disciples and other craftsmen into the six departments according to their requirements.】

【This is not difficult at all, he can do it with his feet】.

【Prince Fusu nodded slightly and said,"In this case, let's divide the Ministry of Works according to what we just said."】

【"If there are other situations in the future, we will make corrections based on actual needs."】

【"The personnel responsible for the above six departments are also fully decided by Xiang Liqing."】

【"After deciding on the candidates, Xiang Liqing submitted the list to me for review."】

【"In addition, after the establishment of the six departments of the Ministry of Industry, the first thing the Ministry of Industry needs to do is to plan a plan for the construction of the"Shanglin Garden of the Prince's Six Departments" to the orphan."】

【"After I approved the plan for the construction of the Shanglin Garden for the six ministries of the crown prince, the Ministry of Works sent a request to the Ministry of Revenue, asking it to provide the Ministry of Works with the various human and material resources needed to build the Shanglin Garden for the six ministries of the crown prince."】

【"The Ministry of Revenue will provide relevant human and material resources according to the requirements of the Ministry of Works. If there are any difficulties, the Ministry of Revenue will report them to me in detail and I will make the decision."】

【"In addition, the construction of the six departments of the crown prince in Shanglin Garden was jointly undertaken by all the Mohist disciples of the six departments of the Ministry of Works."】

【"After the construction of the six departments of the Crown Prince in Shanglin Garden was completed, the six departments of the Ministry of Works would perform their respective duties according to the previous division."】

【"Do you understand?"】

【Prince Fusu's eyes swept over the Minister of Works Xiangli Ji and the Minister of Revenue Zhang Han.】

【Xiang Liji and Zhang Han also nodded and said,"Your Highness, we understand!"】

【Then, Prince Fusu looked at the other ministers and said,"If you have any special requirements for the location of your respective departments,"】

【"Then you can also report your ideas and opinions to the Ministry of Industry before that."】

【"For example, the Ministry of Agriculture, the department responsible for comparative research on farming, needs to be closer to water sources to facilitate water diversion and irrigation?"】

【"Or do we need more grassland and open space to make it easier to raise livestock?"】

【"Or do we need to build more ponds and lakes to facilitate the breeding of fish, shrimp, turtles and crabs?"】

【"It is best for all departments of the Ministry of Agriculture to consider these in advance, so as to avoid making corrections after the construction is completed."】

【"Then the Ministry of Industry will try to take these needs of the Ministry of Agriculture into consideration when planning the land before construction."】

【"The same is true for other departments. Do you understand?"】

【Xu Zi, Meng Yi, Zhang Cang and other ministers all nodded and said,"We understand!"】

【At the same time, each of them was thinking about how to build their own department better.

After listening to the division of the Ministry of Works by Prince Fusu on the sky curtain, the current Mohist Prime Minister Li Ji also stood up and said to the First Emperor:

"Your Majesty, the division of the six departments of the Ministry of Industry by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince on the sky curtain is quite desirable. I think we can use this as a reference to make a more detailed division of the Mohist school."

The Mohist school in Qin is not like other schools of thought, which only have nominal positions but no real power.

In the past, when the Mohist school entered Qin, the King of Qin actually set up a military industry department for the Mohist school to supervise the manufacture of weapons and equipment.

And the King of Qin directly sent troops to protect the military industry department where the Mohist school was located. At the same time, Mozi, a Mohist from Qin, could directly meet the King of Qin.

Such status and treatment, not to mention being comparable to the Nine Ministers, is at least equivalent to the first-class powerful officials and departments under the Nine Ministers.

It’s just that although the Mohist school is good at research, invention, and creation of military weapons and equipment, it does not mean that the Mohist school likes to manufacture military weapons and equipment very much.

You know, the Mohist school is a school that advocates"universal love and non-aggression"!

Even after Mozi's death, the Mohist school was divided into three.

But this is just the practice of the Mohist school The ways to implement ideals are divided into three, but the core idea of Mohism,"universal love and non-aggression", is not divided into three.

It's just that Qin Mo is very pragmatic and realizes that only when one of the vassal states completely unifies the world can the suffering of the people be ended, and the war in the world be ended.

That's why he worked hard to research, invent, and create various military weapons and equipment for the Qin State, with the aim of speeding up the pace of Qin's unification of the world.

Now that the Qin State has swept the six countries and unified the world, the motivation of the Mohists to continue to research, invent, and create new military weapons and equipment has weakened to be honest.

Compared with continuing to research, invent, and create some military weapons and equipment, the current Mohist disciples would rather return to the previous right path of Mohism and turn to research, invent, and create some tools that are beneficial to the people's livelihood for the people.

·· ········Request flowers···· ·····

The six departments of the Ministry of Industry that Prince Fusu has set up specifically for the research of people's livelihood are very much in line with the current needs of their Mohist school in Xiangli Ji's opinion.

Therefore, Xiangli Ji also hopes to set up six more departments of the Ministry of Industry in addition to the military weapons and equipment departments that the Mohist school is currently responsible for.

In this way, they can continue to research, invent, and create new weapons and equipment for the Qin State, while at the same time they can also research, invent, and create some tools that are beneficial to the people's livelihood for the people of Qian.

The Mohist school will not let down either the Qin State or the people of Qian!

This is the righteous path that the Mohist school has always been eager to practice!

Looking at Xiangli Ji's expectant eyes, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng nodded slightly and said:


"Under the Ministry of Grain, a new department was established, named Gong. Under Gong, six departments were set up, and their responsibilities were as described by Tianmu."


"Among them, the head of the Ministry of Works and the relevant six departments will go back to Mohism to draw up a list and submit it to me."

Since he thought that the Qin State might perish in his hands, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng has only thought of one thing for the time being, that is, to win the hearts of the people!

He not only wants to win the hearts of the old Qin people, but also the hearts of the people of the six countries!

He doesn't believe that when the hearts of the people in the world are all his, the remnants of the six countries can still stir up any big waves.

So for this reason, all the external expansion that Emperor Qin Ying Zheng had in mind before was suspended and slowed down.

He only wanted to develop and build people's livelihood!

So that the people of the six countries can truly return to him as soon as possible!

And now the newly added Ministry of Works requested by Xiang Liji is divided into six departments, which are specifically responsible for researching, inventing, and creating tools that are beneficial to the people's livelihood.

Invisibly, it also conforms to his policy direction and helps him to win the hearts of the people in the world, so Emperor Qin Ying Zheng directly agreed to Xiang Liji's request.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xiang Liji immediately bowed and thanked.

Zhi Su Nei Shi also bowed his head and replied:"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Chunyu Yue and other Confucian disciples and other philosophers looked at them with envy and jealousy again.

First it was the historians, then the legalists, then the farmers, and now the Mohists. When will it be their turn to take off!

Prince Fusu on the sky, when can you open your eyes and see the excellence of our philosophers!

The doctors of other philosophers all sighed helplessly in their hearts.

Compared with the past when everyone was not valued by the First Emperor, now they are still not valued by the First Emperor, and the feeling that those philosophers who they didn't like in the past have taken off one after another is really too uncomfortable for them.

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