Fifteen days passed in a blink of an eye.

And a lot of things happened in these fifteen days.

For example, eight days ago, the sixteen princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty, representing Emperor Qin Yingzheng, set out from Xianyang City in a mighty manner to comfort the people of the world and convey the goodwill of the Qin Dynasty on behalf of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

Now, the sixteen princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty have almost visited nearly forty local counties in these eight days.

And the effect of the condolences was beyond the expectations of Emperor Qin Yingzheng.

It should be said that the people of this era are still very simple, or that the people of this era have very low requirements.

As long as the princes and princesses representing the first emperor can look down at them slightly, listen to the suffering they have suffered, and even just comfort them verbally.

Then they will feel satisfied.

So when the princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty told the people of all places that their sufferings and their expectations, the first emperor, who was far away in the Xianyang Palace, could hear and see them, and was also trying to solve them for them.

Then, after the solution was found, they were asked to wait patiently and not be coerced by the remnants of the six kingdoms and the traitors to rebel.

The people who had been comforted also patted their chests and answered that they would definitely not betray the Qin Dynasty or the First Emperor, and would definitely listen to the First Emperor's orders.

After that, the princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty told them that the Qin Dynasty was preparing the monument to the heroes and the Jingling Hall, and that the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and the six departments of the Ministry of Industry had been established simultaneously with the Tianmu. The people who had been comforted cheered and jumped for joy.

For a time, the people in the local counties who had been comforted had a sharp increase in their trust and favorability towards the Qin Dynasty and the First Emperor.

The local county officials of other local counties that had not been comforted by the princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty also received an urgent imperial edict from the central court ordering them to come forward to appease the people.

In the face of such an appeasement edict, the local officials of the counties that originally belonged to the Qin State all implemented the edict from the central court very well.

However, the counties and prefectures that originally belonged to the six countries, and the officials who were responsible for these local counties and prefectures, were not like this.

These local county and prefecture officials of the six countries either smiled coldly and threw the edict issued by the central court aside, pretending not to see it.

They just worked without effort and perfunctorily.

What's more, they took the opportunity to misinterpret the edict of the central court, arousing more dissatisfaction and resentment of the local people against the Qin Dynasty and the First Emperor.

And there is only one reason for this, that is, most of the officials who served as the local counties and prefectures of the six countries were not the old Qin officials from the Qin State.

Most of these local county and prefecture officials of the six countries were from the local clans, nobles, and gentry of the original six countries.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, the number of officials from the Qin people in the Qin State was too small to cover the six countries.

After all, the Qin Dynasty did not expect that they could sweep the six countries and unify the world so quickly.

After all, compared with the disputes among the princes that lasted for hundreds of years in the past, it is not an exaggeration to say that it took a nap in just ten years.

On the other hand, it was a goodwill that Qin deliberately released in order to win over the nobles of the former six countries.

At the same time, the nobles of the former six countries had a relatively high reputation in the local area, whether they were good or bad.

Temporarily letting these nobles of the former six countries govern the local area can also reduce the local people's resistance to Qin.

After all, compared with Qin officials who may not even speak the language, the officials of the six countries who speak the language of the six countries that the people of the six countries are more familiar with can make the people of the six countries more acceptable.

And the nobles of the six countries who wanted to rebel against Qin, such as Zhang Liang, also moved around and had some contacts in the past half month.

Even these nobles of the six countries also received the news that the tyrant Ying Zheng sent sixteen princes and princesses to tour the world and comfort the people.

At that time, these nobles of the six countries who wanted to rebel against Qin had discussed whether to assassinate these sixteen princes and princesses to avenge the tyrant Qin tyrant Ying Zheng's destruction of the country and family.

However, after this proposal was put forward and after a lot of discussion, they finally decided to temporarily abandon this plan.

Because first of all, it is not very meaningful.

After all, it is the tyrant Ying Zheng's sixteen sons and princesses who are touring the world and comforting the people, not the tyrant Ying Zheng himself.

If it is the tyrant Ying Zheng himself, then even if they risk their own death, they are not willing to assassinate the tyrant Ying Zheng.

But if it is the children of the tyrant Ying Zheng, then they are not willing to let them risk their lives to assassinate.

After all, even if they successfully assassinate a son or princess of the tyrant Ying Zheng, the tyrant Ying Zheng still has fifteen sons and princesses.

In addition to causing the tyrant Ying Zheng's anger, the actual harm to the tyrant Ying Zheng can only be said to be painless.

Even if they go a step further and assassinate all the sixteen sons and princesses sent by the tyrant Ying Zheng, the tyrant Ying Zheng still has several sons or princesses in the Xianyang Palace, which is not at all a dead end.

Similarly, in addition to causing greater anger to the tyrant Ying Zheng, it is actually difficult to cause a huge negative impact on the tyrant that is enough to shake the inheritance of the Qin Kingdom.

Secondly, the chance of real success is not great.

After all, there are 10,000 Qin warriors guarding each prince and princess.

Just relying on the remaining manpower in their hands after the fall of their homeland, even if they are all added up, they may not be the opponent of the 10,000 Qin warriors in the frontal battlefield.

There are even nobles from the six countries who think that these ten princes and princesses may be deliberately released by the tyrant Ying Zheng, a bait specifically for them.

Just waiting for the nobles of the six countries to rush up and assassinate them stupidly, and then the tyrant Ying Zheng will use the lives of one or several of his children to exchange for the lives of so many nobles from the six countries.

As soon as this speculation came out, many people immediately agreed.

Yes, this speculation is well-founded and very consistent with their impression of the tyrant Ying Zheng as cold-blooded and tyrannical.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the nobles of the six countries for assassinating the princes and princesses of the Qin Dynasty faded a little.

However, someone immediately pointed out that Fusu, the eldest prince of the Qin Dynasty, was also among the sixteen princes and princesses who were touring the world and comforting the people.

Don't they want to assassinate the eldest prince Fusu?

As soon as this was said, the nobles of the six countries present fell silent.

If it was Prince Fusu who toured the world and comforted the people instead of the eldest prince Fusu.

Then there is no doubt that even if they all paid their lives, they would be willing to exchange one for one with Prince Fusu.

In a sense, the degree of disgust of the nobles of the six countries for Prince Fusu is even far greater than that of the tyrant Ying Zheng.

Because the tyrant Ying Zheng at most destroyed their homeland and family, but they are still there and have a chance to make a comeback.

The previous prince Fusu, on the other hand, has knocked them down from their natural heights in terms of blood and power to the same dust as the humble people.

This is simply more infuriating than destroying their homeland and family.

However, it was only the eldest son Fusu, not the prince Fusu, who toured the world and comforted the people.

Compared with the prince Fusu who knocked them down and led the Qin Dynasty to another peak.

The current eldest son Fusu is likely to be the one on the sky who caused the Qin Dynasty to be shaky and let them find a chance to restore their country.

If they assassinated the eldest son Fusu, then would the future of the Qin Dynasty in this world change because of this?

If so, then has the future of the Qin Dynasty in this world changed for the better or for the worse?

Does the opportunity to restore their country that they may have originally exist?

No one can give an accurate and definite answer.

If they don't assassinate the eldest son Fusu, they are worried that he will become the prince Fusu on the sky, and then lead the world's Qin to another peak. If they assassinate the eldest son Fusu, they are even more worried that the future of the world's Qin will be changed by them, which will lead to their loss of the opportunity to restore the country.

So, all the nobles of the six countries were entangled in whether to assassinate the eldest son Fusu.

In the end, the nobles of the six countries thought for a long time and decided to wait and see.

Maybe the reason why the tyrant Ying Zheng asked the eldest son Fusu to come out to tour the world and comfort the people is that he didn't want to bear the infamy of killing his son.

Then give them the opportunity to assassinate the eldest son Fusu, and use them to get rid of the eldest son Fusu, so as to change the future of Qin.

They must not fall into the treacherous scheme of the tyrant Ying Zheng!

As soon as this speculation came out, many people immediately agreed.

So, the nobles of the six countries who wanted to rebel against Qin gathered together. Apart from eating and drinking, they didn't decide on anything else, let alone accomplish anything.

This shocked and disappointed Zhang Liang, who had carefully connected and organized this anti-Qin gathering.

He used to think that there were reasons for the demise of the six kingdoms, but after looking at the performance of the nobles of the other six kingdoms and comparing it with the performance of the noble officials of the Qin Kingdom,

Zhang Liang even felt that it was a bit abnormal that the six kingdoms had these useless nobles and were not destroyed by the Qin Kingdom.

After realizing that these useless teammates were not only unreliable, but might even implicate him in the future, Zhang Liang chose to work alone again, and at the same time, he was thinking about other ways to overthrow the Qin Kingdom.: @u_229757

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