On the day when the sky curtain was played again, everyone from Emperor Qin Ying Zheng to ordinary people stopped their work and watched the sky curtain in a comfortable way.

For example, Emperor Qin Ying Zheng prepared in advance this time.

Not only did he prepare bamboo slips and writing brushes for the civil and military officials to record, but he also asked the Shaofu Shangshiling to prepare food for the civil and military officials to fill their stomachs.

Some other nobles who stayed in their own mansions were even more wanton and moved their beds directly to the unobstructed courtyard.

After all, looking up at the sky curtain all the time is also a very hard thing for their necks.

At the same time, next to their bed blankets, there are all kinds of wine and food, which can be said to be quite relaxing.

As for other people, they are even more wanton, either lying directly on the ground, climbing up a tree, or leaning against their own walls, and so on.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the [Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu] sky curtain and the [Great Qin·Qin Taizong Fusu] sky curtain also gradually appeared out of thin air and lit up.

Looking at the gradually emerging sky curtain, Qin Emperor Ying Zheng sighed in his heart.

In the past half month, he has tried, including but not limited to: building an altar to worship the sky, asking for the sky curtain to appear; burning prayers in the ancestral temple, asking for the way to immortality from the sky curtain......

But unfortunately, even though he was the first emperor of Qin who conquered the six kingdoms and unified the world, there seemed to be nothing special about the sky curtain, which never responded and never manifested.

This dealt a serious blow to the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng's desire to know or achieve immortality through the sky curtain.

"Forget it. I can't be immortal for the time being, so I'll just give up for now."

"First, use the sky curtain to solve the current problems of the Qin Dynasty and make the Qin Dynasty last forever."

"After that, I will plan for immortality."

Qin Emperor Ying Zheng could only comfort himself in this way.

The people from all over the world who also saw the sky curtain emerge were all excited:

"It’s out, it’s out, the sky curtain is out again!"

"Last time, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had already set up six departments in the Ministry of Agriculture and six departments in the Ministry of Industry. I wonder if there have been any results so far."

"If there are results, that would be great. Maybe we can also benefit from it."

"His Highness Fusu is so smart, there will definitely be results!"

"His Royal Highness Prince Fusu has gathered so many smart people, and who knows how many powerful farming tools they have developed."

"Hey, Lao Lin, aren’t you a carpenter?"

"If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince on the sky screen develops better farming tools, see if you can imitate them.".........

The people of all quarters were discussing with their neighbors and villagers with great interest.

In the old land of the old Han, Zhang Liang, who had returned empty-handed from the anti-Qin gathering, looked at the sky curtain while holding a pen, ink and bamboo slips in his hands, ready to record at any time.

He no longer counted on the nobles of the other six countries and decided to continue to work alone.

If he wanted to work alone and succeed, he had to collect intelligence.

The future in the sky curtain of [Daqin·Eldest Prince Fusu] could well reveal a lot of information and intelligence that he didn't know at present.

Maybe there was an opportunity he wanted!

As for Zhang Liang's idea, the young Xiang Yu also agreed with him. He also thought that the nobles of the other six countries were trash. He was fooled by his uncle to read books for a few days before, and after his interest was exhausted, his uncles received a sneaky invitation to the gathering of the remaining six countries.

At first, the young Xiang Yu was still very interested in this opportunity. He wanted to see what the other nobles of the six countries who shared the same ideals with him in his uncle's mouth looked like.

As a result, after arriving, except for a guy named Zhang Liang, what he said at the beginning was a little interesting.

The others talked for a long time, but in the end, they were all farting and useless.

If his uncle hadn't stopped him, he would have beaten up the other nobles of the six countries who had talked for a long time and didn't make any decisions in the end.

At the same time, the young Xiang Yu suddenly had some understanding of what his uncle told him about Wu Qi.

I'm not afraid of god-like opponents, I'm afraid of pig-like teammates!

In the eyes of the young Xiang Yu, Wu Qi was not as brave as him in terms of personal martial arts, but he was still quite capable on the battlefield.

If it weren't for the waste nobles of the Chu State at that time, he felt that there should be very few generals of the other six countries who could beat Wu Qi at that time.

However, in the end, Wu Qi died, and died at the hands of those waste nobles of the Chu State.

This incident taught the young Xiang Yu a lesson, that is, before going to war, kill the pig teammates first!

As long as there are no pig teammates to drag him down, even if he is alone, he can overturn the entire situation and opponents.

But if there are bad teammates dragging him down, maybe the bad teammates and opponents will keep beating him to death!

Therefore, people still have to rely on themselves, and the nobles of the six countries are not worth planning with!

In the future, when the Qin Dynasty is rebellious, if the nobles of the other six countries are obedient, then he will treat the nobles of the six countries as if they are farts.

If the nobles of the other six countries are disobedient, then he will beat the nobles of the other six countries together.

After having this understanding, the young Xiang Yu suddenly lost interest in the nobles of the other six countries.

And now the only one who can still arouse his interest is probably the Prince Fusu on the sky.

Of course, he did not realize how outstanding Prince Fusu was. It was purely because his uncle kept whispering in his ear, asking him to learn from Prince Fusu's way of dealing with people and doing things, so that���After hearing so much, Xiang Yu became rebellious.

While he wanted to pick on Prince Fusu, he couldn't help but pay more attention to Prince Fusu on the screen.

In addition, people like Liu Ji and Fan Kuai from Pei County, as well as Xiao He, Cao Shen, and Han Xin from Huaiyin County, all looked up at the screen with their own thoughts.

But what they didn't expect was that the screen [Da Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu] was not played this time.

Then everyone stared at the screen [Da Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu], and the news from somewhere told them

【When the Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu】sky curtain was first played, it had already played to the time point when Fusu in their world was currently 20 years old.

Only when the time point of Qin Taizong·Fusu in the sky curtain of [Great Qin·Qin Taizong Fusu] also reached the time point after 20 years old,

【The [Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu] sky curtain will then continue to play the scenes of the eldest prince Fusu after he was twenty years old.

Feeling this news in his mind, Zhang Liang, who was originally holding the pen, ink, and bamboo slips, dropped the pen, ink, and bamboo slips on the spot.

After a long while, Zhang Liang picked them up again with an expressionless face.

At the same time, everyone truly realized what it meant that there is no gap without comparison.

The first twenty years of the eldest prince Fusu's life, when [Great Qin·Eldest Prince Fusu] sky curtain was played for the first time, it was finished in less than half an hour.

And the first twenty years of the first half of the life of the crown prince Fusu, when [Great Qin·Qin Taizong Fusu] sky curtain was played for four or five hours in a row, it only played the things when the crown prince Fusu was just six years old.

According to this progress, if you want to play the things when the crown prince Fusu was twenty years old, you may have to wait for a year and a half.

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But if you think about it carefully, it is normal to have such obvious differences.

After all, the eldest son Fusu spent most of the fifteen years from the age of five to twenty in various readings.

In the next two or three years, although he could attend court, it was limited to attending court.

At the age of twenty, he could truly rule the country.

As a result, as soon as he took power, he displeased the First Emperor in the discussion on the county system and the feudal system, and was even reprimanded.

This was the first half of the life of the eldest son Fusu in the first twenty years.

On the contrary, Prince Fusu was born smart and ambitious.

The emperor had six ministers, and he wanted to have four.

The King of Qin had nine ministers, and he wanted to have six ministries.

Compared with the first half of the life of the eldest son Fusu, each one of these things was extremely exciting.

So Tianmu did not continue to broadcast the eldest son Fusu this time, but continued to broadcast the story of Prince Fusu.

In addition to the nobles of the six countries who expressed their disapproval, others also hoped to see what happened to Prince Fusu next.

And under the expectation or not of the crowd, [Daqin·Qin Taizong Fusu] continued to play from the last content

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【After the establishment of the six ministries of the crown prince and the division of the six ministries,】

【After much deliberation, the six-year-old Prince Fusu finally decided to spend most of this year studying the classics of the Agricultural School and the Mohist School.】

【The reason for this decision was that, on the one hand, Prince Fusu felt that the military merit system had its drawbacks.】

【However, this drawback will not begin to show up until the Qin Dynasty has conquered the six kingdoms and truly unified the world.】

【Although the Qin Dynasty is strong, it is estimated that in the next three to five years, it will not be able to completely wipe out the six kingdoms and unify the world.】

【Therefore, he still has enough time to slowly think about how to solve the Qin Dynasty's military merit system.】

【At most, he will spend most of his time next year studying the Legalist school.】

【After he finishes studying Legalism, he should be able to come up with a reasonable way to replace the military merit system.】

【If next year is not enough, then he will continue to spend the next few years on this. I think he should be able to come up with a solution.】

【Even though he couldn't figure it out, he had already seen the drawbacks behind the military merit system and told his father about it.】

【The civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty, especially the Chief Justice Li Shi, were very innovative in the study of the Legalists.】

【I think even without him, Master Li could come up with a perfect solution.】

【On the other hand, Xu Zi of the Nong family and Mo Jie of the Mo family happened to be under his six princes.】

【As the saying goes, the one who is close to the water gets the moon first. Xu Zi and Mo Jie are right beside him. It is very convenient for Xu Zi and Mo Jie to teach him or for him to ask Xu Zi and Mo Jie for advice.】

【He is also a person who doesn't like trouble.】

【Another aspect is that he also hopes to learn more about the Agricultural School and the Mohist School after reading the words of the Agricultural School and the Mohist School.】

【In this way, he might be able to offer some useful suggestions for the research of the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture or the six departments of the Ministry of Industry.】

【Then let the six departments of the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Industry work out something more useful for the people as soon as possible.】

【So with this in mind, Prince Fusu also read the words of"Nongjia" and"Mojia" with peace of mind. 】VIII.: @u_229757

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